Guessing young adult kids text back rather than call?

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Vice Admiral
Jul 22, 2008
I look at it this way, todays students no longer learn to write, there math skills are seriously lacking, just look how they don't understand there student loans ! Many have difficulty reading....but everyone of them have no problem operating a smart phone !!! Don't ask me ??


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
Personally I HATE Texts. 95% of the Texters have no Clue about punctuation and spelling, and it takes time to figure out WTF they are trying to say. It is also far less Efficient than a Phone Call, plus much more Dangerous when Driving. Apparently one of my Cars can somehow take Spoken Words and Create Text, but I really have no faith in it being Accurate, plus I think it requires something called OnStar, which I will never waste money on. I am trying to figure out how to disconnect the Microphones from the OnStar, yet leaving them connected for the Phone. If I can't, I will just put my phone in my shirt pocket on Speaker, been doing that for over 15 yrs.


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
I look at it this way, todays students no longer learn to write, there math skills are seriously lacking, just look how they don't understand there student loans ! Many have difficulty reading....but everyone of them have no problem operating a smart phone !!! Don't ask me ??
My phone is for Phone calls
For Email, my computer, and same goes for Internet. Even an Ipad is too small to do stuff on the Internet, so I can't fathom trying to do anything on a Phone Screen.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 3, 2021
This world belongs to our kids now, not us old guys. Conversing is on their terms, not ours. I will admit, it is quite annoying, not like it used to be (our parents thought the same about us though).
I lost my son in 2006 at age 21, it was devistating. He just returned safely from Iraq, then killed by a drunk driver. I would give my last breath to be "annoyed" by him again.
Do your best to keep in touch with them any way you can and enjoy every moment you can is my advice!


Jul 31, 2016
This world belongs to our kids now, not us old guys. Conversing is on their terms, not ours. I will admit, it is quite annoying, not like it used to be (our parents thought the same about us though).
I lost my son in 2006 at age 21, it was devistating. He just returned safely from Iraq, then killed by a drunk driver. I would give my last breath to be "annoyed" by him again.
Do your best to keep in touch with them any way you can and enjoy every moment you can is my advice!
Sorry to hear about your lose. You are right, annoying or not, they are still the best thing in life.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2022
my 8 year old granddaughter only ever calls me from her phone , she says I'm the only one that talks to her. the phone call only lasts a minute or 2 but its nice to just get that call every couple of days.

yea , i know ??? you may ask ,what is an 8 year old doing with a $500 smart phone and an account with unlimited call ,text and internet .
the answer to that is her mother believes she is responsible enough through education on the what's and nots to do with the phone.
i have to agree with mum because we all have permission to scrutinize her and her sisters usage and have never found a reason to confiscate the 8 year old's phone "" not like the 10 year old's phone" which spends most days in the mothers care confiscated (some never learn :)).

it seems everyone texts or snapchats but no one actually talks on their fancy phones. sheez my old nokia i had back in the 90s could send a text just the same as the $1000 smart phones some have today.

hopefully the trend of responsible phone usage catches on for the rest of the 8 year old's generation and the texting trend will be just that "a trend" and the phone will become a telephone again as it used to be.

you older guys here probably remember back when videoed calls were the novelty trend , it soon got old and out of date and it was back to regular calling and brief texting.
my at the time 80year old mother said to me "i never thought i would see the day" when i received a videoing call from my brother that lived on the other side of the country, with that i would quite often leave my phone with my mother to call my brother just so as she could see him and he could see her whilst they chatted.

IMHO , its all about communication , some peoples way of communicating may seem annoying to others, especially when people are rude and answer a call during a conversation or have a loud mouth in public when having a conversation, text while talking to you and all the other things that erk us about mobile phones , at the end of the day the old saying stands "" birds of a feather flock together "" . we are not all the same , some people just have no phone etiquette whatsoever. .
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Jul 31, 2016
my 8 year old granddaughter only ever calls me from her phone , she says I'm the only one that talks to her. the phone call only lasts a minute or 2 but its nice to just get that call every couple of days.

yea , i know ??? you may ask ,what is an 8 year old doing with a $500 smart phone and an account with unlimited call ,text and internet .
the answer to that is her mother believes she is responsible enough through education on the what's and nots to do with the phone.
i have to agree with mum because we all have permission to scrutinize her and her sisters usage and have never found a reason to confiscate the 8 year old's phone "" not like the 10 year old's phone" which spends most days in the mothers care confiscated (some never learn :)).

it seems everyone texts or snapchats but no one actually talks on their fancy phones. sheez my old nokia i had back in the 90s could send a text just the same as the $1000 smart phones some have today.

hopefully the trend of responsible phone usage catches on for the rest of the 8 year old's generation and the texting trend will be just that "a trend" and the phone will become a telephone again as it used to be.

you older guys here probably remember back when videoed calls were the novelty trend , it soon got old and out of date and it was back to regular calling and brief texting.
my at the time 80year old mother said to me "i never thought i would see the day" when i received a videoing call from my brother that lived on the other side of the country, with that i would quite often leave my phone with my mother to call my brother just so as she could see him and he could see her whilst they chatted.

IMHO , its all about communication , some peoples way of communicating may seem annoying to others, especially when people are rude and answer a call during a conversation or have a loud mouth in public when having a conversation, text while talking to you and all the other things that erk us about mobile phones , at the end of the day the old saying stands "" birds of a feather flock together "" . we are not all the same , some people just have no phone etiquette whatsoever. .
" you older guys here probably remember back when videoed calls were the novelty trend" .... I remember when push button phones were a novelty (vs rotary dial).......


Dec 29, 2002
" you older guys here probably remember back when videoed calls were the novelty trend" .... I remember when push button phones were a novelty (vs rotary dial).......
Yes sir. When we were young I think my parents were the last ones around that got push button. Had the rotary with the long coiled cord


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Anyone remember party lines? LOL
We had one at our lake property (now 140 ft underwater). The party line was a treat ... never knew who all was listening to your phone call.


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
If your car is older than a 2015, you don't need to worry about doesn't work anymore.
One of my Caddies was written off a couple months ago, it was older than 2015, but not by much, but I disabled it and cut the wires to the Mikes when I got the Car. GM was a bit miffed but... As for the New Caddie, I had a very Colourful Discussion with the OnStar Reps when they were trying to get me Signed Up. After telling them to F O, I told them NEVER to call me again, as I would not be as Polite


Jul 31, 2016

You were worried about what in particular? Tin foil hats work pretty well I hear!
I have 3 "Alexa's" in my house, my brother hates them and thinks they are spying on you. To each, there own I guess.


Jul 31, 2016
Anyone remember party lines? LOL
I remember when I was a kid, my grandmother had one. She always said her nosy neighbor knew everything that was going on in the community because she spent all day listening to other peoples calls.....
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