Hi, I posted on here last summer about my 1988 18ft Bayliner with a 125 force that I cant get to go over 2500rpms, about 12mph roughly. I'm back at working on it again so gonna try to get some ideas, I'm just going to list everything I've done to the motor and maybe you guys will be able to give me an idea as to what else I could check.
-New fuel lines
-Carbs soaked, Bowl Gaskets replaced
-New engine block 138 compression on all cyl roughly
-new cdi boxes
-new ignition coils
-new spark plugs
-new stator
-new battery
-checked for spun prop
-swapped a rectifier off a 50 force didnt change anything
-3 different fuel pumps that I've tried
-Checked all trigger wire sheathings
-Checked screen on Gas tank pickup
-checked throttle cables it opens carbs full throttle
At this point I feel like I've checked or replaced pretty much everything I can think off it being. Since the day I picked the boat up I've had no issues running in driveway on muffs. as soon as its in the water WOT it doesn't go past 2500rpms, cant get on plane.
Previous owner said it happened out of no where one day it was fine, next it lost a ton of power. So thought it would be and easy fix well I was wrong lol
-New fuel lines
-Carbs soaked, Bowl Gaskets replaced
-New engine block 138 compression on all cyl roughly
-new cdi boxes
-new ignition coils
-new spark plugs
-new stator
-new battery
-checked for spun prop
-swapped a rectifier off a 50 force didnt change anything
-3 different fuel pumps that I've tried
-Checked all trigger wire sheathings
-Checked screen on Gas tank pickup
-checked throttle cables it opens carbs full throttle
At this point I feel like I've checked or replaced pretty much everything I can think off it being. Since the day I picked the boat up I've had no issues running in driveway on muffs. as soon as its in the water WOT it doesn't go past 2500rpms, cant get on plane.
Previous owner said it happened out of no where one day it was fine, next it lost a ton of power. So thought it would be and easy fix well I was wrong lol