Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....
Water, you're talking yourself in circles. Strong, great, same smell different color. The implied tone of the phrasing indicates a belief that we as a country have only achieved greatness since the Ronster was in office, and I rebuffed it. Shrieking about it doesn't change that fact. I forgot, you subscribe to the Ex Wife technique of discussion, where if you just yell loud enough the other person just gives up in disgust. I have had one ex-wife, I don't need another one, but thanks for offering.
BTW, JFK was instrumental in motivating this fine country to get ahead of the Soviet Union during the space race. Maybe I am the only one who seems to remember that.
Don't even get me started on education, I served 11 years, AND I am educated. Whats you're excuse?
Pointer, as usual you make perfect sense. Unfortunately "in the last 20 years" was not part of the statement. My beef was that this country has taken a few centuries to achieve greatness, and to imply that those who came before Reagan do not count is a savage disservice to those who came before him. Reagan was only a small part of a big picture, but some are incapable of seeing the big picture. they just crop out what they don't want to see like history is one big Photoshop project.
Was JFK flawed, of course he was. He shared that one thing most dem presidents seems to have as a weakness: The ladies. I have yet to figure out why the dem leadership can't learn from their repub counterparts how to either keep it in their pants or do a better job of hiding it. He was still a great president who was admired by both parties, and was mourned when he fell. Show me any president that has taken office since that bound the entire nation together the way he did, it just has not happened. Even my hard-core republican friends and in-laws conceade to JFK.
Pointer, to answer your question on why we are the number 1 destination, that is easy. Most other industrialized nations with similar levels of lifestyle have much more strict immigration policy. They are also better able to enforce and control these policies. Our imigration laws are slack, our borders are pourous, and we have a massive amount of land to dissapear in. We are the #1 destination because we are the easiest, thats all.