honda 7.5 water not circulating when idling


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: honda 7.5 water not circulating when idling

The intake can be cleaned by blowing off with compressed air, but I doubt that is your problem.If you have had this engine awhile and have not changed the water pump impeller or if you just got this thing and have no idea when if ever it was last looked at,then now is the time to change it.Not usually too bad a job on these but it can get ugly if this thing has not been apart in awhile.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: honda 7.5 water not circulating when idling

Yes. That's one symptom of an impeller about to go totally.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 19, 2001
Re: honda 7.5 water not circulating when idling

What year is it? Let me know I just went all the way through my 75 7.5 honda from top to bottom and it had salt water buildup in it from head to toe. I can help you out. <br /><br />Couple things to check in the mean time. Make sure pee hole isn't clogged. Remove rubber hose and use a drill bit and your hand and work it up into the manafold jacket. But just use your hand. They like to get clogged there.<br /><br />Probably going to need to replace thermostat and impeller. But before you go stripping everything down let me know because some of the parts for the older motors have been discontinued. So you need to be able to reuse some of them.<br /> :D HAve fun