Finding the Weight - Seaswirl Sierra Cuddy Classic - 1989


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 28, 2004
I was wondering if anyone has the above mentioned make and model boat and if they know what the empty weight would be? Then how much should I add for motor ('89 Evi 120 HP VRO 4 stroke), fuel (25 gallon internal tank))? I'm guessing about 200 pounds for "gear".<br /><br />Also, is there an "average" weight for the trailer? Its a standard single axle trailer that says "seaswirl" on it, so I'm assuming that it's the original one. <br /><br />I'm asking because my 6 cyl. Toyota 4 runner is struggling to pull it and if I need to buy something different, I want to have an idea of what towing capacity I would need.<br /><br />Thanks!


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Finding the Weight - Seaswirl Sierra Cuddy Classic - 1989

Your best bet would be to get it weighed. Go to any household moving company (like Mayflower). They have scales to weigh their tractor trailers. Tell them what you want to do. Some will charge a small fee. Drive on with truck & trailer - get a weight - disconnect the trailer & drive the truck off the scale & get a nother weight. Simple math will get you weight of the boat alone, the combo and the truck. You will need to subtract the weight of the trailer to get the boat alone (call any trailer manufacturer for trailer alone weight or hit the web).<br /><br />I'm going to take a wild guess that your rig will come out to around 3500 lbs which should be well within the capabiolities of your truck.