Harriet Meir


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Harriet Meir

I don't get what Bush's intentions are with this candidate.He knows that she is going to be raked over the coals from both sides of the aisle.The idea that we should trust Bush on this nomination is naive at best.In G-d we trust,everybody else should show their credentials.Specially when you are up for a job where you can change the legal landscape of a nation.I heard a rumour that she is a born again christian with very strong values and principles.Are those in agreement with the constitution or are we about to witness a born again crusade?In my opinion,a supreme court candidate should not have any political affiliation.He should be a voice of the constitution and a servant thereof.


Re: Harriet Meir

I don't get what Bush's intentions are with this candidate.He knows that she is going to be raked over the coals from both sides of the aisle.The idea that we should trust Bush on this nomination is naive at best.In G-d we trust,everybody else should show their credentials.
Maybe, just MAYBE, he's a man with beliefs and self held convictions, as to how to run his life and govern.<br /><br />My GOD, we can't have that.. :eek: :eek: ;) ;) :) <br /><br />Everyone wants a piece of the action, yet, our voting toll remains at less than 50%.<br /><br />Hmmmm!. Some are Biotching without being part of the process.<br /><br />Many-today- wear the badge of "non voter" proudly. I deem those folks as:<br /><br />1. Confused.<br /><br />2. Duped. (getting you to not vote is a vote in their favor.)<br /><br />3. Misinformed, as to how this Rep. Rebublic works.<br /><br />4. I won't mention it here, in a public space.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Harriet Meir

Good morning DJ.<br />Reading your response,I feel that you suspect me of not voting and having a huge chip on my shoulder.<br />I do vote and not along party lines,as some here do.<br />As for a chip on my shoulder.The fact that Bush was elected president does not make him a legal expert and to promote a supreme court judge nominee on gut feeling is a bit too much for me.This country has a rich history of legal experience that should be tapped and used at the highest levels for neccesary information pertaining such an important nomination.<br />Personally,I think it is a shame that US law can be interpreted so as to serve either democratic,conservative or republican opinion.The law and its interpretation should be high above politics no matter who sits at the helm.<br />But that may be wishing for too much.<br />As for #3 on your list,I am very well informed about how this decentralized federal democratic republic works.Your spelling mistake there almost makes it sound like Bubba's private playground,but I will presume that it was an honest mistake.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Harriet Meir

Rolmops said, "He should be a voice of the constitution and a servant thereof."<br /><br />Or she. Exactly.<br /><br />Religious values, special interest values, political values, social values, revolutionary agendas all belong in actions of the executive and legislative branches, not in the judicial branch.<br /><br />Since it is impossible to find a candidate who has none of the above we need a candidate who can leave them at the door. John Roberts appears to be someone who can and will.<br /><br />Can Harriet Miers do that? I need to be convinced.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Harriet Meir

In 2000 during Bush V Gore, Roberts went down to Florida to help Jeb Bush in the recount or should I say not to recount.<br />John Roberts helped to coach a legal argument in front of the Supreme Court and Roberts played the part of Chief Justice Renquist.<br />He also helped Jeb Bush in a legal argument on how the state of Florida, in the event the Supreme Court went against George Bush, wouldn't turn in their Electors for Gore.<br />He was also one of the Republican partisans pounding on the windows and doors of the county court house demanding to stop the recount.<br />Although Roberts may have a brilliant legal mind I'm not convinced he will be neutral.<br />As for Harriet Miers, I can't help but think Bush is worried he may end up in front of the Supreme Court again and will need all the allies he can get.