How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 31, 2010
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

No trespassing sign AND
Dummy security camera and warning sign

Malibu Rudder

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 10, 2012
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

I previously had problems with boats being in my leased slip at the marina whenever I was ready to come in. I got tired of walking the hill leading to the bar and asking them to leave every weekend. I finally put up a private sign and no trespassing and not once has someone used my slip . My offenders claimed they did not know but it was a lift slip......"Rude"


Aug 2, 2004
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

I don't know but there must be some kind of removeable dock cleats, or something home-made, that can be removed when you're away...? A dock without anything to tie on is pretty useless.

A 10 in. 1/4" flat bar on which you weld 2 short pins (1/2" x 1 1/2", with a small hole drilled near the top) 8" apart and bolted to the dock come to mind. When you arrive, you slip the cleat on the pins and secure it with lynch pins...
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May 30, 2011
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

My family had a cottage on Rice Lake when I was a kid and I remember a similar incident. Dad promptly called the OPP and 15 minutes later most were in the back of an OPP van. Never had a problem after that.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 15, 2013
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

Some crime scene tape and a chalk outline on the pier? :D


Aug 2, 2004
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

I don't know but there must be some kind of removeable dock cleats, or something home-made, that can be removed when you're away...? A dock without anything to tie on is pretty useless.

A 10 in. 1/4" flat bar on which you weld 2 short pins (1/2" x 1 1/2", with a small hole drilled near the top) 8" apart and bolted to the dock come to mind. When you arrive, you slip the cleat on the pins and secure it with lynch pins...

Forgot to add: if there's posts it's useless, they'll simply tie to the posts...
Mar 1, 2005
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

Untie their boat. Tie yours up to the dock. Sit calmly with shotgun at the ready.

Seriously though, there is not much that you can do that is effective. Certainly put up signs that clearly indicate it is a private dock.
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 6, 2012
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

OP, what did you do? How did you handle it?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

Thanks all for the great suggestions. Some good ideas to consider. I haven't decided yet (my fave is the police tape and chalk outline! Reminds me of that radio comedy sketch where a telemarketer calls and the guy called pretends to be homicide detective in the middle of an investigation at the location that was called).

The signage is a good idea, but my concern is that there are many similar docks on the lake and none are signed. As we are new to the area, I don't want to stick out like a snob. At the same time, I can't have people using my stuff and dmaging it when I'm not there.

Unfortuatly, removable cleats won't work because they can just tie to the posts. In fact, the offender did just that and that is what damaged the dock (pulled the posts loose with the big boat) .

I will probably try to come up with a semi-subtle way to make the dock a hassle to use - like a couple of bars padlocked down that protrude from the middle of the dock sides where one would tie up.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 23, 2012
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

Take a leaf out of the auto parking....
Illegal docking of boats on this private property may result in the vessel being towed or made immobile.
Then I would hope they are good swimmers.
Seriously I would have thought that a Posted Notice stating clearly that it is Private Property and that Trespassers will be reported to the Police should be enough to get them to move on somewhere else.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

I too like the crime scene idea and add a sign saying "last unauthorized trespasser" in the chalk outline.

Seriously, what I would do is construct a nice looking sign, not one of the red and black eye sores. Take some of your scrap ply from the deck/transom rebuild and create a nice looking framed sign with raised wood letters with your last name or something such as "The BillaVista's" would immediately let others know it's private without saying it directly or seeming snobish.


Jul 31, 2012
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

My father in law got sued from someone tripping on their dock who should not have been on their dock, it went to court, was asked if he had a do not trespass sign. He did not. He lost the case for nearly $15k.

He put up a no trespassing sign and then got in trouble with the state association - since you can't put up no trespassing signs on the technically state land.

Figure that one out.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 30, 2012
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

I think a "Private Dock" sign accompanied with a "This property protected by Smith and Wesson" sign will do the trick.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 18, 2007
Re: How to keep people from using your dock when you're not there?

It really bugs me. I went to the lake house yesterday and found 4 wheeler tracks all over the back yard and on the beach. Can't use the place as much as I want and other people use it unwelcome. Wish I could set landmines. Its out in the woods and the Sheriff's Office can't really help because its deep woods and they only have so much man power to cover the county.