Generator Question (on the swim platform)


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Generator Question (on the swim platform)

And the plot thickens...So the exhaust is not "scrubbed" in the water. OK, if you know do you care to elaborate on how this system would be safer than one sitting on the swim deck? Seems to me it's not any safer.

Smokeonthewater covered it above...

"exhaust gas at several hundred degrees will be lighter than the ambient air and will rise... water cooled exhaust being at a much lower temperature will be much less likely to rise."

Gases that are first cooled then exhausted at the surface of the water are less likely to find their way into the boat.
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Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Generator Question (on the swim platform)

And the plot thickens...So the exhaust is not "scrubbed" in the water. OK, if you know do you care to elaborate on how this system would be safer than one sitting on the swim deck? Seems to me it's not any safer.

The exhaust IS "scrubbed" by the water flowing IN the exhaust piping and the water lift muffler... As stated above the exhaust also exits at a much lower temperature that makes it much less likely to rise to the level of the boat deck before dissipating.

EDIT: I see we were typing at the same time
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Oct 25, 2010
Re: Generator Question (on the swim platform)

So rdfirecaptian, did you sleep with the genny running tonight?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 17, 2008
Re: Generator Question (on the swim platform)

Brother its dead calm out here tonight 81 degrees at 1am and very, VERY humid. It's so hot the stripers have gone down deep on us and their bite is horrible. Calm down boys I said stripers, not "strippers". :) You dang right my genset is running and it will be until Thursday! Matter of fact, if it quits.. Ill be looking for the boat ramp.

These are not typical conditions for this lake, but it is something you need to be prepared to address. I have a box fan going above deck just to keep the bugs at bay. I feel like that also is a big help to disperse any CO that wanders over the stern wall into the cockpit area in these stagnant conditions. Down below it's a very comfy refuge with the AC going.... We come down here every so often just to shed that sticky damp layer off our skin. Yuk! Since we are fishing under the spotlight I don't know if I'll sleep much but I do plan on napping. Even if I did sleep it wouldn't be my first time doing so.

Long story short... Whether you have a builtin or portable gentset a generator onboard makes the boat more useable in weather that is not user friendly. But you gotta be safe!