Follow up Mercruiser 4.3L MPI Single Alarm


Apr 24, 2022

I posted previously about receiving a single alarm at approximately 2000 rpms on a 2007 Sea Ray Sport 185 4.3 L Fuel Injected engine. Fast forward and I have now replaced practically every mechanical and electrical component for this boat that could potentially cause the alarm (water pressure, oil, and temperature, shift switch, sensors, etc.) and I mean literally. When the alarm goes off, after the RPMs drop, the engine starts running rich where you can smell the gas. Even more, there is no alarm above 2000 rpms and revs like an absolute champion. None of these are the issue of the single alarm. It was then diagnosed that it was the ECM. The ECM was removed and sent out for testing and came back that the ECU is operating correctly.

Furthermore, I purchased a vessel view for the engine. When the vessel view is connected, all data received is normal. When the engine is about to sound the single alarm, the vessel view receives the information before the alarm and all data is provided as (-) on the app. Again no issue above 2000 rpms.

None of this makes sense and am looking for other insight for what it could be. I also cant find a spare ECM anywhere to test this and not will to pay close to $2000 dollars and not be able to return it.

Any insight is welcome.



Vice Admiral
Jul 27, 2005
I would verify that the grounds for the harness and the main battery ground are stacked together on the same post on the flywheel cover, clean and tight. Then verify all other connections positive and negative are clean and tight along with proper alternator charging and the batteries are in good condition