Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

And why Germany was chosen in the first place. See Nuremberg.

This is just a ploy on the terrorists part to seem legitimate... just hot air.



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

Boomyal said:
QC said:
Myyyy goodness . . .
You are usually a little more loquacious than that QC?

It is a direct quote. You don't recall the source? The stage? The person that the quoted was reacting to? I'll let you think about it . . . 8)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

Waste o' time......
I gotta admit that there is just a bit of irony having Germany prosecute anyone for war crimes, esp. allegations of torture......:$.......JK


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

I wouldn’t be so quick to pooh-pooh this one. At the last minute Rummy coincidently decides not to attend the NATO summit?!? German law virtually requires an arrest warrant for Rummy be issued. That warrant is valid in the entire EU, i.e. any EU country is obligated to take Rummy into custody and hand him over to Germany to stand trial. The NATO summit will be held in a coupe weeks from now, in Latvia, an EU country. Suddenly, Rummy’s abstinence from the NATO summit seems somewhat less coincidental and one hell of a lot more political.

Don’t pooh-pooh this, part 2: Germany has an extradition agreement with the US. We are obligated to hand over Rummy if the Germans present us with a valid arrest warrant. Bush cannot pardon Rummy for crimes he is charged with in Germany.

However, if Rummy didn’t do anything wrong what does he have to worry about? Why would he worry about standing trial in Germany?

You can thank a couple of pants-wetting smarmy, liberal, democrat (aka coummist, same thing) New York City lawyers for going over to Germany and filing the complaint against Rummy that is causing this potentially huge political nightmare.

As I have said before, please, please, please help save America…do your part, shoot a couple smarmy lawyers.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

Boomyal said:
bond-o said:
Your link says the Page is Gone or Moved,.......

Save me the Trouble,+ Tell Me if it was the UN that Chose Germany,..??..??......

Or Who if Not the UN,..??.......
bond-o, it does not say. On one hand it implies that the Germans are doing it, on the other it implies that someone else just used Germany to file the suit because of a favorable environment.

Innuendo is stronger than truth and boobyal is all knowing.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

RubberFrog said:
Boomyal said:
...for crimes associated with Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. George Tenant and Alberto Gonzales also to be named.

Here we go. The witch hunt is on. The Dems, being the United Nations type will probably take the ball and run with it.
How big of a nuke is required to take out Berlin?
It has been said before and I will say it again, If you had a brain, you would be dangerous. I know, I know, now beer for techno.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...


If I see a lawyer standing in a group of liberals should I use my shotgun or my rifle? 8)


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

POINTER94 said:

If I see a lawyer standing in a group of liberals should I use my shotgun or my rifle? 8)

That's a hard question to answer. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. In the meantime don’t let such a precious opportunity pass you by; just start shooting at all of it. 8)


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

POINTER94 said:

If I see a lawyer standing in a group of liberals should I use my shotgun or my rifle? 8)

Thats like that "STUPID" question.
To Fish or not to fish.

Shotgun with no choke! Duh! :devil:

On ther other hand.. ammo is expensive...

Throw them a rope!
They will hang themselves soon enough and you can re-use the rope! :) :) :)

OK on a serious note:
We ALL here on this iboats forum know this is just the tip of the iceburg. It's going to get a lot worse.

I actually feel sorry for our friendly libs here, PW TX Haut etc.
They don't want to see this either. But can't stop it.

What do you do then?
I'm a pro "BUSH" President Bush, Fire and Police.
But HATE President Bushes stand on our Borders.

On that what can I say? I have nothing to stand on!
He was just looking for "illeagle Mexican" votes.

my .02


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

POINTER94 said:

If I see a lawyer standing in a group of liberals should I use my shotgun or my rifle? 8)

Thats like that "STUPID" question.
To Fish or not to fish.

Shotgun with no choke! Duh! :devil:

On ther other hand.. ammo is expensive...

Throw them a rope!
They will hang themselves soon enough and you can re-use the rope! :) :) :)

OK on a serious note:
We ALL here on this iboats forum know this is just the tip of the iceburg. It's going to get a lot worse.

I actually feel sorry for our friendly libs here, PW TX Haut etc.
They don't want to see this either. But can't stop it.

What do you do then?
I'm a pro "BUSH" President Bush, Fire and Police.
But HATE President Bushes stand on our Borders.

On that what can I say? I have nothing to stand on!
He was just looking for "illeagle Mexican" votes.

my .02


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Germans to investigate and charge Rumsfeld...

"Lawyers for the plaintiffs..." it says.

They are obviously not Americans. Any American would know better than to file a criminal complaint in a case like this - you file a civil lawsuit. A criminal conviction would help your civil case, but this would would take forever to get to court and probably never will, and if it does it's far from a slam dunk. Anybody with a television set knows that!