Re: Hillary: From the horse's own mouth!
The comments about the Oil company profits are slanted to make her look good. But it is not the entire story.
The profits reported did not account for operating costs, nor report the sales. When considering them, the real profit was akin to less than 10%.
Shrillary is the Evil Witch from the Left.
And Prancy Pelosi is her Broom-tuner.
C'mon folks; get off the Party affiliation bandwagon and look at the people for their worth to our society. If you really use your head, you may be surprised at what you see.
The comments about the Oil company profits are slanted to make her look good. But it is not the entire story.
The profits reported did not account for operating costs, nor report the sales. When considering them, the real profit was akin to less than 10%.
Shrillary is the Evil Witch from the Left.
And Prancy Pelosi is her Broom-tuner.
C'mon folks; get off the Party affiliation bandwagon and look at the people for their worth to our society. If you really use your head, you may be surprised at what you see.