*HELP* 2000 Johnson 90hp


Jul 9, 2007
Re: *HELP* 2000 Johnson 90hp


Yesterday I:

- removed the oil reservoir
- capped off the line where the oil line meets the cowling
- unplugged the "Purple,gray, tan and black" wire plug coming from the pump and taped up both loose ends
- unplugged the float sensor coming from the reservoir
- Premixxed my fuel
- purged my fuel line

The engine ran great and smoked like a 2-stroke should. The only remaining issue is that when i fire up the boat, the no oil goes on, the siren blares for about 20 seconds, and the no oil light stays on for the duration of operation. The siren never blows again until i turn the boat off and start it up again. Then it goes through the entire process again. Why would the sensor trip if it is disengaged? Did i unplug the wrong thing? Looked pretty fool proof as there was only one plug that fit the description.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 28, 2006
Re: *HELP* 2000 Johnson 90hp

Trace the wires out that go to the oil tank and find out which wires are sensing the oil level. I'm not expert but as far as sensors goes, I've bypassed them with paperclips and whatnot and its worked fine but you'll want to make absolutely certain you go the right wires because I dont want to be responsible for frying your harness. :)