guy named rodbolt


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2005
special guy on this board named rodbolt. i was looking for a part for my outboard, dealer says n/a anymore separately, 280.00 for whole unit. rodbolt went thru his parts items and has one, then offers to ship to wisconsin from nc, and i only owe him shipping cost, parts free. can't say enough about this guy, so wanted to let all know he's great fella, and a tribute to this board.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 24, 2005
Re: guy named rodbolt

Rodbolt is one of the best. Saved me about 2500 in repairs. Everybody gives great advice, Vatter41, Don S, Bondo. The list could go on for days. Thanks for everybody.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: guy named rodbolt

dude<br /> while the accolades are nice its no worries. the part was scheduled to be in a dumpster but the guy never showed with it so I have a pile out back. most the time I post here cause my fiancee types slow on yahoo :) :) . but rather than thank me send some donations to the red cross or to IFAW. the IFAW vet director called me tonight and seems soon I will be heading south for a bit to assist with the animal issues and the people issues that are arising. dont know much yet other than they are organizing teams. so far I have first aid traing both with IFAW and the US Navy and have all my hepititis,tetanus and pre expose rabies vaccinations. so if I dissapear for a bit soon yall will know I am back south. I asked for the pascagoula/biloxi area cause I grew up there.<br /> there is a lot of folks who did not have much and now have nothing. dig through the closets and see what ya got that the redcross can use. cash is nice but clothes and kids toys and stuffed animals are needed as well. but mostly they need the prayers of all. my mom is a retired Nurse and lives in mobile, she made it through ok with no major damage and is contacting the redcross to volunteer as well. one of my sisters is in Meridian MS and is currently stuck in a shelter. she is already been impressed into the redcross as well :) . but all my sisters and family in the MS/AL area made it out ok. now its time to help those who did not. its kinda what america is all about.<br />some wave the flag, other brag about the flag and some of us go sweat.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 10, 2004
Re: guy named rodbolt

Rodbolt, I see that you are heading south to help out with the storm restoration. It will be appreciated even though some tempers may be short by the time you arrive and some people may not seem thankful, but you will be doing the right thing. I am from Gulfport and usually work in Biloxi. This is the first opportunity to get online and may not see another internet site for a few more weeks. Started work the night of the storm and hadn't seen my house in daylight until last week. Had a hard time finding my house for the first week due to the damage in the area. Pictures don't do justice. Have to see it to beleive what the Gulf has done to the coastal areas. Rode the storm out in my house and realized at about daylight Monday morn that it could have been a mistake, but it was already too late. Scary ride but all turned out OK. We were all comparing this to Camille and we "knew" what to expect. Wrong. I've traveled from one side of the state to the other, including highway 90, via company truck. It has been described as "shock and awe". (spelling?)<br />We've met a lot of great folks from all over the nation. Many thanks to all who have helped and to those who are still finding a way to help. <br /> One comment about clothes. Many locations have had large amounts of clothes dropped off but the ones who have lost everything have no place to store clothes. They just need a few sets and much of the rest gets left in the parking lots for days. Perhaps cleaning supplies or sleeping supplies. Those who lost everything found nothing but a concrete slab or blocks where their house used to be. We have many people still in the shelters and more arriving as others leave. Most of the homes left standing now have power. Fuel is available without a long wait. Traffic is terrible as we have only 2 one lane bridges into or out of the coastal area. All I can say about help is that it will be a very long procces and anything that will help with long term needs would be great.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: guy named rodbolt

We were dead center of Charley and I can tell you that the Red Cross and the Salvation Army were here almost before the looters. They did an amazing job. We didn't have anywhere near the flooding, Charley moved too fast, but those orginazations were unbelievable. A donation to those groups is always appreciated. They were truly unselfish when they were needed here.