The engine is located on a 25' pontoon.. I purchased it during the winter from a rental company. I did not take a test ride due to the weather at the time. just ran the boat on the hose and it sounded great. after taking the boat out a few times, it will not accelerate past 3800 rpm. The rental company says that it should run about 5800 rpm. I ran a compression test and the three cylinders from top to bottom were 165, 165, and 170. Also ran a fuel pressure test and it was in spec, 41, with a range of 41-45. The FPR seems to be working well, drops fuel pressure to about 34-35 at idle. I performed a fuel pump volume check, it checked good. It has a throttle stop to limit max throttle. I took the air cleaner off yesterday, and the butterfly at WOT was around 3/4 open. i backed the throttle stop off till it the butterfly was almost full open at WOT. took the boat for a run this morning and it ran exactly the same. runs up to 3800 rpm, but i now could push the throttle farther but it didn't affect performance. The engine is fuel injected. It has brand new spark plugs in it, and since all of the fuel checks yesterday I've ordered new fuel filters. Except for not exceeding 3800 RPM the engine starts and runs great. Any ideas?