Head tank removal


Jun 18, 2013
Hello. I have a 1992 Baha 250 fishermen. It still in storage but I'm looking for some advice on where to state and what I'm getting myself into before I start. The head hasn't been hooked up in a while. I think this will be my 3rd season with it and the previous owner I believe for 5. I doesn't get used I would like to get the tank out. Pulling the boat I noticed some water around the tank. Which is the reason for pulling it. Would like to find out where it's coming from. Thanks for any advice


mr 88

Nov 3, 2010
Does the holding tank have a macerator pump that would include a check valve for discharging when you're X amount of miles from shore ( Ocean only ) . That's where I would start when looking for a possible water leak . You have two hoses going to the tank , one from the head and one that goes to your suction fitting for removal . If you have a macerator pump , three hoses to the tank . So you either have a crack in the tank ( no water in it to leak if its unused ) , dry rotted hoses or bad hose clamps . I see zero benefits in removing the tank , unless you plan on never selling her . Is the tank near the bottom of the bilge or up higher near the side of the hull . If you haven't used the tank in years ,where would the water be coming from ? It's bone dry from the head , the other hose goes up to the gunwale ,so that should be high and dry . Macerator, Y valve is all I'm left with for leakage .


Jun 18, 2013
This is the 1st bigger boat that we have had. Previously 19' open bow. Not sure on the macerator pump. As far as the are concerned if will have to check that out when it comes out of storage. I was told it wasn't hooked up. We are predominantly trout and salmon guys on Lake Ontario. Normally out 4 to 5 hrs. The section were the tank sits is slightly higher than main bilage with a drian hole in it to the main bilage area. The only thing I can come up with is that there is a outlet near the tank that should have a hose for a bilage pump that is either missing or leaking. It is possible that the bilage pump that is behind the tank may not be working. I actually didn't know it was there until the boat was being pulled because u can't see it at all. I actually wasn't thinking about reselling it. That would make sense about pulling the tank. Thanks for all the input. Atleast I have somewhere to start when I can get it out of storage. I appreciate it

mr 88

Nov 3, 2010
By law ,the macerator pump should not be hooked up while on inland waters . There should be a through hull valve that has a hose on it that goes to the pump. That hose should be removed or at the very least the valve is shut off with a removable handle. That handle probably should not be stored on the boat . So if stopped by the CGuard ,you can tell them it's shut off and handle is at home . That is usually good enough for them that you don't get a citation. I would leave the tank in and do some exploring, might need a cheap add on boroscope for a cell to see some of the area that is hid by bulkhead ,placement of tank etc . I'm out of Wilson ,so aware of fishing and the possible need of a dumper vs 5 gallon bucket ,especially when taking women out,they dont want to hear ,no head on board . Haven't used mine in years ,but it's there for a reason.


Dec 25, 2024
If it is strapped down ..so no problem ...Just undo it and try yuo may be pleasantley surprised i was on my Catalina 30 i thought it would never come out by looking at it but it was easy.