Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE P.2 SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 30, 2006
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

You should re-surface the head just to be sure it's nice and flat. Sounds like your going to get a good surprise with your next compression check. Once she's running I would also agree that a decarb. is a great idea. Best of luck. Rick.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Way up above in this thread. It blew a head gasket. The compression test also told you so. Put in a new gasket and it should work fine. The guy did tell you it was working and suddenly stopped (that is when the gasket blew).


Vice Admiral
Oct 21, 2008
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Yep, Frank is right. Good man here for advice.;) I myself thought that it was odd that the numbers came in so low for a nice motor. What even odder yet, is they come in the same.:D

I have the same motor. How did you get in my shed and swipe it?:D:D


Apr 17, 2010
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

You guys give me hope, thanks!

If I get a chance I'll work on it tomorrow. My daughter (8 years old) is having an eye surgery in about 5 hours. My wife and I will be home all day tomorrow. If we get home early and she sleeps all day (fingers crossed and praying all goes well) I'll play around with the motor tomorrow. If not then I'll get to it on Sunday. I'll be sure to let everyone know how things work out.


Apr 17, 2010
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Way up above in this thread. It blew a head gasket. The compression test also told you so. Put in a new gasket and it should work fine. The guy did tell you it was working and suddenly stopped (that is when the gasket blew).

Yep, you were hopefully right. I should have paid better attention. I was afraid to get into the head but there really isn't anything to the head on these little engines.

Here's having my fingers crossed that I get her fired up.


Vice Admiral
Oct 21, 2008
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Well, if the head bolts came out without breaking, then you are a lucky man. Must not have been any salt water use on that motor.:D

You can do what you can to clean the water jacket out, while you have the head off. That never hurts. A clean water jacket is the best things for these little motors.:D


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 3, 2009
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Yes it can be a bit worrisome working on a outboard for the first time, with this motor you can easily build your confidence.

Be sure to use a torque wrench to tighten the head bolts. You can go to autozone, napa or such and buy/borrow one with a refundable deposit. I think the torquing amount is about 60 to 80 inch pounds (please check your manual).

This may not be the exact head diagram, but the torque sequence and concept are similar.

The supplied diagram was nice compliment of jay_merrill on this forum.

If have to remove the powerhead from the exhaust housing please replace the exhaust gasket connecting the powerhead to the exhausting housing at the base.

You can do it!!!



  • 6hpTorqueSequence.jpg
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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 27, 2008
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

I have a 1961 5,5 fisherman in beautiful condition, I got it to run but not for long. It too had low numbers, and in the pretty shape it was in, never abused I knew something was up. And that is exactly what the problem was , the head gasket was breached between the cylinders. $21 head gasket fixed it right up and away we go. I am working on a '64 5.5 Johnny now that has some other issues , but the head gasket in it was blown in the same place. The replacements have metal around the holes. I wonder why they didn't put a good gasket in the factory when it was made.


Apr 17, 2010
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE 4/29

Well....wrong head gasket sent to me. I have to wait another 4 days or so to get this thing running....:mad:

I'll be on the water by August.........hopefully. ;)


Apr 17, 2010
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! P. 2

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! P. 2


Ok, my parts finally came in. I replaced the Head Gasket, the Exhaust Gasket, and a few other minor things. Got it all together and tested the cylinders out at 68 PSI each -- Great! Pull on it nothing....pull...pull....pull.....nothing. ChecK spark - gtg. Spray gas into cylinder - nothing. Well crap. Play with it for 20 minutes and get really frustrated. Turn handle way past start position and VVVVRRRROOOMMMMM BABY!!!

It's been idleing in water for 20 minutes. I need to fine tune the slow and high speed carb adjustments still but I am so stoked now to finally get this thing running. I'm going to clean it up and take it out for a test run tonight. I'll post a full update to my first post of everything tonight so that others that do a search will be able to get some ideas from my experience.



Chief Petty Officer
Sep 3, 2009
Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! P. 2

Re: Help, Pease! 1962 Evinrude 5.5 Fisherman - UPDATE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! P. 2


Ok, my parts finally came in. I replaced the Head Gasket, the Exhaust Gasket, and a few other minor things. Got it all together and tested the cylinders out at 68 PSI each -- Great! Pull on it nothing....pull...pull....pull.....nothing. ChecK spark - gtg. Spray gas into cylinder - nothing. Well crap. Play with it for 20 minutes and get really frustrated. Turn handle way past start position and VVVVRRRROOOMMMMM BABY!!!

It's been idleing in water for 20 minutes. I need to fine tune the slow and high speed carb adjustments still but I am so stoked now to finally get this thing running. I'm going to clean it up and take it out for a test run tonight. I'll post a full update to my first post of everything tonight so that others that do a search will be able to get some ideas from my experience.


Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Take good care of her and she will take good care of you!!!!!

Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!!! (it means "Let the good times roll")
