I recently purchased a 1992 Mercury 40 hp 2 stroke motor and boat. Just recently downsized from my 22' as it was getting a bit much for this 73 yr old to get on and off the trailer. With allbthe kids grown and living elsewhere, I find myself going it alone much of the time. My last OB was a 1979 Johnson 70 hp three cylinder, and it was an excellent motor for me. That motor used a 6 gallon tank of fuel in about 45-50 minutes when running hard. I was expecting about an hour and a half of run time on this new to me 40. Finally had a chance to monitor fuel comsumption on this Merc. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it only used 3 gallons of 89 octane fuel in over 4 hours of run time, most of that 4 plus hrs was hard running at 4200-4800 rpm. While not new, it is a big improvement over the 70/80's era of OB's. This is still a carb version 4 cylinder model, and to me this fuel economy is excellent. Anyone considering one of these, go for it, definetly easy on gas !!