I ran the same test with the two yellow wires disconnected to the rectifier. No change.
If the timing light is staying on too long, I think the numbers would be blurred. I am seeing crisp numbers with no blurring. Since I see extra numbers, I believe I am getting extra timing light flashes. What is causing that? Read on.
I decided to do some additional testing. With motor running, timing light (TL) on battery and TL trigger pulled, I slowly moved the TL inductive pickup toward the #1 spark plug wire, starting from a couple of feet away. At about 6 inches away the TL started to flash intermittently. When the inductive pickup reached about 4 or 5 inches away from the plug wire the TL started to flash consistently. I thought the inductive pickup had to be around the plug wire to work. For my TL, that is definitely not the case. As a matter of fact, when the pickup is on the #1 plug wire, the pickup is only about 2 inches from the #2 plug wire and about 4-5 inches from the # 3 plug wire, close enough to trigger the TL by all three plug wires. I also replaced the plug wires to rule out bad plug wires. There was no change with new wires. It seems that I don't have an ignition problem, but have a problem with timing light pickup being too sensitive. How do I verify this theory? Read on.
I used aluminum foil to create an electrical shielded around the #2 and #3 plug wires and put a jumper to engine ground. With TL pickup on #1 wire, low and behold I only saw only number 1 on the flywheel. This confirmed for me that my problem was due to TL inductive pickup from adjacent plug wires, not from extra pulses of voltage coming down the #1 plug wire. I also shielded wires 1 and 2 and tested TL on #3. Only #3 showed up on the flywheel. It was a little tricky getting a good shield around plug wire 1 and 3 while testing plug wire #2 in the middle, because I did get some intermittent 1 and 3 flashing on the flywheel, but I attribute that to poor shielding.
Finally, I took the boat to the lake this weekend and it ran just fine. I still have to use fast idle to start, even after the motor is warmed up. I will work on that and suspect air mixture screw adjustment is needed. The top end RPM?s seems less than last summer. It was 5000 rpm then and now around 4200 to 4500 rpm. I think that may require a timing adjustment.
Conclusion: I think my ignition is working fine. I suspect a plug will not spark due solely to the energy from and adjacent plug wire, because there would not be enough energy there to create and actual spark. There is however enough energy to trigger the inductive pickup on my timing light creating the appearance of double/multiple firing. In my case, it?s just a timing light problem.
Recommendation: If you get an indication of double firing or multiple firing when performing the timing light/flywheel test, before you spend $$$ buying new switchbox or trigger, make sure you test your timing light inductive pickup for interference from adjacent plug wires.
Please let me know if you think I?ve missed something.