I have a 1978 evinrude 115 it was running rough I took it to a guy that was supposed to be good at carbs . Anyway he did the job I took it home and it took like 10 mins to start once started it will fire up like bam one quick turn of the key . So I took it for a ride up the river it did good ran fine. Next morning couldn't even get it to fire up ??? Called the moron cause they also stripped one of my sparkplugs. So of coarse he says his mechanic did the work he's responsible I said hell with both of them and brought it home. Anyhow it seems to be acting like it's not getting fuel or to much ? With the unburnt fuel that leaked out of the prop area I think it's flooding ?? He did give me a helicoil to fix the plug but other than that I have no clue why it won't fire up? Thanks for reading any help would b great.