Re: Fishing for catfish!
If you are catching bass , slow your retrieve and fish a little ( not much !) deeper . Cats hit lures too . I catch them all the time on crankbaits, jigs , and , spinner baits . The lazy , blind , bottom feeder , scavenger myth is just that .
FYI , if you happen to visit a big freshwater aquarium , you can see that the cats will almost always relate to the same structure the bass are holding on , and are just a few feet underneath them ...
They all have great eyesight and actively pursue live baitfish , especially blue cats and flatheads .
Using live baits like shiners , tuffies , worms , etc.. , is also a good way to stock up for a fish fry .
FRESH cut bait also works , shad , skipjack , bream , check with the locals and see what the cats like best .
No need to use gut wrenching concoctions , unless you just use it as a chum when the bite is slow . Check your local regs .
If you are REALLY crazy for cats , try noodling . No bait or tackle required , just an ability to reach into deep holes under water and grab what is in that hole without knowing exactly what you are grabbing .
This also works for snapping turtles , and is favored by folks who don't care about being able to count to 10 .