

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Forums

Hi, Guys.<br /><br />As Moderator1 said, iboats is making some changes with the intent to better serve the boating community.<br /><br />The FAQ section is not going the way we expected or planned. I don't know how we are going to fix that without offending the many people who have offered their time and expertise by posting there.<br /><br />Our plan was to have a read-only section of carefully written answers to a selection of frequently asked questions. . .answers that are as complete and bulletproof as possible.<br /><br />As a model of what we planned, I drafted the "Outboard Wont Start" troubleshooting guide, ran it by the other Mods for ideas and suggestions, then posted it for suggestions and ideas from other outboard wrenches. I then revised it several times to include the excellent advice I got. This process took several weeks.<br /><br />I was a professional Technical Writer for many years. I taught Outboard Wrenches how to troubleshoot and Technical Writers how to write instructions. Yet I still needed days to write the draft and more weeks to collect corrections, additions and rewording advice before I was ready to put that in the FAQ section.<br /><br />To meet what Admin5 has asked of us for the FAQ section, that process is necessary.<br /><br />First, we need to ensure that we are addressing a truly frequent question that can be accurately answered for all versions of the question. We don't want to include links or C&P.<br /><br />After Admin5 agrees that we have a good candidate, we need an expert to write a draft answer. Then we need to submit it to all of our expert helpers, or selected experts in some cases, for comment, advice, additions or corrections. Then revise it to fit that input.<br /><br />Then it is ready to be included in the FAQ section for read-only use by members.<br /><br />My thanks to all who have contributed and my apologies that we introduced it without thorough explanation. <br /><br />If your contributions don't get included it will not be because we don't value them, we surely do, it will only be that they didn't fit the plan. When (if) we get to the question you addressed we will surely seek your input in preparing the FAQ solution.<br /><br />Thanks for reading. :)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Forums

Bumping up....good info from JB in his last post.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 29, 2002
Re: Forums

JB I like the idea of FAQ's. I do believe a series of forums like that would definitely lighten the load of the advisors. It seems the same questions get asked every day. A heading of sorts could lead someone with a problem to a set of answers on the subject. You advisors have more patience than I do, I can tell you that. nevjb


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Forums

A FAQ section is common to most companies web sites to prevent people from asking the standard and time consuming questions that virtually everyone has experienced.<br /><br />It helps level out the old 80/20 rule. 80% of the questions are asked by 20% of the people, and 80% or better of the questions have already been asked and answered in a standard format. This way the brain trust of this site can provide their experitise to the 20% of the questions that are unique or application specific.<br /><br />A very smart way to conserve "resources" and provide immediate answers to people new to boating by having immediate 24/7 access to a library of information.<br /><br />Hats off the the Captains of this board, they are being progessive, and thoughtful to everyone.<br /><br />Pointer94