How DO we get out.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: How DO we get out.

How does this war benefit the priveledged few, specifically? <br /><br />Stay on topic.<br /><br />You just spouted off every liberal talking point with no logical reason. This has nothing to do with corporate America. And you think for yourself?<br /><br />That was the worst post yet. You need to be specific with your arguments.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: How DO we get out.

We will keep fighting one way or the other until the terrorism that threatens us and has already attacked us is erradicated. <br /><br />We will protect our country. Get used to it.


Sep 29, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

another good friend informed me yesterday he's headed over for 6 months. i'd like to hear something about the pullout or how to define when this crap is over.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

David, I did answer the orginal question, but then I rethought the question and realized, WHY THE HECK ARE SO MANY PEOPLE ASKING? Its because it just another liberal tactic to knock GWB. Every person with half a brain knows the answer, but the media still keeps asking as if GWB hasnt answered.<br /><br />DO you really believe GWB got into Iraq simply for the money. If he is that scheming, then why the heck didnt he have enough brains to plant some WMD in Iraq. You know he has all these friends in high places, he could have easily pulled it off.<br /><br />FYI, Halliburton KBR hasnt made a whole heck of a lot of money on this operation. In fact, they are trying to sell it off, cause it is pulling down the rest of the company.<br /><br />Ken


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 15, 2005
Re: How DO we get out.

quote by David L. Moore<br />__________________________________________________<br />We will never eradicate terrorism. At least not until we eradicate the world of all religions except one. <br />__________________________________________________<br />David that’s religious persecution THE SAME THING HITLER DID TO THE JEWS. David what’s next the color of ones skin, eyes, gender, ethnicity? Dave spoken like a true racist.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

mattt, your commander in chief has already answered the question, dont be such a sucker for the liberal media.<br /><br />Ken


Jul 31, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

JB and tony85 are on target.<br /><br />in 1945, 700+ died on the USS Franklin from a Japanese bomb<br /><br />6,000+ died taking Iwo Jima<br /><br />12,000+ died taking Okinawa, 55,000+ wounded.<br /><br />We've lost about 1,800+ in Iraq in 2 years.<br /><br />what's the difference...Our nation has become wussified (and that's not the word I wanted to use). As a nation, we backed our president and our troops back then. <br /><br />Japan attacked us (a military base at that). The Islamic terrorist attacked us too, except they attacked innocent civilians. We have become too PC for our own good. These terrorist need to be dealt with, and if we leave now, we will suffer more in the long run. These criminals can behead innocent journalist, but we take a few nekid pictures and we're the bad guy....GIVE ME A FRIGGIN BREAK! <br /><br />Yes, our military men and women are in harms way. You don't JOIN (voluntarilly) thinking you will never go to war. It's always a possiblility. They can take the benefits of college education. Part of that price is the fact that if we go to war...WHICH WE ARE AT WAR, the price is steep. Freedom is not FREE! <br /><br />To think that our WWII vets put their life of the line to defend freedom and nations that could not defend themselves would be rolling in their graves knowing we are weak and afraid to shed a little blood. Any life lost is a tradegy, but their ultimate sacrifice protects our way of life....Freedom...<br /><br />So quit complaining....back YOUR president and OUR soldiers. We owe them everything!<br /><br />War is not on a time table. It's over when the objective is accomplished. Our objective is to PROTECT AMERICA so you left wing communist's can complain about our way of life. Go somewhere else. You are a disease on our way of life and what our founding fathers stood for!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: How DO we get out.

Give David a second to respond. He has to refer back to his liberal play book. Don't forget the chapter on the environment. You forgot to mention that in your rant above.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: How DO we get out.

Here's a proposal...we pull out...just leave, as is, where is.<br /><br />Wait six months, see who's in power, then go back with lessons learned & take 'em out for good.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

i'm sorry but i can't answer the original question - please refer to MSM for more details. in case you aren't satisfied with what you're getting from the WH.<br /><br />this topic reminds me of that austin powers movie spot, with the broken record part of "evacuation compl..evacuation comp...evacuatio..evacuat..ahh evacuation complete" :)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: How DO we get out.

David, read my post. I answered the question, exactly.<br /><br />If it isn't the answer you wanted that is your problem, not mine.<br /><br />Major conflict and war are NOT the same thing. Your claim that intelligence existed that there were no WMDs is nonsense. The US Congress had the same intelligence that W had. If he lied, they all lied, INCLUDING John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.<br /><br />Conspiracy theories, uh, excuse me, fanatasies abound among the ignorant who take gossip as fact. It is the dishonest who are so quick to accuse others of dishonesty.<br /><br />I am sick of seditious Bush bashing. You all tick me off with your baseless accusations. If you want to play dirty and throw mud, be prepared to duck.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: How DO we get out.

Originally posted by David L. Moore:<br /> <br />Call me a troll, I don’t care. I can think for myself, therefore I am ………….<br />more intelligent than the average republican party member.
Just because you "think for yourself" does not mean you are correct. And even if you are smarter than I am (don't take that as an admission), you are still WRONG. I know a certifiable genius who is even more wrong than you are wityh his irrational world views.<br /><br />-dd-


Apr 21, 2004
Re: How DO we get out.

I see there are still a significant number that are still sluggung down that kool-aid, but there seems to be a growing number that want to return to reality, which is a good sign, I guess.<br /><br />Now how to get out?? At this point, we have to wait and see what the new constitution brings, hope somehow they can avoid an all out civil war, praise the new government such as it is, hand over the keys and leave.<br /><br />And hopefully learn our lesson about the pitfalls of attempting nation building


Sep 29, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

i'm tired of hearing comparisons to past wars. so because ONLY 1200 troops have died and our people are not happy with the situation, there is a problem with america? our #1 goal should always be to leave and end this thing. that's what i want to hear from my CINC. then he can define how we get there. being at war should not be the norm. define the end to justify the means.<br /><br />i don't bash the pres, just expect the guidance and leadership. we went in and eliminated a controling govt in record time, due to the strength and capabilties of our military and their leaders. it is now time for the govt to do their part. and i think they have failed us to some extent.<br /><br />know why my bud volunteered for iraq this week? because the rumors flying around say the volunteer tour will soon extend to 1 year, vice 6 months. he figures get it done now.<br /><br />which leads me to another thing- communication has been poor throughout this whole campaign. as an officer, i would be the first to see message traffic, info coming down from the commanders, who get info from the politicians. nothing. if i'm not hearing anything, imagine how the troops feel?<br /><br />in summary, i don't think the answer is to leave, and we most likely need to remain in iraq and afghanistan in some capacity for a very long time. but the handling of this "conflict" from the top has been sub par at best. as a leader, i've always been taught you need a plan. whether it's right or wrong, you define the plan, stick to it, adjust on the go, but keep moving towards the goal. if the pres got on tv, defined our plan in concrete terms, and told us how he plans to lead us along that path, i'd feel much better.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How DO we get out.

Let look at the USA's track record on Nation Building.<br /><br />Germany....strongest economy in all of Europe.<br />Japan...strongest economy in Asia<br />Korea...very strong economy<br /><br />These were done in the good ole days where people realized you have to break some eggs to make an omlette.<br /><br />Since then we have tried the get in, get out method and it has failed.<br /><br />Seems to me the only people that should be pulled out of Iraq are the media.<br /><br />Ken

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: How DO we get out.

Originally posted by KenImpZoom:<br /> Let look at the USA's track record on Nation Building.<br /><br />Germany....strongest economy in all of Europe.<br />Japan...strongest economy in Asia<br />Korea...very strong economy<br /><br />These were done in the good ole days where people realized you have to break some eggs to make an omlette.<br /><br />Since then we have tried the get in, get out method and it has failed.<br /><br />Seems to me the only people that should be pulled out of Iraq are the media.<br /><br />Ken
I'm in agreement with this post, however let me add that our WW2 adversaries were industrial nations. The arabs with the advent of the discovery of vast deposits of oil and gas reserves, became gigantic consumers of manufactured goods and services escalating them from the iron age directly to the technological age, their manufacturing capablities are little to none, these countries missed the industrial revoloution therefore we have to remain in Iraq for a very long time, call it nation building or whatever, a country with a population of twenty plus million idle hands and an unending supply of weapons is a danger to the rest of the civilised world.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: How DO we get out.

Originally posted by mattttt25:<br /> i'm tired of hearing comparisons to past wars. so because ONLY 1200 troops have died and our people are not happy with the situation, there is a problem with america?
You are being presumptuous at best to suggest that your views are the mainstream views of America. The problem is the fact that many who share your views are spewing their politically-motivated hatred all over this country and are essentially allying themselves with those who have vowed to either convert us to Islam or kill us all.<br /><br />I'd say that those who show willingness to sell out the country's prospects for survival into the 22nd Century are manifesting severe cases of cranial rectumitus.<br /><br />By the way, the President has been very clear as to when we will leave Iraq. I guess you just won't hear what you don't want to hear when you're a sycophant of the likes of Ted Kennedy. I have a lot of little neices and nephews who may not live to have neices and nephews and kids of their own thanks to certain politicians who are essentially W_hores---and those who buy into their tripe. Bunch of lily-livered wimps and sellouts. :mad:

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: How DO we get out.

We tuck tail and run. We let the lunatics have their way for a while. We take the big one(s) when it comes. We then go Roman, starting at home first. We live in peace for a century thereafter.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 12, 2005
Re: How DO we get out.

Originally posted by Ralph:<br /> We tuck tail and run. We let the lunatics have their way for a while. We take the big one(s) when it comes. We then go Roman, starting at home first. We live in peace for a century thereafter.
No, we stay the course, and continue on, as per the last election results… and very likely the anti-war anti-Bush (war for oil types) will again succeeded in helping produce another Republican win in ’06 and ultimately in ’08.<br /><br />I hesitate to inform you Dem’s, but the problem with you Dem’s is that you are not superior and smarter than the American people… <br /><br />You are convinced that you are superior, however, and because you have been rejected twice, you are vexed and perplexed. <br /><br />I know… it’s lonely at the top as the masses continue to reject you, further isolating you and bolstering your view of just how stupid people are. It must be maddening to be so smart and aware and SO right, and be rejected by those whom you think of as tobacco chewing in breeders. And a President with no nuance… no verbal feint … a President looking at reality and speaking thus to the average American…!<br /><br />How disheartening it must be to look out at our country… shaking your heads in utter dismay that the country isn’t up to your standards and level of sophistication! <br /><br />Fact is you Dem’s, especially the anti-Bush crazed Dem’s, have been riding on the backs of the “Average American” for years. Those “dumb-assed” Red Staters have been carrying your asses. These are the people who have jobs and don’t post three-hundred times a day on various forums, complaining about nuance and shades of grey, but who volunteer to join the military and speak well of their country. And these people, whom you despise, beat you, and that is your vexation. <br /><br />The beauty-part is your anti-war, anti-Bush… and I dare say, anti American trolling, will continue to conflict with the so-called “average” voter, and further bring you down. <br /><br />Three points:<br /><br />1) The sixties are over and most people today realize that the sixties’ years were a setback for the country.<br /><br />2) Bush won the election, twice.<br /><br />3) The more you criticize Bush and thus the majority who elected him, the more you become marginalized and virtually guarantee future Republican election wins. <br /><br />You guys, being the smartest and the all-knowing beings on the planet, the most intelligent and capable Seers of Mankind… tell me… how come you can’t pool your vastly superior intellect and all-knowing resources and win an election? You know we are dumb-asses… you feel it and argue it every day. You know we are stupid… <spit… ding…> < right into the spittoon> so why can’t you win us over… you know, as stupid and manipulative as we are… the American masses?