Hull repair on the easy


Jan 13, 2006
My next door neighbor managed to damaged the bottom of his boat loading it on the trailer dunno how he did but he did. I just dont have the time to glass it up and re gel it so will maine-tex hold as a substitution..The scrape is 4 feet long and about 1" wide the glass was shattered off. I know i can blend and sand it to the point of being undetectable but will the marine tex stay bonded or hold up...The damage starts at the bow tip and runs 4' back
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
If it's down to the glass fibers, you really should use resin and some CSM. Once you Put an Epoxy based product on it, you're pretty much locked in. Poly won't adhere to Epoxy ever again. I KNOW that's not what you wanted to hear. That repair can be done fairly easy with some plastic and some CSM. Lay a 5ft long by 10" wide piece of plastic sheeting on your bench. Cut 2 layers of CSM one 3" and one 5" wide and lay em on the plastic biggest one first. Sand the damaged area and clean with acetone. Coat the area with resin and then wet out the patches on the plastic. Carry the patches on the plastic to the boat and apply the patch to the area with your hands using the plastic as a backer. Use your hands to smooth the patch into place. and keep working it. As it starts to set, use a bond spreader to smooth it out even more. Once it kicks, you can peel the plastic off. Sand and fair and then mix up some 3M Premium Filler to make it even smoother. If it's a white hull you can roll on 2-3 coats of gel coat and do a bit of sanding and she'll be almost un-noticeable. This is about a 4 hour job. Maybe less if you have everything on hand and he helps you. It IS the right way to do it!!!;):D


Jul 28, 2009
Wog - You make it sound so easy. But even so, I'll be sticking with tin hulls.:)