Hair loss?


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Hair loss?

Don't know about all the cures Boomyal.<br />I didn't know how bad it was until one day a customer who didn't know my name asked for the young bald guy who special ordered some boat parts for him :eek: :eek: <br />This was during a very stressfull time from 79 - 89.<br />Now I almost have a full head of hair again.<br />My barber even remarked that in the last five years my once bald spot in covered with baby hair?? :confused: <br /><br />Will be instrested what results you come up with as Mrs.Link has the same symptoms as your son.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Hair loss?

In general, the mpb gene passes mother to son, and father to daughter. So every other general of male displays it; i.e. if your father-in-law was bald, he would have passed the gene to your wife where it sits recessed because she isn’t male (except in Vermont). Your wife then passes the gene to your son where it emerges, and your son will pass it to his daughter where it will again recess, … and on it goes.<br /><br />Since you said there was no baldness in the family history on either side, I wouldn’t pass on heath issues just yet; thyroid and/or excessive copper in the body. Also, I don’t recall anything about mpb that manifests as a bunch of hair coming out when you pass your hand thru the hair. Yeah, when you get up in the morning a few of your don’t, they stay on the pillow. But not a lot of hairs at a time.<br /><br />Fwiw, mpb can manifest at an early age, 20 isn’t early. I showed advanced signs of mpb at 14, was actually bald before 20. Because it started at an early age, I was subjected to every physical test in the book by a battery of specializing MDs. Their conclusion: ”cut your hair short, it will look better.”


Apr 6, 2003
Re: Hair loss?

i have said it before and i will say it again "God only made a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair" <br />seriously i never understood the big deal. its only hair. i got alot more important things in life to worry about.


Jul 5, 2001
Re: Hair loss?

Boomyal<br />when I was just a kid, my little brothers hair all fell out, all of it! Mom took him to the Dr. and he told her there was nothing they could do and to get him a hat. She turned to the witch (that's right WITCH) up the road, who made a poultice of who knows what. put it on his head and wrapped it up (just the top of course where hair should grow) 3 days later the bandages came off and he was growing hair all over his head. He is 49 now and still has most of it, so there are some home grown cures that do work, good luck!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hair loss?

Eh! I suppose Jr B's problem could be from the stress of school and the pressure of having only 38 males to 62 females at his school? :D