Florida summertime


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 25, 2002
You know you are in FLORIDA during the summertime<br /> when:<br /><br /> The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.<br /><br /> Hot water now comes out of both taps.<br /><br /> You can make sun tea instantly.<br /><br /> You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.<br /><br /> The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.<br /><br /> You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.<br /><br /> You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.<br /><br /> You actually burn your hand opening the car door.<br /><br /> You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.<br /><br /> Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"<br /><br /> You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.<br /><br /> The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.<br /><br /> The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt, and pepper.<br /><br /> Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.<br /><br /> The cows are giving evaporated milk.<br /><br /> The trees are whistling for the dogs.


Re: Florida summertime

Ditto for Arizona, except we drive with oven mits.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 30, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

Hey some parts of the US are getting snowed on today :eek: beautiful day in Fl. :D <br />I've heard people say Arizona has a dry heat. I always thought hot is hot. ;)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

Its been cold here. Hasn't been over 80 in a week.<br />That dumb expression " Its not the heat. Its the humidity"? Bull, hot is hot.<br />You know how you tell the difference between a tourist and someone that lives here? Their clothes are much brighter. Sun fades everything. Still better than that white *hit I dealt with 8 months outta the year when I lived in Vermont. But I miss the mountains, trout fishin <br />and Champ. ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Florida summertime

i have lived in both places. pheonix for five years and FL. since i was 5. pheonix in the late 80's. tell me ddjohns, do they still fry an egg on the side walk in front of the sun journal when the temp. hits 110. they used to do it about june or july and take a picture to put in the paper. FL. and AZ. are alot alike. AZ gets hotter but FL has the humidity. they cancel each other out. warhorse...you said it bigtime. today and yesterday we had a cold( cold...HE,HE,HE)snap. it was 69 deg. this morning and i almost put on a jacket. i am heat wipped. last week i and my crew stood in a new publix parking lot doing an asbuilt survey. 8hrs on brand new asphalt...oh man was that hot.<br />you know your in FL in the summer when the brown stain on the shoulders of your white tee-shirt is melted ear wax.<br />when the chicken would rather be eaten by the fox than cross the road.<br />when the dog brings you the clippers in stead of your slippers.<br />when your AC files for divorce.<br />when you pull the clothes in off the line and they smell burnt.<br />when the helth department gives away gallon jugs of sun screen instead of condoms.<br />when the kids ask to do house chores rather than go out side to play.<br />when the wife has to convince you to go fishen....or elese!<br />when you can guess the humidity by the amount of water runnen down the crack of your a$$.<br />when your black shirt has so much salt from sweating it looks like a tie dye from the 60's(who am i kidding, NOBODY WEARS BLACK IN FL IN THE SUMMER).<br />when the preachers stop praying for sinners and start praying for winter.<br />when you don't see anymore newyork licensplates.<br />when you stare into the window of your car in the parking lot in amazment because your new air freshener that you hung from the rear view mirror is melted onto the dashboard.<br />when you go outside at night and get a moonburn.<br />when you cook your steaks just by sticking them out the window.<br />when your car gets stuck in the asphalt at a stop light.<br />when you can light your ciggeretts by leaving them on the roof of your car.(poof)<br />when the wife starts washing your work shirts in bull frog instead of tide.<br />when you go to a construction site and just behind the port-o-jon in the shade there is a community shovel with a roll of toilet paper on the shaft.<br />when the plastic bag is melted to your mornig paper.<br />i could go on forever but i don't like feeling my legs stick to the vinyl on my computer chair.<br />derwood :D :cool:


Re: Florida summertime

Derwood,<br /><br />Haven't heard about the egg bit. The PETA nuts probably got to them.<br /><br />Ya, you're right, hot is hot. But, there IS a difference, I've also lived in New Orleans-100 degress and 100% humidity-and it ain't raining!<br />I'll take the "dry heat" anyday. I do miss ten boat ramps within a five mile radius of my house though.<br /><br />We've had a cold snap here too. Got up early this AM to go for a walk-too cold, 61 degrees. Went this PM, much better-83.<br /><br />I DO NOT miss being able to throw a pan off water off my porch and have it freeze before hitting the ground (Minnesota). But it is beautiful in the summer-all two weeks of it. Summer in Minnesota is two bad weeks of ice skating. Ya, come on in the waters fine-just a little hard. :D <br /><br />I can't get used to the lakes here though. I like to see something on the shore. Everywhere you go here, it looks the same. Gravel, rocks and odd plants-all with BIGGG thorns. Except for the plants, I'm sure it looks just like the surface of Mars.<br /><br />Everyplace has its benefits and downfalls. I'll bear the humidity to be closer to big water though. I really miss that.

steve forsythe

Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 7, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

I'll tell you, i have lived from South Florida to Delaware, and Florida gets a bad rap. It is hot (90) in florida for a longer period of time (late April to October) than most other places but it gets hotter in Atlanta, Charlston SC, Philadelphia, etc... over 95-100 for a few weeks every year. You never see south Florida temps much over 88 to 90 in the summer. Very windy and being near a lot of water keeps it that way. I would rather be in 88 to 90 for 6 months than 85 for 5 months and 95 to 100 for one month.


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Florida summertime

Well living in SC and having been in Fla heat (going agian in July) I prefer here. Hotter is okay as long as you don't have the god awful whatever I think it's humidity but we got that too. Now believe it or not south Florida with it's off the water breezes is nice and I like being on the beaches in Fla better than here because it seems that the breezes are cooler but inland forget it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 31, 2002
Re: Florida summertime

Y'all can say all you want about 61 being too cold and 83 nice to take a walk in. I Love the Pacific Northwest (Western Washington to be exact) Today it went from 48 to 69, and it's 68 now. That is about as hot as I ever want it to be. Humidity is 49%. Tomorrow is suppost to be 47 - 70. There is nothing better than this part of the country. We don't have to deal with Huracanes, or Tornados (At least not very often at all). I can live with the earthquakes and volcano's.<br /><br />HAve a great day on the water.<br /><br />Craig


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 30, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

Peterfishbuster,<br />I've camped twice, on Lake Murray in S.C., at Dreher Island state park. I was there last summer.The first 2 or 3 days it was cool like 60's at night really felt good. After that it was HOT as it was the whole time I was there back in 1995. It felt too hot, to be out in the boat. I've never felt that way, anywhere else, in my life. Usually riding along on the water, you'll feel a little cooler, no matter what the temp. Up there it was like riding through an oven - no air at all. :rolleyes:


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Florida summertime

Mike I usually fish Marion and Moultrie and i admit the further inland you go the hotter it gets but personally i have never been more miserable in the heat of summer than in FLA. I guess it is what you are used to. <br />Now for a request i know you hit it in 95 but what should I expect when I fish the lake you mentioned? I know the species and to a point how to catch them but it has been on the shallower lakes and not the deep one. I posted in the fishing section so you can answer me there any info would be cool.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

Isn't that the time when the "RV Covoys" head to Vermont and points North?<br /><br />Summertime in Florida makes Vermonters appreciate our 11 days of summer :D <br /><br />Bob


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

Bob_VT,<br />Up to 11 days now? Must be the ozone. I remember still having snow in late June on Okemo Mountain while trout fishing.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

We had snow in May 18th and yes there is still snow on top of Okemo and Killington. The trout fishing is great in the Black river by Okemo but I do fine in the Castleton river. Yes we are up to 11 days (we add ALL the good days together now :D ) Today should be nice, sun is out and it is up to 54 already!<br /><br />Bob


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Florida summertime

MG, I'll trade ya :D <br />Even tho we use trout-sized fish for bait here, at least, you couldn't use the mosquitos as flies for trout up there.Hhmm... A little glitter thread and a hook.... I'll be right back, y'all!


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Florida summertime

100 flipping degrees outside as I type this. I was working on my boat (she is a project in use) and got weak and had to come in thermometer on porch says 100 and so does desktop weather on my computer. I came in several hours ago and have not thought about going back out. I guess it is shop light and wake up neighbors time LOL.