Hook4 wont load cmap genesis?


Jun 23, 2023
Hello guys thank you all in advance.
I have a hook4 chirp with LIv16pro chip. It had lowrance and navionics base maps in the unit and the chip came with it.
It now only loads half or so of the lakes I fish and I gave it a fresh update in hopes it would solve the issue with no luck.
I bought a hook7x reveal ts last week to use genesis live and was successful. Now I want to upload the maps from cmaps genesis to my hook 4. I have tried multiple times. No luck. I can see the files when I browse files in the hook4, but the selection doesn't show up when I go to chart selection. Any ideas.
Lowrance wants me to buy a new card but I could have used the 100 or 150 bucks on my hook7 that I bought recently to upgrade it instead of buying mapping cards that probably don't have the little lakes I fish on them ayway(most dont) I live in Central Indiana. I am here to answer anything to help.

Thanks guys


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
CMap and Navionics are different map formats now owned by competing companies. Garmin own Navionics and Simrad owns CMap

Don't know of any units that support both formats

Guessing the hook doesn't have enough memory to load the entire chart data


Jun 23, 2023
The LIv16pro card is formatted as atf. The cmap saves them as atf formats. I can see them in the browse files menu but not when selecting charts. The navico is just bodies of water and highways. No contours. Just base map imbedded into unit I guess? Cmap genesis has my unit listed on website. Maybe order of files? Or only one file at a time. I will try anything at this point.
Thanks again..