my 8 year old granddaughter only ever calls me from her phone , she says I'm the only one that talks to her. the phone call only lasts a minute or 2 but its nice to just get that call every couple of days.
yea , i know ??? you may ask ,what is an 8 year old doing with a $500 smart phone and an account with unlimited call ,text and internet .
the answer to that is her mother believes she is responsible enough through education on the what's and nots to do with the phone.
i have to agree with mum because we all have permission to scrutinize her and her sisters usage and have never found a reason to confiscate the 8 year old's phone "" not like the 10 year old's phone" which spends most days in the mothers care confiscated (some never learn

it seems everyone texts or snapchats but no one actually talks on their fancy phones. sheez my old nokia i had back in the 90s could send a text just the same as the $1000 smart phones some have today.
hopefully the trend of responsible phone usage catches on for the rest of the 8 year old's generation and the texting trend will be just that "a trend" and the phone will become a telephone again as it used to be.
you older guys here probably remember back when videoed calls were the novelty trend , it soon got old and out of date and it was back to regular calling and brief texting.
my at the time 80year old mother said to me "i never thought i would see the day" when i received a videoing call from my brother that lived on the other side of the country, with that i would quite often leave my phone with my mother to call my brother just so as she could see him and he could see her whilst they chatted.
IMHO , its all about communication , some peoples way of communicating may seem annoying to others, especially when people are rude and answer a call during a conversation or have a loud mouth in public when having a conversation, text while talking to you and all the other things that erk us about mobile phones , at the end of the day the old saying stands "" birds of a feather flock together "" . we are not all the same , some people just have no phone etiquette whatsoever. .