Tim, all I can say is WOW!
Most of the time I could not even have said "wow".....the lump in my throat would have been too much in the way.
It was heartening how well the responsible agencies maintain all of the cemeteries. They are kept up impeccably, and with obvious respect and commitment..
What was disheartening was the obvious dichotomy between the WWI and WWII cemeteries.
After 4 years of trench warfare, the WWI brain trust had still not figured out that sending troops "over the top" to take on entrenched Maxims and artillery was pretty expensive sport....and the currency they paid with was mostly 20 year old soldiers. Almost qualifies as a war crime in its own right.
The WWII cemeteries have, as a guess, maybe 75+% of the headstones with name, age, and regiment inscribed
The WWI cemeteries have about 75+% with : "
A soldier of the Great War known unto God"....sobering and chilling.
I guess there must have been a lessons learned component, not sure if they had dog tags or similar in WWI, but probably more to do with a stationary front and massed artillery raining down all the time.
WWII was more mobile.