Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
I have been watching the value of Iraqi currency for some time. I don't look at it every day or every month but there has been a signifigant change since the summer of '06.

For several years, the exchange rate has been about 1570 Iraqi Dinars to the dollar. Right now it stands at about 1370 to the dollar.

It would seem that with all that is going on, the value should have dropped not increased.

Why do I care you ask? A few short years after the end of the first gulf war, the value of the Kuwaiti Dinar, having been devestated by the invasion, climbed 34 times it's immediate post war value. It would be nice to ride a similar wave with the Iraqi Dinar.

Right now, the Iraqi dinar is worth about 137 to the US penny. Before Gulf War I, one Iraqi dinar was worth about $3.20 US. If the Iraqi Dinar should climb to a value of one dinar to the penny (a mere fraction of it's previous value) that would be a growth of 137 times. If it should go up to ten dinar to the dollar, that would be an increase of 1370 times.

You do the math (no, I will do it for you) If you bought one million Iraqi dinar, today, for $900.00, a future value of 10 ID to the dollar (10 cents) would net you $1, 233, 000. 00

Remember, the pre-Gulf war I value was 320 cents to one Dinar. This value was based on Iraqs oil wealth and would not climb to that today or near future (assuming current problems solved) because of the devastation of the infrastructure.

Is climbing back to 1/32 of it's previous value, (the big gamble here) assuming that Iraq returns to peace, beyond reasonable expectation?

There are such things as devaluations that could affect this scenario but keep in mind the current Dinar is a post war construct and the international financial powers would like to see it hold without interference.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Boomer, for those of us that don't watch that market (I watch oil and it's distillates for an indication of where the economy is going).... want to boil down your point?


May 2, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

[colour=blue]So Boom, are you a gambling man?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Dunaruna said:
[colour=blue]So Boom, are you a gambling man?

That's exactly what it is Aldo. Just about the time that I figure the current status in Iraq should have driven the value down, it's gone up! I'm still toying with the idea of knocking off a million. We'll see.

Crunch, my point is, why would the financial community drive the price up at this time???


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Sounds like someone is into option contracts. ??
Have a friend that bought a small contract Thursday and Friday morning lost $2000,00 (01-12-07)
Told him he should have done a PUT!
(live cattle or beef) as they say.
Oh well!
You pays to play! Could have went the other way :)

I look at trading like a guy going into a bar or Micky Dees.
If you have to ask what the drink/food cost. You should not be there in the first place.

Momma taught me that! :)

Works well for me.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Boomyal said:
For several years, the exchange rate has been about 1570 Iraqi Dinars to the dollar. Right now it stands at about 1370 to the dollar.

It would seem that with all that is going on, the value should have dropped not increased.
Only if you drink boatbouy's koolaid.
Still appears undervalued to my viewpoint.


Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

OK, OK, you have my attention Boomyall.
I muck around with a few shares etc, most blue chip, but always one high risk one.
Have never touched currency so am real ignorant in that area..
I want to know more like
....what you think
....anything you are going to do
....anything you have done
....where do I start with a little research

I realise it it just an observation you made, but it sounds logical to me

my attitude is....something like US$900 is chicken-poop and I don't mind taking a gamble.
hope you don't mind tell me what you know because I reckon that observation you just made is better than taking a lotto ticket every week.
My PM's don't work real well, but try by all means if you wish to discuss it that way.
Love to hear your opinions.


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

My brother in law worked in Iraq in 2004-2005. According to him, the big wigs were buying up Iraqi money as fast as they could. He invested some based on that and shipped the money home.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Kiwi, I am not any kind of expert on this subject. I do know this however. If they don't get things under control in Iraq, you could kiss your money goodbye. Also, Iraqi Dinar are not liquid right now. There are no normal industry traders that deal in them. You have buy them from private dealers or on ebay and if you wanted to dump them you would have to find a buyer yourself.

I do not know, at what value, normal currency traders would begin to accept dinar. It's just that right now they do not due to the low value and risky nature of them.

Also, due to the economic chaos in Iraq, there is always a chance that the dinar could be devalued even lower.

My current thinking is that, at worst, a $900 investment might have to be used to paper the walls in your hobby room.

I'll let you know if I jump in.

Be sure to read BoatBoys link. It is pretty spot on. However, for 900$, I don't know if I could stand having missed the chance when 5 years from now things in Iraq were settled down.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Extremely speculative. I don't like buying things that have no "market", meaning no liquidity. How are you gonna dump them if they go south? or North for that matter?

And because Boom's ideas for buying the currency are speculative, based on no fact, just thought and theory, you could make an arguement just the opposite. Definitely a pure gamble.

Only thing going for it right now is that it has been going up, not down. If the trend continues ... but then again, if the government goes defunct, or if they decide a different currency is needed, or if ....

Too many if's for me. I will stick with stocks - I can quantify my gamble there ...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

Wouldn't Bush's plan of adding troops be enough for the type of rise just noted?

Also, I checked BB's link and the guy's comparison of Dinars to Turkish dough is not analogous. Might be if the Turk money had ever been worth $.30, and they were in the middle of a war. But neither are true, so stupid point if you ask me . . .


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

QC said:
Wouldn't Bush's plan of adding troops be enough for the type of rise just noted?

Didn't think of that possibility QC. I hadn't looked at it for several months so I don't know when and how the increase occured. It would be nice to see a graph.

I do know that prior to these last several months the value had held kinda rock steady thru thick and thin, just varying by the tens of dinar per dollar.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

The Iraq Central Bank adopted new monetary policies last November 13 to deal with inflation. The dinar has been rising steadily since then.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hmmm? Is there something going on that we should know about?

BoatBuoy said:
The Iraq Central Bank adopted new monetary policies last November 13 to deal with inflation. The dinar has been rising steadily since then.

Maybe they should turn over the conduct of the anti-insurgency to the ICB, at least they have made some progress.???