Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?


Jan 13, 2006
I have finally began the final stage of this restore, after many hours of sanding it's time to apply my base.coat.

As usual i have confused myself with the following question. Do i apply the base first, then fair it out or do i atempt to fair it out then apply the base?

I have used different types or angles of light to look for shadows, did the hands on feel but i cannot help but feel that no matter what i do, i am going to find the flaw's after the fact.

Im using Interlux prekote and it will be going on top of both gel and bare fiberglass...(previous owner took it to a body shop and had some work done)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

Spray a guide coat and then hit it with your long board sander. This will tell you what your eye cannot.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

andy6374 said:
Spray a guide coat and then hit it with your long board sander. This will tell you what your eye cannot.

Actually i think that is a bad practice, ive spent hours leveling and cleaning gelcoat. That would only contaminate the gel or force me to sand it all away just duplicating what i have already done. ( All the prep is setup for the base to adhere to it i dont want a $2 paint being my base coat)

Being away from it for a few hour's and a few beer's, if the base coat can adhere to a faring compound laying on top of the gel, i would think one could apply a base coat and it could adhere to a fairing compound (on top of the base) eliminating a step in the whole process.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 12, 2005
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

You can also place a light at an angle shining down the side of the hull. Move to the opposite end from the light and look down the side of the hull (or hull bottom) towards the light. You will be surprised at what you can see.

Since you are using pre-kote, I am assuming that you plan to use Brightsides or Toplac for the top-side paint. If this is the case and you plan to prime over an epoxy (maybe used for fiberglass repair), you may need to use Interlux Prime-kote for the primer per Interlux.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

FOR PRECOAT: From the Interlux site:BARE FIBERGLASS: Wipe a small area with a clean rag that has been wetted with Fiberglass Solvent Wash 202. While the surface is still wet, wipe with a clean, dry rag. Continue this process until the entire surface has been cleaned. Sand with 80 grade (grit) paper. Wipe with Fiberglass Solvent Wash 202. Repair surface defects with Interfill Epoxy Filler. Sand surface, wipe clean.

Or are you refering to this: Compatibility/Substrates Apply to clean, dry, properly prepared surfaces only. Do not apply over clear epoxy such as Epiglass Epoxy.

It is a bit contradicting and i do have a few spots of bare orignal glass exposed.

Are you suggesting that i should use this:EPOXY PRIMEKOTE

For this type of application CLEAR EPOXY: Allow three to five days for clear epoxies to cure fully. Remove amine blush by using Fiberglass Surface Prep YMA601. Sanding does not remove contamination. Rinse with fresh water and allow to dry. Abrade with 80-120 grade (grit) paper. Remove sanding residue. Sand with 80 grade (grit) sandpaper and remove sanding residue with Brushing Reducer 2333N. Repair any defects with Interfill Epoxy Filler or Watertite, then sand with 120-220 grade (grit) paper and clean with Brushing Reducer 2333N.

Any exposed fiberglass or resign on this boat is well dried out its13 years old. I thought as long as i wiped it well with acetone there would be no blush and no problems, am i wrong here? I will be using PREKOTE.............had there been any fresh fiberglassing done i would use PRIMEKOTE


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

Try to do most of the fairing first, then once you spray it one color (base coat or primer) you will see more imperfections and can sand some more. The guide coat can be a good primer, then you won't have a cheap product in the mix.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 12, 2005
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

Tail gunner you are correct. If you haven't repaired any surface area of your hull with epoxy, you are good to go.

I only mentioned it because many people will need to do some repairs when they refinish their hull.

Some people miss that reference in the product literature and then don't understand why Brightsides isn't fully curing over their epoxy surface.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

8) Kewl I've read so much and so little experience with this type of shadow is raising conern's. I had forgotten just how labor intensive this type of work can be even with modren sanding equipment having to redo (i hate that word bring's up bad memories) this thing all over again would be dishearting to say the least.

Ondarvr i couldnt help but notice you mentioned spraying, i havnt setteled in yet on tipping it or spraying, I will say this tipping all the different angles and getting good or even flow does have me concerned. I assume spraying would eliminate much of that assuming i can get the fan right..........:/ lol i am getting older.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

Either way will work, play around with a test panel until you get the feel of it.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

8) Woot shot the base (Pre-Kote) coat with a HPLV sprayer And it worked like brillantly, only one sag in the entire shoot which i wont complain about it only been 20 yrs since the last time i was behind a sprayer.

Actually it worked so well i am wondering if Brightsides could be shot with that type of sprayer. I know most paints that would be a no-no but watching the prekote level (no orange peel at all) i am wondering if anyone has tried this and the results they got.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

What type of HVLP spray gun is it, I use one all the time to spray it, but "HVLP" doesn't really mean much, so it depends on the brand and model # of the unit you plan on using.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

:} $100 wagner it was on sale 59.95 @ a sucker for a sale. Its just a retail sprayer, little blower on it, one size does it all tip, actually the tip size can be varied quite easily, and it can be controled it quite well. " Its all about speed of your fan and how much product your blown out now pay attention". ( I'll never forget those word's i heard them everday for month's)

The prekote was shot with about 35% of 333 added to the mix (Thinner) surprisingly no spitting very uniform spray pattern, I could hold about a 8" fan from 12 inches from the boat and very little if any lapping or flashing, little light on the coverage, but i dont think one wants a heavy coat of that stuff. I guess i'm worried about the finish paint leveling, i was surprised to see the precoat level so well.....


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

:} a bit large .......







Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

andy6374 said:
Spray a guide coat and then hit it with your long board sander. This will tell you what your eye cannot.

:'( Andy in regards to your comment on a guide coat, you were dead spot on. There are so many imperfection's it almost makes me dizzy, however i hold to using the base as a guide............. simply i am just sanding down all the imperfections to the base of the boat and fixing filling sanding and grinding.
As soon as i can get all the problems out of the way ill start leveling the whole boat and shoot another base or guide coat and go from there.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

A few intresting side notes here, this shot was done using interlux 216 spraying thinner and it did get the sprayer spitting. Using Interlux 333 there was no spitting what so ever (spitting: a uneven spray coming from the gun.....larger spray droplets)

Sometime in the next few day's im going to have to experiment with both additives to see if there is any consitency to this.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Getting ready to apply base coat..ondarvr?

Just shot my first coat of Brightside and all i can say is WOW at first i was a bit hesitant to use this paint based off hour's of reading.

After the first shot i can say this, never have i seen a paint level so well in my career. if you prep it correctly it makes a $7000.00 wet sanding job look ho hum. ( and ive seen plently)

Look's like i have 3-4 day's of sanding to try to level the surface to a quality this paint can deliver........... soon i will post some pic's