Honda BF50 intermittently runs very poorly – need help diagnosing

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Mar 7, 2002
Re: Honda BF50 intermittently runs very poorly – need help diagnosing

Thanks for the update Mike.<br />You're confidence and willingness to be involved in the repair left you much more educated with your equipment.<br />In your case, and as exampled, don't loose that desire to learn and be involved.<br /><br />A high five to ya.<br />Take care and have fun.

Mario Hoeltke

Jun 4, 2020
I know this is an old post, but this post has helped me out along with many others. I'm just adding my experience incase someone is having the same problem.
I have a 2006 Honda bf50 that runs great at idle, does not stall, just runs poorly above 3/4 throttle, sounded like it was misfiring, anyway I bought it like that, the guy told me that it was like that and he couldn't figure it out, it ran badly at idle so I just assumed the carbs need rebuilt, I got it home and got to work taking everything apart and cleaning, put it back together new seals and it fired up and sounded great, but still ran rough at wot.....which is what brought me to this site hoping for some insight. And realize most here were leaning towards a fuel issue. Anyway I found a fuel leak one #1 carb and took it all apart again and realized the carb bowl on carb #1 is different then the other 2 and the wrong gasket was installed, and I didn't catch it the first time either, recleaned all carbs and new gaskets installed and she is running like brand new.
Something so simple and easily over looked can cause a problem that seems much worse. Anyone experiencing a rough wot and can't figure it out, check those gaskets and orings
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