How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
I've got a '58 Arkansas Traveler runabout.In the process of stripping all of the hardware out and prepping for a new sole and painting, I've discovered that the stringers are all "worm dirt".before removal <br />I've spent four hours trying to remove ONE section<br />with my little Dremel cutter,cutting underneath the stringer thru the fiberglass After removal.It's turning into a long,hard job.Any clue on how to get these things out without spending a ton on power tools? I'm trying my best not to cut into the actual hull.So far, so good. Just wish there was a way to do it quicker.The farther I get toward the back of the boat, the more rotten these things become, so I suspect it will become less difficut getting the wood out. The fiberglass is a true pain to cut thru, however.It's given me a lot of faith in the structural properties of the stuff...


Sep 10, 2004
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

I would try a die grinder with a cut off wheel and stay about 1/2" away from the hull


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

A 4" Grinder with a Grinding Disc is Your Best Friend when rebuilding a Glass Boat.........


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2004
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

what bondo said, and a respirator. Also a crowbar works to dig it all out, and a shop vac. This part of the rebuild is the worst, just keep at it. i used my 4" grinder with a real thin disk, and cut them out fiberglass and all then I ground down the inside of the hull smooth.<br /><br />It won't be long, youl be putting it back together, and at that point it gets a little easier. <br /><br /> your wallet gets lighter as the days go by :D


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2004
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Harbor Freight has a 7" sander,they go on sale for around $20.00 from time to time.You can get the disk there too,5 for around $8.00.The disk go a long way.<br />Try to get some of those white paper suits,use gloves.Duck tape the sleves and gloves.If you put on a pair of rubber boots,do the same there.Dust mask is a must!

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Saw-Zaw with a 8-10 inch blade ( metal cutting )<br />will be super fast and should have minimal grinding afterwards. :) <br /><br />I could have both those stringers out in 20 minutes without having all that glass dust.<br /><br />PS. you will have to grind the glass on the hull about 6 inches from your stringer for new stringer lamination.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 26, 2003
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Sawzall like Dr said and the longest blade ya can get you can flex it and cut pretty well flush with the floor. Rent it if ya dont own one , variable speed please.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

ditto to Yacht Doc and Maxi. You can get it here cheap and it's always good to have around.<br /><br /> <br /><br />also, what bondo said. the 4" cut off grinder is a must have for cleaning things up.<br /><br /> <br /><br />These are not the tools you'd want to make a living with but they will serve you well for your boat project and any other home projects that you will undoubtedly use them for if you have them on hand.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

The grinder I've got, plus a good quality sander.The Saw is a must have, apparently. Looks like I've gotta have one. Also found out that the amount of dust this creates has coated my entire garage, not to mention my lungs.The little dust mask doesn't seem to do the trick.I'm gonna have to get myself a respirator for this.I'll post more photos as this progresses.You guys are a great help,and I really appreciate it.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

I use a sawzall and it's ok but wouldn't spend the bucks for just one small boat project. Rent one instead. I tend to use a skillsaw on stringer/floor jobs more than the sawzall.<br /><br />Clean your electric hand tools with a vacuum after grinding every time. Fiberglass dust will shorten their life in a big way. <br /><br />One trick to keep the "cloud o dust" away while grinding is to have a fan suck it away. In fiberglass production they use booths with large fans at one end pulling air out. You only get dust up to your forearm when grinding. Hard to do at home as good but the idea is the same. Get a 3M respirator for grinding and you wont be tasting resin.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

OK.Here's what I've got.I've created a balloon around the boat using a couple of plastic drop cloths that I've taped to the floor and pretty much "encapsulated" the entire boat.This should keep down the dust in the garage.Hooked up an old Dirt Devil vac thru a small hole to keep the air halfway moving inside.Also use this to vac up the leftovers.Got myself a 3M respirator after tasting the stuff for two days (great idea, BillP,Bondo,and Jimmythekid!Thank You Gentlemen!).Also splurged on a couple of those paper "space suits", so I don't share my joy thru the rest of the house.The crap itches something fierce.Went ahead and ordered a couple of those fine "Disposable" tools from the Harbor freight folks (Thank you, Boomyal!)They've got a whole bunch of goodies that I just have to have for no particular reason.I'm gonna wait until the tools get here and then blast thru this so I can enjoy the rest of my little project.Now I have to figure out if I can actually paint the thing...<br />Think I'll add a new post for that.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

We have a HarborFreight store locally and I buy stuff there too. Bought one of their variable sp sander/polishers last yr for $25 on sale. Much lighter and easier to use than my high speed industrial one. They also have disposable brushes for resin by the box cheap...I use 2".<br /><br />A couple more things to make grinding life easier. Tape your shirt sleeves tight around your wrists and button the collar tight. Order a box of disposable gloves from HarborFreight and wear them while sanding. On sale price is around $3.50 per 100. If you really crank the sander up (4500 rpm type)the dust can get into your eyes badly. I wear soft goggles that fit the face all around. If you use a variable speed sander at low rpms it won't be so bad but just take longer. I normally grind with 36 grit @ 4500 to get it over with quickly.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Geeko, I also used the 'sawzall' to cut the foam out. I just used a long blade, ran it down the stringers just letting the tip of the blade kiss the hull. The I crosscut the blocks and popped them out with a flat prybar. Then it was just a matter of scrapping the hull with various putty knives.<br /><br />edit: Ooops! just went back and looked at your pics again. You've already passed that stage.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Boomyal, That one little stringer in the photo took me four hours to get out with a tiny little Dremel cutter and a prybar.That's the reason I've ordered myself some better tools.Needed them anyway for the home projects.<br />I love the Harbor Freight site.Wish there was a store here in Atlanta.You can't beat those prices.<br />Already got my "space suit",gloves, duct tape, etc.Just waiting on the tools now.Really want this thing painted and floating by Fall.

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Buy some baby powder..before your grind..dump it down the arms and leggings of your suit.. ( baby pow clogges the pores)<br /><br />If your still Itchy then take a hot shower..HOT!..while still hot..spray some thick shaving cream over your itchy spots ..let them sit for a min..go back into hot water..rub gently with grain of skin..then switch to COLDish water fast !! rub and rinse...then get a loofa pad..scrub the crap outa yourself in coldish water..most itchy will be gone now :)


May 17, 2001
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

My favorite tool for removing stringers and other stuff is an electric chain saw. It doesn't make all the powder like sawzalls and grinders. It leaves bigger pieces that won't float in the air. Of course you better know what your doing and have experience with it. It cuts the time in half even over the other tools mentioned. <br /><br />I like the results that the chainsaw leaves. It tends to expose and fray the fibers on the surface that you are going to recover. This makes for a better adhesion.<br /><br />I know some of you are going "What? I would never do that"! Well don't if you don't feel safe using it. But I know it works for me. I picked this tip up from another iboat member and I'm glad he passed it onto me. Has saved me countless hours of prep work. Just my 2 cents worth.

Richard Petersen

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 17, 2004
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

Maybe I can help to. I remove tree stumps with Dynamite. :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 28, 2004
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

i just did mine ,,,,buy lots of blades for everything i could do alot with a saws all ,with three different size blades for different things,,,,,you gotta figure out how to use it though....some area you gotta hold it at an angle only letting 1 or 2 inchis of the end part of a short blade do the work other times a very long flexable blade would do the trick,,,,,i tried a skill saw and the blade just got hot and warped and smoked ,,,tryed a jig saw but it kept hitting the fiberglass hull bending then breaking ,,,,,,4 inch angle grinder with cutt off wheel ,pretty much cuts wood crappy and lots of smoke.....good on fiberglass though ...yep skill saw ....and saws all with lots of blades get my vote so far ,,,,and taking time the first time around...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How Do I remove Rotten Stringers??

The chain saw sounds interesting,if not a little extreme. I just happen to have an electric chain saw.Gave $30 for it at the Home Depot.Personally don't thing it was worth that much money.Worthless crap..<br />I don't feel comfortable using that thing on the boat.I tend to shake too much when I don't get my Bourbon :D . Really,I don't trust myself with the thing that close to the hull.Still waiting on my "Saw-it-all" from Harbor Freight.I think they ship from California to Georgia in a canoe via the Panama Canal.In the meanwhile, I've been sanding like a madman.Also ordered a new steering system for the "Evinrude that might run".It's coming together,albiet VERY slowly,and Trout season is about to start.....