Fuel tanks


Mar 23, 2004
I have a werid question, maybe a dumb one.<br />Heres the scenerio. I have a Yamha 40 el 1993.<br />I have 2- 6 gallon tanks and a 5 gallon caddy.<br /><br />Yesterday was the first time I had taken this boat out more then 2 miles from moorage so I filled up all the tanks so we would not run out while we were fishing. <br /> One of the tanks has a smaller diameter hose 1/4 I think, and the cap has a vent. I open the vent and prime the bulb and start as usual. I noticed that when we use this tank we get great milege, we went over 10 nautical miles plus trolling and came back to the moorage with about a quarter tank still left.<br />Now the sencond tank I have had, I purchased it at a shop in town and it was cheap. It did not have a vent on the tank or on the cap. The fuel line I have for this one also has a larger diameter; 1/2 I think. Any way I open the cap just enough so that it can vent and prime and start but the difference is that I only get about 1/2 the milege out of this tank then I do with the one that came with the boat, which has a vent and a smaller diameter hose. <br /><br /> Now the motor runs the same, regardless of wich tank I use. <br /><br />What would make that other tank go through gas much faster, is it because of the larger hose diameter or the fact there is no vent so I leave the cap just a little open( no gas is being spilled from doing this either.). Since it is not affecting the way the motor runs I am going to buy a vent cap and gotot a smaller diameter hose for this tank and see if that makes a difference.<br /><br />Any one else have this issue or know what the cause whould be?<br /><br />Any way I will experiment with the new hose and vent cap next week and see if it makes a difference.

Ben Konopacky

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 5, 2004
Re: Fuel tanks

the only thing i can figure would cause this ,when comming back to the dock you have a load of fish ,more weight ,speed (getting back to show your catch) you use more fuel.and as for the vent ,some tank connections have an auto vent in the connection.otherwise you would create a vacuum and the engine would stall .(lack of fuel)Dont take the first part seriously,no ans...


Mar 23, 2004
Re: Fuel tanks

Yea Im lost. There was no weight difference, infact there was less weight when we used the tank that drained faster. Go figure, I will change the hose this weekend and try.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Fuel tanks

I seriously doubt if the hose is an issue. If your motor wants a ¼ inch hose, that is the ‘minimum’ diameter you should use. A ½ inch diameter should not affect the motor’s performance.<br /><br />To get a realistic idea of any actual difference in fuel use you need to do trials in the same waters, under the same conditions, over an identical course. I’m guessing you aren’t going to see the difference you think there is.