Four families suing MySpace over assaults


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
This will be interesting to see the outcome. IMHO, just another example of 'Johnny can't do Wrong'. In other words it is alway someone elses fault

We are increasingly, a society of victims. Not only can we not take responsibility for ourselves, we cannot take the time to be responsible for our children.

IMLTHO, this is no different sueing a Wal-mart because a 14 y/o girl met a pervert in their aisles or sueing the Telephone Company for the results of any conversations that take place on it.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

I don't know the particulars, but seems to me that MySpace has been treading treacherous waters for some time now. They may not be responsible for the content, but providing an avenue is frought with peril. Especially with minors involved, and attorneys out to make a buck. That's the world we made for ourselves.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

It is very clear, legally speaking, that website owners are not responsible for the content posted by their users. Just like iboats isn't responsible if I post instructions on how to make a bomb. Or I'm not responsible if one of my customers decides to host child porn on my servers.

That means it's even more ridiculous for a website to be held responsible for the people who simply look at their content or use a website to communicate. That would be like holding Yahoo responsible for all the emails they send.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 20, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

We are on a slippery slope as far as what our children now have forced down their throats 24/7/365. It is a much different world.
My parents only had to monitor 2 1/2 network channels
(ABC only came in if it was raining), and that was in the days when censors actually did something. I now have to lock-out 99.9% of the net and cable TV. If your child hasn't figured out how to defeat the parental controls yet, the other kids in school will fill them in on what they're "missing". It really s**ks watching your child's innocence being taken away and not be able to stop it. It's really gotten sick.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

ZmOz said:
It is very clear, legally speaking, that website owners are not responsible for the content posted by their users. Just like iboats isn't responsible if I post instructions on how to make a bomb. Or I'm not responsible if one of my customers decides to host child porn on my servers.

That means it's even more ridiculous for a website to be held responsible for the people who simply look at their content or use a website to communicate. That would be like holding Yahoo responsible for all the emails they send.

Wasn't Napster held responsible?


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

BoatBuoy said:
Wasn't Napster held responsible?

Well, if something illegal is brought to the host's attention, then they are obligated to remove it, and napster didn't. There isn't even anything illegal posted on myspace, (usually) it's just the cause of some illegal activity outside the internet.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

rant on!

Looks like lack of parenting to me. It's called responsiblity, or lack of it, that are not being taught at home, along with morals and values. It's a shame.

So once again, the parents say "It's not our fault". Wrong answer, it is your fault. I agree with Z and Boom, time to face the facts parents, there are bad folks out there and it's up to YOU to protect your children. YOU are the first line of defense for YOUR childs protection.

rant off!

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults


It is about time that my space is taken a task for not controlling the content on their web.

As far as not being illegal on my space, they are obligared to police that web site. To many things have happened on the web.

It's not just parenting. Yes parents have responsibilities and so do these web sites.

Let's take iboats for example, they mornitor what goes on the post and they subsequently squash what is not suitable and the majority of us here are adults. How do you or I exspect a kids web site to be any different.

And do not think that with the large membership of iboats that there are no sexual predators aboad, you would be naive!!!!


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Fly said:
Let's take iboats for example, they mornitor what goes on the post and they subsequently squash what is not suitable and the majority of us here are adults.

Sure they do...but in no way are they legally required to do so.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

You make my point FlyRod. There is a huge difference between an iboat forum and My Space. iboats monitors the content of it's forum simply because it is an adjunct to a commercial enterprise.

You might as well expect that the Telephone Companies monitor what gets said over their lines.

This is an outright example of Liberal Think to demand that My Space monitor the conduct of it's site. What in the hell do you expect them to do, ask for ID before they let a poster post?

This is not an 'it takes a village' issue. This is pure and simple a parental issue. Just because the internet is out there does not mean that parents have to give their kids the run of it. Liberals have chased, taxed and shamed mothers out of the home and out of their rightful role in parenting.

I do not want to take care of your children and I certainly do not want any government mandated controls of the internet.

No 14 y/o I know would be given the opportunity to go off by herself and hook up with someone they met on the internet. I expect that you excercise that kind of control over your children. And if you don't then I say you are p-poor parent for creating a child that thinks they have to get their jollies by hooking up with any stranger.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 20, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Personally, I do my absolute best to shield my youngest from the sick world we've created - but it's become virtually impossible unless you shadow your child 24/7, and that's just not possible.
I'm not about to shift parenting blame to an outsider, but those who try to blame everything on us contentious parents - who work real hard to protect our kids, are either A) completely out of touch with whats constantly pounded at our kids now B) don't have young ones they're trying to shield, or C) just full of crap.
Anyone like me who's legitimatly trying to protect their children from the non-stop stream of trash kids are now subject to will agree - short of sealing your child in a sound proof box until they're 18 - we are fighting a losing battle. Even after you lock-out 99.9% of the net, some other kid will download the video of Hussein being hung onto his ipod & bring it to school - and I have no control over the other kid. Anyone who tries to tell me I'm not doing my absolute best for my kids can........whatever.
I say hang MySpace out to twist - it's a porn site geared to 14 year olds - sick.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Docknocker said:
Personally, I do my absolute best to shield my youngest from the sick world we've created - but it's become virtually impossible unless you shadow your child 24/7, and that's just not possible.
I'm not about to shift parenting blame to an outsider, but those who try to blame everything on us contentious parents - who work real hard to protect our kids, are either A) completely out of touch with whats constantly pounded at our kids now B) don't have young ones they're trying to shield, or C) just full of crap.
Anyone like me who's legitimatly trying to protect their children from the non-stop stream of trash kids are now subject to will agree - short of sealing your child in a sound proof box until they're 18 - we are fighting a losing battle. Even after you lock-out 99.9% of the net, some other kid will download the video of Hussein being hung onto his ipod & bring it to school - and I have no control over the other kid. Anyone who tries to tell me I'm not doing my absolute best for my kids can........whatever.
I say hang MySpace out to twist - it's a porn site geared to 14 year olds - sick.

I say that if your child succumbs to meeting an unknown stranger, there is something missing in their lives that is the explicit fault and neglect of the parents.

Today we expect Day Care to raise our children. They come away without a strong sense of security. This is what causes these things, not My Space.

Why is it that my kids did not have a compulsion to hook up with a stranger and your's (euphemistically, of course) do/did?

I'll tell you why. My wife did not buy into the modern day Liberal feminist bullshit and stayed home, loved and raised our kids. They had no desire/drive/compulsion to do it, even if given the opportunity.

Kids who do not have a desperate vacumm in their lives do not do these kind of things.

Your (euphemistically again) liberalism is going to be the death of this great American Experience.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Just curious - those that think myspace is the problem, what do you expect them to do? Hire thousands of people to check every profile every day? Shut down completely? Don't you think myspace2 will start up the very next day?

Napster is a good example...what happened after they shut it down? 100 clones popped up, and today music is easier than ever to steal.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Quote boatboy "Wasn't Napster held responsible? "

Wasn't that due to piracy laws? Theft? What laws have been broken here, besides bad parenting?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

ZmOz said:
Just curious - those that think myspace is the problem, what do you expect them to do? Hire thousands of people to check every profile every day? Shut down completely? Don't you think myspace2 will start up the very next day?

Napster is a good example...what happened after they shut it down? 100 clones popped up, and today music is easier than ever to steal.

Ya But Zm, here is the deal. The more these deluded Liberalfiles demand that someone else take responsibility for what is rightfully their domian, the more likely that government regulation and taxation take hold. How would you like to have an Algore tax on your internet use, huh?

These people out there are totally unable to connect the dots. Liberalism has now propagated multi generations of social imbeciles.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

1st of all mr boomyal I am neither a liberal, democrat or republican. I am an independent, a consevative, a pessimist and a realist.

2nd, you will never have to spend a penny from your pay check taxes on my children or grand children, they are provided for and do not need one cent from you. And yes they do need to work like the majority of people.

People have to be responsible for their content or what goes on on their website, tv show, work place or favorite hang out. Has nothing at all to do with being a libertarian.

My- Space as of yesterday as I listened to the news is going to have some type of system installed on their web site that a parent can mornitor the content of the childs web page either from work or from another computer no matter where it is while the child is on the computer and the child will know that they are being mornited.

Do you have a child between the ages of 13-17 years old?
You can not know what that child is doing 24 hours a day when they say, " I'm going over so & so's house or when you drop them off at the bowling alley," when in reality they are going to meet with some friend or who ever. Maybe you have that perfect child.
Maybe I am lucky at my age not having a child in that age group. I see these kids in the shopping mall and i can't believe the way the parents let them dress.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 20, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Thank you, FR. With all due respect Boom, the death of this great American experience will not be we loving, concerned parents, but all things similar to MySpace allowing any kind of trash to be spewed from their sites/channels for the advertising buck. And it's only going to get worse as 2 bit sites like that allow the garbage to be ramped up more and more.
Politically, I don't know how I'd be classified - doesnt matter. What matters is the fact that a 10 year old is now besieged with absolute garbage instead of being allowed the carefree childhood we all enjoyed, and that 10 year old deserves.
I'll say it again - I hope the lawsuits prevail against MySpace - which is basically a smut peddler preying on youngsters.
Enough of this, isn't this a boat forum??



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 20, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Wishful thinking !!


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Four families suing MySpace over assaults

Quote Docknocker "but all things similar to MySpace allowing any kind of trash to be spewed from their sites/channels for the advertising buck"

I bet the ACLU would disagree (well probably not, it won't help their agenda). It's called freedom of speech. If NAMBLA can have it, so can anyone that posts on the web. Now you want to take away Constutional rights?

No parent can protect their children 24/7, but it has always been that way.

WBW what say you about this frredom of speech being hindered/ oppressed?