Gear ratio debate

1970 Chieftain V

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 29, 2007
Re: Gear ratio debate

if you keep the same diameter prop... and go from a 3 blade to a 4 or 5 blade prop.... and start with the pitch merc recomends in their prop calculator. then your statement would be true.

Seriously, and i'm not being rude here.... But if you spent 12 hours a day for a month reading everything you could about props..... you still wouldn't get it. I wouldn't either. 99% of the people here wouldn't get it. And that is just props.... let alone gear ratios.
But what I do get, and quite a few people get... is that mercury gets it. If i put my trust in their charts and formulas... and if i'm not dealing with high performance... 99% of the time using what merc says will get you there every time.
To be honest, your post is labeled "debate", and there really is no debate about it. It's nothing more than cold hard math. And there is ALOT of math involved in the overall package. I can't explain to you every gear ratio and proper prop and power package. Don, and achris can't either. But we can point you to the charts that have it all spelled out.

No offense taken. I will let it die.



Aug 23, 2001
Re: Gear ratio debate

I will bring this up again but for another drive. Volvo Penta.
I have a 454 tied up to my Frankenstein'ed Volvo Penta 270/280 1.61/1. I am running a L 14.25X24 SS prop now and am running out of options. That is the biggest prop I can find for it and I am already at the rev limiter (5000+rpm's). This spring with the new heads and cam I will be way over that. The only option at this point is to lower the gear ratio just so I can use a "normal range" prop again but I can not find anything on Volvo gears. Any help?