How to winterize aq 125a and 270 stern drive


Nov 7, 2008
Hey Guys
I just bought this boat in time to put her up for winter and don.t have a clue.
I know it doesn't use sea water to cool so I,m assuming I must make sure theres antifreeze in the cooler?
Dec 29, 2008
Re: How to winterize aq 125a and 270 stern drive

I pull the drain plugs on my exhaust manifolds, disconnect and drain all the lines that hold seawater.

Two lines that go into the impellar, two lines that go into the echaust. Then I pour a little antifreeze into each cavity that may not completly drain, like the exhaust manifolds.

If i have been in murky water (I'm in nevada it is almost all murky), I flush with fresh water first and pull the cover off my raw water impellar and wash and lube it. Some say you should replace it every year, I have used mine for 3 years and it still looks fine.

If your boat stays out in the winter, be sure to leave your bilge drain out, you may collect water in your bilge that can freeze and cause hull damage.
