Re: hour meter installation
Wewhit,<br />I can fully vouch for the Tiny Tach (norman158 recommnended it after I couldn't get an after market tach to work on my boat -- it works great both as an hour meter and a tach -- now I can properly prop my boat!). For a proper boat installation you need to order it from the manufacturer (Design Technologies, 630-920-1300) because you will want a custom length coaxle cable (the standard is only 6 feet). I got one from them for a two cylinder motor with a 15' cable for $43 including shipping. <br /><br />There are several positive reviews with photos for this device on the web (it's used on light aircraft, jet skis, motorcycles, skiddoos etc...) <br /><br />By the way Norman, I think you have to wrap the red around each plug lead that has a separate coil. <br /><br />good luck