Fuel problems

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
On my last trip out, my motor was running along fine and then it cut out and died. I soon discovered that if I pump the bulb it run fine even at full speed. When I stop pumping it stalls. After reading many postings. I replaced the hose with bulb, in-line fuel filter, and installed a diaphragm /fuel pump kit. Still having the same problem.<br />I did notice that their seem to be fuel leek king from the carb area. It drips down to the cable tilt tube area. The fuel seems to have a oil mixture. My motor is a 97 power head with a 87 lower unit Mercury 115 HP oil injected. S/N-oc189160. I'm not totally confident that I did the rebuilt fuel pump properly but I had no extra parts and fuel is going threw the diaphragm into the in-line filter. My fuel tank is built in 30 gall. and do not see any air vents.<br />Thanks Stoked


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Take the hose from the fuel pump to the carb off, and crank it over. If gas squirts out like a cut artery, the fuel pump is ok. If not, you still have problems there.<br /><br />If the fuel is werking, and gas is comming out of the carbs, it could be the needle valve is stuck open.

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Thanks I'll try it in the morning. If the needle sticking How do I fix it. O yeh What's the needle look like?<br />Is it visible from the front of the carbs?<br />SToked

Big Four

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 28, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Sounds like she's sucking air into the fuel system somewhere. Make sure you check all the hose clamps in the fuel system under the engine cover.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Big four is right. anything that restricts fuel flow is what you need to look at.<br />You axed about the needle valve.<br />You will have to remove the carb. Once you have the carb off, the needle valve is under the float. The float is held-in with a pin at the hinge, like the hinge pin on a house door. It is knurled on the ends, but can still be driven-out with a small nail enough to grab it with needle nose pliers. Then, you just werk it out. There will be a tab on the top of the float that moves the needle valve up n down.Try not to bend this tab,as it will throw the float level out of adjustment. Anyhoo, when the float is out,the needle should slide-out of the valve tube. Clean it with the spray,and the tube,allow to air-dry, and re-assemble.

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Update:<br /><br />last night I did what 12 footer recomended. "Take the hose from the fuel pump to the carb off, and crank it over. If gas squirts out like a cut artery, the fuel pump is ok. If not, you still have problems there." <br />Well, No fuel is coming out of the fuel pump. If I pump the bulb it comes out. Did I essemble the diaphrgm wrong? Can I purchase the essembled fuel pump? All I see is rebuild kits. This seems like a straight foward system. What's next I'm stumped.<br />Stoked :confused:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Is your hose hooked up in the right direction? Also, There have been many a bad primer bulb sold. <br /><br />I would keep thinking air in the line somewhere as a possibility too.<br /><br /> Usually you can just find the rebuild kits as there is not too much than can go bad on a pump. It is possible, though. I don't think a new pump is too much money if you choose to go that route.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Hi, Stoked. One thing that can cause a good fuel pump to not pump is leakage or blockage in the connection to crankcase pressure/vacuum that runs the pump.<br /><br />Worth checking out.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . <br />JB :)

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

I think I'll rplace my hoses and clamps to verify a tight fit and no leaks. Thanks for the support. I'll let you know tommorrow.<br />Stoked

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

I'm in big trouble. After replacing my hoses and clamps I still was not getting fuel out of the fuel pump unless I pumped the bulb. I noticed when I removed the old diaphragm it at a dimond cut out in it. I didn't think much of it at the time until this evening. I noticed that when I cranked over the engine I had air pressure coming from the crancase hose but I couldn't blow threw the diaphram. So I cut a diamond cut in my diaphragm and then I was able to blow threw the crankcase vaulve on the fuel pump. I thought this was good. I proceeded to prim the Bulb and it never got hard so I kept pumping. When I turned the key it wont even turn over. I then relized what I just did. I filled the crankcase with fuel. Please help me sleep tonight. What do I do? Is this a major boo boo?<br />Stoked Not

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

UPDATE: I think I'm okay. I tilted my moter and turned the wheel and around a cup of fuel came pouring out. She now turns over. Did I cause any damage?<br /><br />My original problem: I noticed that I can not blow into the crancase vualve on the fuel pump but there seems to be plenty of presuure on from the hose. Is my diaphram essembled wrong? :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 23, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

stoked....you probably did not assemble the pump correctly....did you buy merc parts?? they come with 3 or 4 pages of instruction....get a new kit...your gonna need it, cuttin the diaphram was the wrong idea....if you can use the primer ball to pull fuel out of the tank and run the motor without any leaks, your problem lies in the fuel pump....if at first you dont succeed, try, try again....

stoked not

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

I purchased a 3rd party diaphragm rebuild kit from my local Mercury dealer. (Thats all he had.) It came with no documentation. All I had to go with, was the diagram from the mecury parts on-line. Can anyone direct me to a on-line site that sells the entire pump, so I don't have to install the diaphragm kit. <br />DID I do any damage by getting gas in my crankcase???? I'm concerned<br />Stoked


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 8, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

I am certainly not an expert, but I believe the gas/oil mix flows through the crankcase, that is what lubricates it in a 2 cycle engine. I wouldn't think it would do damage, but I am not sure about oil injected engines.<br />But I guess you must have pumped straight gas in there with the bulb. I could sleep with that one.<br /><br />Please, somebody correct me if I am wrong.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Fuel problems

Go to the library and pick up a manual. This will help understnad how the thing should go back together..


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 2, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Most of these two stroke engine diaghrams do have a certain direction to place them into the pump housing. sometimes it looks as though they are reversable. make sure all the shapes on the diaghram matches the shapes on both sides of the housing.

my new fishmaster

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2001
Re: Fuel problems

Is your engine a oilinjected or premix. I just purchased a quicksilver kit for my 96 for premix it is straight forward except you must drill out for the plastic round clear thingys. Basically its so you can secure them with the new hardware. I am having the same problems you are. I can prime and get her running then I open the throttle and she cuts out and dies. My 89 80hpmercury oilinjected had a similar problem it was the fuel pump the rubber thingy was turned over and not working right. :cool: