How do I remove a flywheel??


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
It's my old 1958 18HP Fast Twin Electric Start.I finally had time to build a wiring harness and purchase an ignition switch.Everything went great even without my reading glasses.The back of the ignition switch, I noticed,has the connectors a bit too close together.Looks like I left a tiny little vestige of a wire protruding from the crimp.It appears that it touched another connector on the ignition switch.I know I should have put the freakin' reading glasses on and put down the bourbon, but.....<br />At any rate, the wiring harness and ignition switch work like a charm.I flicked that puppy to the "on" position and (By the way, I really LOVE that push-to-choke feature)I hear a nice loud FIZZZZ,and then an even louder POP, followed by a very visible trail of smoke coming from below the flywheel.It also emitted quite a large amount of the ubiquitous burned electric smell.Looks to me liek I pretty much fried the coils,points,capacitors,and the shut-off switch, if I even have one of those.If I do,I can't see it.Might as well go ahead and replace the plug wires while I'm in the mood. I realize that some of you guys are probably laughing your,ugh,lower units off at this point, but I also realize that I think that's why I'm here in the first place.I provide the entertainment,right?<br />My usual stupid question:<br />How in the hell do you get this flywheel off to acces all of these goodies that I've managed to turn into charcoal? The Seloc manual mentions a "special" flywheel puller that yanks the thing off from the inside of the flywheel (even has a photo!!), as opposed to the usual gear puller that yanks off from the outside of the gear.The normal puller would warp or break the flywheel, I'm led to understand.I am firmly convinced that this "special" tool exists only in the Seloc manual as I can not find it anywhere,nor does anyone I talk to in my area have any clue what I'm talking about.The web seem to be no help as well.I have inquired about this tool at many large chain marine supply stores (West Marine,BoatsUS,yada,yada)They look at me as if I'm nuts.Come to think of it,anytime I mention anything older than 1995,I usually encounter the <br />drooling-deer-in-headlights expression from these fine employees at these locations.<br />Bottom line:Can I take a rubber hammer and a torch to this thing and expect to get it off? Looks like if I heat it up a bit and bang the crap out of it, it should come off..<br />If it breaks,I didn't need it anyway.And another thing,Why are all of the ignition components located under the freakin' flywheel in the first place? Geeezzz!!<br />That's my rant.I welcome yours.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 13, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

I just got one off of a 140 'rude by using a steel plate that I drilled holes in. I used a piece of tranparencey paper to lay out the threaded holes in the top of the flywheel and used a nut on the mainbolt for leverage. Think about it for minute and you'll get the gist. There's most likely threaded holes in the top of the flywheel, use them to pull with and use crankshaft to push against.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

That makes great sense,but I have exactly ONE threaded hole right in the middle of the flywheel.Remember, this is an old motor and a relatively small flywheel.Think that would work with the one hole?

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

An automotive "Harmonic Ballancer Puller" and three high grade (5 or 8) 1/4"-20TPI bolts 3 or 4" long is the quick & cheap method:<br />
<br />(you'll have to remove the pull-start ratchet bolts)<br />Bang the crap out of it and you'll end up with a mushroomed crankshaft. Been there, done that as they say.<br /><br />Sounds like you've got 12v going into the outboard's ignition system somehow. But I guess you already know that. :p


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 5, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Paul, that's exactly what I did for my 6 hp. Geek- do put on the reading glasses- my pair cost $1.99 at local dollar store- and forego the bourbon.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Rear Admiral Paul to the rescue again!! Oh yeah, I had the 12 volt snaking right up to the plugs thanks to a errant wire about the size of a HAIR.That's been fixed now.Reading glasses stay on from here out as well.Thanks everybody!<br />Forego Bourbon? Never.Not Ever.


Jul 30, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

I have, in an emergency and in a fit of anger, used the "pry up on flywheel and smack the end of crankshaft with a hammer" method and it has worked. Don't want to use this method too much. A harmonic balancer or steering wheel puller works better.<br /> :) :)


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 17, 2003
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Harbor Freight has the puller for $10 and the flywheel holder for $8. The hardware store has 4" 1/4X20TPI hardened bolts for 21 cents ea.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

I happen to have the Seloc special tool.It is much like the harmonic puller and it does the same thing.<br />I find that once all the three bolts are nice and tight,a loving smack with a hammer from under the flywheel upward usually loosens the wheel right up.<br />remember though,a loving smack,not a punishing one.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

One quick pull of the trigger of an impact wrench on the puller will pop it right off.


Nov 21, 2004
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Is there special fittings that you have to get so you can fit it in the holes or are they all standard? I'm need to pull the flywheel off a 1959 35hp johnson sea horse and don't want to mess with it as much as geeko did. I do know it has a 3 holed pattern on the top of the flywheel. <br /> If I'm going to pull the flywheel on the thing, what all do I need, is basicaly what I'm trying to say.<br /> Thank you


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Guys, I got the harmonic balancer puller for a whopping $8.Now I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how the position this thing.Everybody talks about the elusive "three bolts" on the flywheel.Look at mine, PLEASE! Flywheel top, flywheel sideI swear all I see is one big bolt and three little screws that hold the access plate for the points.<br />Am I that much of an idiot, or is there something I'm not seeing here?? (OK, don't answer that,I already know the answer)Can I heat it up with a torch and bang it off using a rubber hammer?I just don't see what everybody else is talking about.

almost retired again

Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2002
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Hi Geekomatic;<br />I don't think that I've ever seen an older Jonnyrude without the three hole pattern on top of the flywheel spaced 120 degrees apart around the crankshaft. Whatever you do don't use a torch' I have used the following method several times on small engines, and it works well.<br />First remove the flywheel nut, then put it back on until it's almost level with the top of the crankshaft. Now get a goodpry bar and insert between the block and flywheel pry up and at the same time same time smack the flywheel nut with a large hammer. The reason for putting back on is to keep from damaging the crankshaft.<br />good luck


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

So.The photos dont lie.This is a first as far as seeing a flywheel like this? That's just peachy.Why do I end up with the stuff that nobody else has ever seen before? I'll try the trick you suggest.God knows I don't know what else to do.If it works, great. If not,I'm gonna use a torch you betcha. I'm gonna melt that whole SOB into one nice little abstract puddle on my garage floor. Then I'm going to mount it on a frame made out of old barn planks and sell it on Ebay as a modern art piece.I'll use the proceeds and buy myself that brand new jet-drive that I really want.<br />At least my Johnson isn't dripping: A Dripping Johnson <br />Mr. Tbeaun,I appreciate the compliment.I think. <br />Any other suggestions before this motor becomes art? Act now. Time is running out, as well as my patience.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Geek....remove the four screws holding that silver cover over the hole and use the three holes around the drive shaft. They are 1/4 NC thread.....That's what they are there for.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Um.It's off...It worked.All the little holes are right where you said.The harmonic balancer puller worked like a charm.That was one very satisfying little POP when the thing came off.I was so excited I almost dropped my bourbon.I can't wait to try and get it back on once the tune-up parts arrive.<br />You know, I actually graduated college.And I'm pretty darn good at this networking stuff.Not so bad at web design either.And while I'm at it,I was curious for a few years and learned the fine art of actual hacking.Had to give that up.Too many temptations.I also make a fine ale or lager, depending on what time of year.BUT...<br />Sometimes I have to question my ability with anything that has moving parts.I can look right at the obvious and it will not occur to me exactly what I need to do until I reveal my excess stupidity in the process of asking these fine scholars of the outboard world.There is no doubt in my mind that there are several people on this planet that are having one hell of a laugh at my expense.I think that's fine.I keep you guys entertained, and you keep enriching my life with your knowledge.Besides,when I get this motor and boat up to par, I still have a mighty fine rotary aircraft engine that's next on my list.Airplane's parked in another garage awaiting restoration. Better reinforce your roof.....<br />Thanks again.I'll pop up when I run into the next issue that's obviously simple to solve.

Dave Abrahamson

May 8, 2003
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Originally posted by geekomatic:<br />I still have a mighty fine rotary aircraft engine that's next on my list.
Rotary (a-la Mazda) aircraft engine, or radial(a-la Pratt&Whitney),aircraft engine?<br />I like the big round ones ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: How do I remove a flywheel??

Dr. Dave,<br />I told you I was in dangerous territory.Keep your head up, I may be above you.<br />It is,in fact,a RADIAL engine.Lycoming R-680 nine cylinder.Made in October 1941.It was attached to a 1941 Boeing Steerman, which is is MANY parts in a storage facility that I rent on a monthly basis.<br />My father in law retired as a Captain for United on the 747.He was number 3 in the entire fleet for seniority when he retired. He knows these things MUCH better that I do, considering he cut his teeth on this very plane.It will be restored in the future, considering the price I gave for the entire aircraft ($300,believe it or not),I have nothing to lose.I've flown these things before, and they're a hoot to fly.Unless, of course, I can fit the thing on a boat....