Having worked with this stuff alot in the telecommunications industry I can say that it builds up some good heat while curing. I'd use healthy caution if you do it. I've used the 2lb and the 8lb and the harder it cures the hotter it seems to get.
Are you trying to keep from having to spend so much $$$ on the urethane by void filling with poly???
UP for this one! I'd love to know the answer to this as well.
I have access to some free GEO foam which is ridged. I was planning to cut strips with a 45 bevel and place them next to the stringers to a keep the limber holes open for the flow of water. Then I will pour on top of this.
One more question please. Can I mix West sys 403 micro fibers with polyester resin instead of epoxy resin to make a paste? If not then what can I use.
If you're asking about the normal white polystyrene foam, then yes it will melt it. But depending on how fast the pour foam you use expands it still may work, the rapid chemical reaction of the pour foam will reduce the amount of time it has in contact with the P/S foam in a liquid state.
You can add the fillers and fibers to either type of resin.
Thanks for the answers. That is exactly what I needed to know. I think I will wrap the geo foam strips with a poly tape used as packing tape. It sticks to itself. I will then do a slow pour, small amount then full pour. Thanks again
Thanks for the answers. That is exactly what I needed to know. I think I will wrap the geo foam strips with a poly tape used as packing tape. It sticks to itself. I will then do a slow pour, small amount then full pour. Thanks again