For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....


Apr 10, 2005
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

I would rather go watch a water buffalo drink than try to talk any sense in your gourd.8)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

treedancer said:
I would rather go watch a water buffalo drink than try to talk any sense in your gourd.8)

No you'd rather be out campaigning for the US to sign the Kyoto Accord while you knocked back another pitcher of Kool-Aid.:%


Aug 24, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....



Apr 21, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....


This plan of you neo-cons for world domination is fundamentally flawed.

The only thing keeping countries like China from not actively pursuing an all out arms race is in not feeling the need to do it. They certainly have both the money and the resources to do it, if they choose.

You all are bound and determined to give them a real reason to proceed.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Man, that had to be a pretty important cum-by-yea and skone gathering. Big guns in balloons.

This puts a whole new spin on Political "Science". I just read a thread where PW defended individual feedoms, consistancy as a virtue.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

LOL ..."moderates...swill the Leftist environmental" that's seriously funny.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

PW2 said:

This plan of you neo-cons for world domination is fundamentally flawed.

The only thing keeping countries like China from not actively pursuing an all out arms race is in not feeling the need to do it. They certainly have both the money and the resources to do it, if they choose.

You all are bound and determined to give them a real reason to proceed.

PW, the west does not try to be dominate, it is simply a system that is dominate. That is, is of course, until the left, out of some misplaced sense of guilt, tries to tear it down.

Really, it's no different than how it worked in Russia, under the Commies. They tried their damndest to be dominant, all the while they were trying to control the masses with their Leftist whacko ideology.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

If it were all that dominate, it would be clear to all its superiority, and a few "lefties" are not likely to bring it down.

The problem with your brand of superiority is that it requires big guns to enforce it, and it invites others to either submit, or to aquire yet bigger guns in order to debate the issue.


Jul 27, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

One article theorizing that pollution is good for the planet is all you need huh boomyal? You guys are normally requiring %100 unanimity in the scientific community before you think ANYTHING should be changed, yet here you stumble across one article that supports the neo-con Rush Limbaugh brand of kool aid and now you've made up a cooler full of the stuff that we are all supposed to drink and tell you how yummy it is?

talk about lemmings... If Rush told you all to drink arsenic because it was good for you and only leftists DIDN'T drink it, you'd run right out and get some, wouldn't you?

Back to the water buffalo watching...


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Where is there any connection to Rush Limbaugh? The left can't be this deficient of idea's. But, I could be wrong.


Jul 27, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

"demanding the literal dismantaling of Western supremacy. "

Six years of one-party rule by the neo-cons has gotten way ahead of anything the leftists could have done in terms of dismantling Western supremacy.

Go back and read history. All empires fall, usually from too much arrogance and over-reaching. What makes you think that the American empire is any exception to the rules of history?


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

"PW, the west does not try to be dominate, it is simply a system that is dominate."

Dang dude, I'll take arrogant for $500, Alex. You might want to rethink that comment. See, our system is the end result of a few hundred years of social evolution. It is the end result of several cultures living in unison. It is the end result of policies and laws that has been created, enacted, repealed, and modified throughout decades to bring us to where we are today.

This "western system" was NOT created by republicans in the last 6 years. This system is a system that works for this country, but it is not the end all be all of the world. Other systems work for other cultures.

By virtue of your comment on this "system", you have no choice but to conceade to the fact that your hatred for the left is both unwarranted and unneeded because both the left and the right have had influence in how our system has evolved. Like it or not, you can't have one without the other and have our current system. Otherwise, you have dictatorship. Checks and balances dude, plain and simple. The right had its chance, and it successfully managed to prove it is incapable of leading this country in the global theater, now its time to give the left a chance. Lets just hope they don't fail as bad as the right has.

And don't think I missed that comment you made on another post about how "the right is called right for a reason". That arrogance has been and always will be the failing of the republican party. All posturing, no substance. When the right shows they can be more than just self-serving, then I'll be impressed....


Nov 15, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

Well Jason, you say other systems work for other cultures. What country has the highest GDP? What country has the most powerful military? Which country are people tying plastic barrels to 53 Chevys to paddle 90 miles of ocean to get to? What country are people traversing hundreds of miles of desert and risking capture and deportation or worse, to get into?

What system has worked better for another country than our own?

Oh yea, and to those who say "all empires fall", well this empire isn't going to fall because we are a free society with a very powerful economy and, well, we have nuclear weapons. The last empire to fall was a communist USSR. They fell trying to chase us in the arms race. Nobody can touch us. They can hate us all they want. But when push comes to shove, they brethe wrong and we will flatten them. Not even Kim Jong ILL in the head wants that. It wasn't a democrat that made us the strong empire we are, it was ol' Ronald. Clinton came along and came along under his desk and on Monica, etc. Bush entered the White House and restrengthened what Clinton fyucked up. Clinton was more worried about shooting sperm than shooting terrorists.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

"What system has worked better for another country than our own?"

Still the same arrogant mindset. People coming to us on barrels cause we are so great? Yeah, we are great, I said it. I defended this country for eleven years because I believe we are great. That does not mean we have the greatest system on earth, that is my point. we have what works for us and those who want to live like we do. There are entire nations that do not beleive in what we do, and have no need to live like we do. Otherwise everybody on earth would be clamouring to get in America. You don't really believe everyone on earth wants to be us do you?

BTW, it is a disgrace to everybody who has lived and died for the betterment of this country over the last few hundred years to say Reagan is why this country is so great. Where the f*ck was Reagan during WWI, or WWII. Huh? Did Reagan get us on the moon? Was Reagan there inventing flight with the Wright Brothers, or flying with Lindberg? Funny, I don't see Reagans name on the Declaration of Independance. Reagan is a president who was second fiddle to a monkey and outspent the Soviet Union. Any arse could have done that. The USSR was doomed to failure because of its own system, not anything Reagan did, period.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

No, of course not everybody wants to be like us, but it sure seems a lot want to be here WITH us!!!!

What exactly did the president of the US have to do with putting us on the moon? What, did he press the "go" button? Where did I say Reagan made us great? I do believe you must be a bit illiterate, because as I recall I said he made us strong, not great.

You may want to get that education, or you might get stuck in Iraq yourself!

Not because of Reagan huh? Did the USSR fail under Carter? I don't think so!!


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

The USSR didn't really "fail", as such. It's undoing was the result of Mikhail Gorbachev's glasnost and Perestroika. Reagan just happened to be the sitting president at the time - doing nothing but making sure some SOB didn't steal the Oval Office desk.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For all you Libs and Moderates who could not....

I guess I would just like to know what country has a greater draw for immigrants than this country. Millions and Millions and Millions of people are dying (litterly) to get HERE. Not Mexico, or China, or Russia, or France, or Argentina, etc. We can rewrite history, we can continue to discuss where this country fails, but make no mistake - the USA is the #1 destination for immigration based on opportunity, and freedom. And that has to be considered the benchmark measurement for the method of government most in the world would like to live under. And they come from all corners of the globe. Arrogant or not, it is just a fact. My god, one of the largest immigrant population is coming from Asia. Not a short swim and plenty of other countries to choose from more logistically adventagous. I guess we should ask those people why they risked life and limb to live HERE.

Calling Michael Jordan the greatest Basketball player of the last 20 years might make me arrogant in some people eyes, but it is difficult to deny. I think calling our system dominate is not arrogant, factual perhaps, but calling our system the best or calling our system the only way to do things would be arrogant. But hey, that isn't what was said. But wait and watch China, as they evolve more into our economic model as their government evolves. China is historically a very economically free economy.

FYI, whether you want to give credit to Reagan or not, the USSR FAILED. And if you think that Gorbachev's policies at the end of their little empire was the reason for their downfall you too don't completely understand the dynamics. That would also include giving Reagan 100% responsibility for their downfall. Not true. But he did put the full court press on at the right time and provided them a peaceful way to transition. Lest we forget the war monger moniquer hung on him during his tenure by the democrats. (And how could we forget them calling him stupid as well, guess they were wrong, again. ) I would think emulating the USSR model would most likely be a mistake. But we appear to want to give it a try. I think the concept of having a socialist being the check and balance for a communist and vice versa somehow isn't how this little experiment was intended to work. It will one day unravel and then JasonJ will be exactly correct.