Four families suing MySpace over assaults


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Docknocker said:
What matters is the fact that a 10 year old is now besieged with absolute garbage instead of being allowed the carefree childhood we all enjoyed, and that 10 year old deserves.

What matters Docknocker is that Mrs Docknocker stays home and nurtures her/your children. Then things like MySpace will become transparent to them. Anything short of that, you and Mrs Docknocker have abdicated your parental responsibilities to the state/schools/daycare/fellow citizens.

This is why I have seething detestation for the liberal schtick. They have succeeded in divorcing several generations of Americans from what their primary responsibilities are.

You, again, make my point Mr Docknocker. You have just expressed your expectation that someone else be responsible for the upbringing of your children.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Fly said:
...i can't believe the way the parents let them dress.

You've just made my point again Fly Rod. It's the way parents 'let' them be. Then when something goes wrong, it's everyone elses fault and responsibility.

I would never just 'drop' my children off at the mall. We made sure they had something to do that was more edifying. Sure they asked, because their friends were doing it, but once they were told no, they had something to fall back on.

Just read all of my reasoning, it will answer all your 'ya buts'.

My Space is a wonder of modern communication. I think it has a place, just like the telephone did. Without any statistics, I would imagine that the great bulk of communication that goes on thru there is without the kind of problems that have brought on this suit. I highly doubt that the purveyors of MySpace wished for any ill to occur as a result of there existance.

I would venture to say that every problem that occurs from MySpace is a result of emotionally and physically neglect children.

These things happen on the street. Get a life and place the blame where it lies.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 20, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Boom - she did - a did I as much as I could. Never "dropped" them off, always knew where they were and who with. I'll state again, I'll never try to blame my kids shortcomings on a MySpace scenario. All 3 turned out great, thanks in part to their parents. I don't know how old yours are, but it's now an entirely different, hyper-paced world. Pigeon-hole me in whatever political slot you want. The higher-ups at MySpace (they're probably all under 30 & w/o kids of their own) DO need to be responsible enough to monitor the site they created, created BTW only as a means to produce advertising revenue.
I'm sure you and I would get along great rafted up but GEEZ - we're miles apart on this.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Docknocker, don't you believe that parents have a responsiblity here?


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

There is no one easy answer. Myspace is a scourge upon our children, despite it's intensions, but sueing them is pointless. It is easy to say that parents need to be more responsible, but anyone with a pulse knows that unless they homeschool their kids in a Unabomber shack out in the middle of Deliveranceville, their kids will, at some point, be exposed. We can educate our children about the dangers of the internet, but in the end we can only hope our kids don't succumb to peer pressure or just sheer curiosity.

The reality is these are challenging times for kids, like no other. There is massive amounts of distraction and danger, unlike anything in history. Due to being better than the Jones's, everyone has their kids with cellphones, laptops, you name it. These kids have more technology than the Borg, and once that pandora's box gets opened up with your kids, there is no closing it. Think you are slick if your kids doesn't have this technology? Forget it, because guess what, the school has it, the library has it, their friends have it. It is unstoppable. The only thing parents can do is try to stay abreast of what their kids are doing.

Yes, in a flowery fantasyland, having a stay-at-home mom while Ward heads off to work may seem like the right answer, but that does not matter either. Two parent homes with a stay-at-home mom have the same problems. Trust me, I know quite a few, and the only difference between them and single parent homes is you have two parents worrying about what their 12 year old daughter does when she is over at her friends house instead of one.

Boy, if anyone actually has the secret to having 100 percent control over what happens with their kids, they need to patent that and sell it, they could make a mint. Otherwise, lets leave the fantasy land to Leave It To Beaver reruns, because that way of life will never exist again...


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

The reality is these are challenging times for kids, like no other. There is massive amounts of distraction and danger, unlike anything in history. Due to being better than the Jones's, everyone has their kids with cellphones, laptops, you name it. ,

Duhhhhhh... Let me quote you again...

These kids have more technology than the Borg

I suppose it's all dummies fault, but when does it become your own fault, as parents. Can these kids afford the "borg" tech? or are they enabled?

Don't give me your "cut and run" scenario... IT IS NO ONES FAULT BUT YOUR OWN IF YOUR KIDS SUCK.

Don't try to blame it on anyone but yourself... you are the guide, you are the one to instill values.... and if you don't do it don't come sniveling around me.

You let your kids down all by yourself, hopefully I won't have to kill one for you.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

JasonJ said:
..... but anyone with a pulse knows that unless they homeschool their kids in a Unabomber shack out in the middle of Deliveranceville, their kids will, at some point, be exposed. .

I take exception to that Jason. We homeschooled our kids in downtown Vancouver, Wa. My daughter just graduated from WSU a year ago and my son (just 19 1/3) will graduate from George Fox university, with a Bachelor Degree in Political Science, in June.

They were both kids to the core. They simply did not have a need or a desire to hang out at the mall, watch MTV, or sucumb to any scum on My Space.

If other parents do not want to pay the price we did, they will pay the price in other ways. I just get sick when I hear everyone whining that someone else is responsible for their children's downfall.

This is the Liberal falacy. They will break down the social mores, then blame everyone else when problems arise, then want to step in to control things. This is not what made America what it is. Plain and simple.

Get to the root of the issue, do not apply bandaids. If today's kids are going to get into trouble on MySpace, without it they will get into trouble somewhere else.

Let the parents do what is necessary, in today's Liberal created permissive society, to protect their children and quit whining that it is someone elses responsibility.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

I quote:

"Let the parents do what is necessary, in today's Liberal created permissive society, to protect their children and quit whining that it is someone elses responsibility."

I add:
Absolutely. We parents are the 1st line of defense. Granted that we cannot monitor all a child is exposed to. Some 'bad-stuff' will get through, regardless of our efforts. The operative word here being 'efforts'.
It is my belief our efforts should and must include holding to task external influences of damaging impact.

It is we parents that have the ultimate responsibility to do all in our power to insulate and instill proper thinking. To point a finger at others after the damage has been done is ridiculous and an abdicaton of our responsibilities.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Well there is an age limit for that when kids lie about their age to part of it, is that the parents fault or Myspace's? I think it is the parents first and foremost.

There is stuff on the internet that is 100 million times worse than do we sue them too? Sure porn sites are age protected too, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to get past that either.

Granted i don't have any expirience in the matter, but I still say its the parents responsibility first. It is also their responsibiity to talk about this stuff with their kids. That can mean a world of to them about the dangers.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Crunch, what the hell are you talking about. I didn't mention anything about the president, aim you lib hatred somewhere else, I am not taking that crap off of you or anyone else. Nowhere did I say it wasn't the parents responsibility, because it is. Do you even have kids? If so, are they perfect sinless angels?

And Boom, just when did you raise your kids? Are they being homeschooled right now? I wasn't saying homeschooling was a bad thing so stop twisting my words to fit your hate. I was simply tossing an extreme and unlikely example. Apparently none of you were kids, or you were such good little angels and you never, ever did anything wrong, or your kids where hand crafted from ingots of pure perfection, without fault.

Hold on.......................okay, done puking.

See, I was raised with a strong hand, and arses were whooped when I did something stupid. But guess what, I still was curious, I still tested the water.

I'll say it one last time. This is not Leave it to Beaver, it is not the 50s, 60s, 70s, or even 80s. It is NOW, and parents have a much more difficult time raising their children, what with an over zealous child social services system that jails parents for spanking, and the tree-hugging mentality that you are supposed to be your kids friends. Parents are parents, not friends, and I have always endorsed parenting with strength and not giving in to every hissy-fit your brat throws.

So stop putting words in my mouth, inject your hate on someone else. If you bother to read my post without injecting hate and bias, you will see that I AM AGREEING WITH YOU. Good lord you guys....


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

As a parent, you have to LET some of that bad stuff through every now and then. Otherwise they'll find it all when they turn 18 and go nuts. My friend Jeff was pretty sheltered most of his life...then he went off to college, where he found drugs, porn, and god knows what else. I went to his funeral in August. He was 20.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Pony said:
Well there is an age limit for that when kids lie about their age to part of it, is that the parents fault or Myspace's? I think it is the parents first and foremost.

There is stuff on the internet that is 100 million times worse than do we sue them too? Sure porn sites are age protected too, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to get past that either.

Granted i don't have any expirience in the matter, but I still say its the parents responsibility first. It is also their responsibiity to talk about this stuff with their kids. That can mean a world of to them about the dangers.

Pony raises a good point. I think we should sue Algore for inventing the internet!8)

That being said, well balanced kids do not sucumb to these temptations. Sure they may see it but if they are not left to Hillary's village to raise them, they will not be the worse for wear having rubbed elbows with it. Nor will they go out of their way to look for it.

Keep your kids out of day care. Keep a loving mother at home to, well, MOTHER them and all of this trash becomes a moot point.