For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

woodrat said:

Woodrat, in the future, please refer to the Rehub brand of Kool-Aid as "Limpbaugh Lemonade" ;)
I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes from reading this thread......
The arrogance displayed in this thread is exactly why the rest of the world can't stand us.......
Ronald Ray-Gun freed the USSR? Pshaw!....JK

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

It wasn't a democrat that made us the strong empire we are, it was ol' Ronald.d:)


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Haut, you are funny. Limbaugh is the one who first coined the Kool-aid visual. And liberals called him hateful for doing it. Thanks for stopping by, I'll look for you at the daily Kos. :love:


Mar 7, 2002
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

I'd rather not rely on Rush and others in his camp on weather and environmental issues. I listen to him often and I swear there isn't an environmental issue that he doesn't automatically take pleasure in making fun of, some conservationalist.

Another Rush tactic is to attack and belittle "moderates" if only because they are swing voters and don't fall into lockstep with his beleifs. After all Boom, most moderates are a majority even here on iboats. They are the ones that don't express their political views. The moderates are the ones that are on all the other forums here and never participate in DC.
Rush is such a party hack.

However, I listened to a program recently that spoke my language. It didn't discount the global warming issue but instead pointed out the myths that the extremists on the otherside push as facts.
1. Global warming will extend the growing season for food crops.
2. Coral reefs will expand.
3. Polar ice melting will raise water levels very little since most ice is underwater anyhow.
4.Slightly warmer temps are generally more comfortable.
5. No evidence of "pop culture" type catastophes have ever panned out in the past.
6. Natures ability to warm the earth naturally far exceeds our own.
7. There are much more immediate and serious problems that are likely to be our demise than global warming.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

This thread reminds me a lot of growing up with my older brother. He was 4 years older, smart, athletic, a full six inches taller than me and 40 lbs heavier.
And he reminded me of these facts in every way imaginable on a constant basis.

Now I knew challenging him to a fist fight in the backyard would be downright foolish, and I was no fool.
So I spent vitually every waking moment plotting ways to get even, and if I could make him look foolish in the process, now that was sweet. It was.

The moral of the story is if you insist on walking around with your chest stuck out, you better grow eyes in the back of your head.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Water, you're talking yourself in circles. Strong, great, same smell different color. The implied tone of the phrasing indicates a belief that we as a country have only achieved greatness since the Ronster was in office, and I rebuffed it. Shrieking about it doesn't change that fact. I forgot, you subscribe to the Ex Wife technique of discussion, where if you just yell loud enough the other person just gives up in disgust. I have had one ex-wife, I don't need another one, but thanks for offering.

BTW, JFK was instrumental in motivating this fine country to get ahead of the Soviet Union during the space race. Maybe I am the only one who seems to remember that.

Don't even get me started on education, I served 11 years, AND I am educated. Whats you're excuse?

Pointer, as usual you make perfect sense. Unfortunately "in the last 20 years" was not part of the statement. My beef was that this country has taken a few centuries to achieve greatness, and to imply that those who came before Reagan do not count is a savage disservice to those who came before him. Reagan was only a small part of a big picture, but some are incapable of seeing the big picture. they just crop out what they don't want to see like history is one big Photoshop project.

Was JFK flawed, of course he was. He shared that one thing most dem presidents seems to have as a weakness: The ladies. I have yet to figure out why the dem leadership can't learn from their repub counterparts how to either keep it in their pants or do a better job of hiding it. He was still a great president who was admired by both parties, and was mourned when he fell. Show me any president that has taken office since that bound the entire nation together the way he did, it just has not happened. Even my hard-core republican friends and in-laws conceade to JFK.

Pointer, to answer your question on why we are the number 1 destination, that is easy. Most other industrialized nations with similar levels of lifestyle have much more strict immigration policy. They are also better able to enforce and control these policies. Our imigration laws are slack, our borders are pourous, and we have a massive amount of land to dissapear in. We are the #1 destination because we are the easiest, thats all.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

I don't recall yelling. And, no strong and great are not the same. China is strong, but by no means great, same as Russia. By strength I meant militarily. Of course I didn't need to tell you that, because you have an education.

What other nation has our level of lifestyle? I can't think of one. The UK is close, but it's not at our level. Switzerland is pretty good, I've always like the Swiss. Oh wait, I don't have an education. I don't know that. :/

Since you're so smart, you should know that serving any time in the military doesn't make you smart. (Case in point, John Kerry) Just to let you know, a foot condition that I have no control over kept me from enlisting after 9/11. So don't try to act like you're all patriotic because you served. So did Kerry, and I honestly think he hates this country and everything we stand for, kinda like you.

Excuse for what? Do I need one?

You misread what I wrote and rather than saying you messed up, god for bid any liberal mess up, you try to spin what I said. I like your methods. Libs are good at that.

P.S. I gotz me an education too. I just don't use it like you do, for whatever reason you mentioned it.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

water sounds like you qualify as a chickenhawk. No serving does not give you less right to speak your peace but one must question you desire to put your life on the line. I rode a river boat like Kerry ran and I can tell you for certain it was much more service than not showing up for national guard meetings done by the #1 chickenhawk. So til you have been under the gun I question your right to condemn those who did serve at whatever level.



Nov 15, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

That means all the troops who died died in vein for a cause we're not willing to stick out.

I have spoken to several soldiers, and while nobody says Iraq is candyland they all say we have to support our troops and their cause. We can't keep sticking our noses out and not finishing the job. What kind of message does that send our troops txs? And more importantly, our enemies?

Am I willing to serve? Dayum right. I tried twice. Just like I can't give blood because of two FALSE positives for some kind of antibody, which has NOTHING to do with AIDS, as I've been given a test and tested negative. I'm on the "can't donate" list. Just like serving, I tried giving blood after 9/11 and I can't.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

txswinner said:
water sounds like you qualify as a chickenhawk. No serving does not give you less right to speak your peace but one must question you desire to put your life on the line. I rode a river boat like Kerry ran and I can tell you for certain it was much more service than not showing up for national guard meetings done by the #1 chickenhawk. So til you have been under the gun I question your right to condemn those who did serve at whatever level.



Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Another peeing contest..
Right vrs Left
Left vrs Right
Go re-read JasonJ's last post.
The last 40-50 years doesn't mean anything.
It does not mean that Soilders who fought and died doesn't matter.
They just died.. OMG.. now I'm sounding like PW!
Swift sword to the heart... done deal!


Aug 1, 2006
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

water sounds like you qualify as a chickenhawk. No serving does not give you less right to speak your peace but one must question you desire to put your life on the line. I rode a river boat like Kerry ran and I can tell you for certain it was much more service than not showing up for national guard meetings done by the #1 chickenhawk. So til you have been under the gun I question your right to condemn those who did serve at whatever level.

That’s about as arrogant and low-life as it gets!

Nobody but you cares if you spent your time in-country in Great Deeds of Daring Do, or if you spent you time kissing Kerry’s azz. One thing I’ve noticed here is that most posters don’t bring up their Military service with almost every post as if it’s the only thing they’ve ever done in their life that was worth doing.... most have moved on and matured.

This is a Democracy TX, every person in this country has the same rights as any other, and you, with the colors you have shown, should be the last person to question an others courage.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

custombycrunch said:
That’s about as arrogant and low-life as it gets!...
with the colors you have shown, should be the last person to question an others courage.

I guess there's nothing left for you to say tx, he sat you down, spanked ya, and put you away wet :rollseyes:


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Baiting is illegal here at Bushwood RF. And I never slice!


Nov 15, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Custom, you bring up some very very good points. My father served, he never talks about it. My uncle served, he never talks about it. My coworker is serving, and he doesn't talk about it. Sounds as if TX has done one thing in his life 35 years ago that was worth the time to talk about it.
