Hey everyone. I'm doing some "maintenance" on my 1974 Comoro 16T. I've had it for 4 years now and love the boat. I knew it needed a new floor when I bought the boat, and assumed the stringers would be gone as well. No surprise once I took the floor off, which was just regular plywood screwed down. I know I have to repair the stringers. The rot seems to continue under the front seats, but is significantly less bad than the centre/rear of the boat. I'm wondering if you guys would recommend removing the cap and replacing the stringers completely, or repair what's visible and call it a day. The transom seems to have some rot near the very top, but sounds rock solid on the sides and bottom. It seems as if the transom was replaced maybe 10 years ago, while the stringers could very well by from 1974. What's the verdict. I know I will never get my moneys worth back if I sell the boat, but that doesn't matter to me. The boat is ugly and fun and puts a smile on my face.