Re: Homemade hydrofoil?
One reason for my skepticism was, first, that hydrofoils installed on the anti-ventilation plate run at or slightly above the water's surface when the boat is on plane, so I couldn't see how, unless they were submerged and met the water at some positive angle of incidence, they would generate any lift. I understand now, when a boat is struggling to climb on to plane and the anti-ventilation plate and thus the hydrofoil is submerged, it can generate lift.<br /><br />The other reason for my skepticism was that I don't see many hydrofoils used around here (Southern California salty water) anymore. Seems that several years ago every outboard had one, but I see very few now. Even the Evinrude 120 on my Mako 17 evidently had one in a previous life. All that remains are the mounting holes. Maybe the plastic ones that are so popular broke in the lumpy water and owners didn't bother to replace them, figuring they'd just break again.