Finally! Some common sense from our courts.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

PW2 said:
There ought to be law that there ought to be a verifiable and objective reason to justify making something against the law. [colour=red]We are not talking about making something against the law PW. An erudite guy like you, you surprise me with this statement. We are talking about not recognizing a group of people who do not fit the definition of MARRAIGE. Has nothing to do with against the law.[/colour]
Gross prejudice ought not be enough, no matter how many agree. [colour=blue]Gross predjudice is a not relevant in this instance PW. Again you surprise me (not) People who like to lay with like and kind have the same rights as everyone else. It is your liberal bent to twist things that puts the resistance to putting a round peg in a square hole in the league of prejudice. That does not make it so.[/colour]


Mar 24, 2006
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Again Pointer, you're right! 2nd time in one day! (quick, buy a lotto ticket) I don't know if you agree with me or not, though I would bet you don't.

We were talking about Gay marriage. Boomyal brought up that he thought being gay was un-natural. I disagreed and showed him how stupid he was. You can call that attack dog tactics, I call it the FACTS!!:p


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Stupid is as stupid does gafteci...just a thought. get back on the subject the Boomyal started.

Like I said in my previous post, let the folks decide. You vote your way and I'll vote mine, let's see who wins.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

the ideal environment for child rearing is one of loving. Parents, grandparents, foster parents, man-man, woman-woman, man-woman. Show mr onr scientific study that shows the ideal child rearing environment is "a loving mother and a loving father."


Mar 24, 2006
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

eepks, what are you talking about?? Stupid is as stupid does?? Sounds stupid!!

Like I stated before, I was just replying to what boomyal said. Plus, part of this whole gay marriage thing is that some people seem to think that it is not natural, that God did not intend it. But, I noticed that all of you continue to ignore the fact that there are gay animals. Why is that? I think it's because it shoots your "choice" theory full of holes.

How do animals choose to be gay? Do they have bad parents? Or, God forbid, it's NATURAL!!

Come on, someone answer me. WHY ARE THERE GAY ANIMALS?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

eepks said:
chugger " Such vile expressions targeted to a child can cause extreme harm since he hasn't learned how to cope with such vicious undeserved treatment".

I didn't see or say that things be said directly to little Billy, but if mommy and mommy want to raise him, it's up to them (It's called being a parent) to get him ready for it (their lifestyle) if that is how they wish to live.

Once agian, let the people vote on it, not the bench. Here in Nebraska we did vote on it and the liberal judge said it was unconstitutional. If the people have spoken in an election, let it be the law.

I hope Billy is a fictional character CPJ created for illistration so your right no one ever said anything to Billy. To me Billy represents the kids I knew in school who were teased, bullied and shuned to the point of experiencing long lasting harm. My point is that the hurtfull things we say carry way beyond our immediate audiance and can have unintended consequences. Saying things like "queer enablers" doesn't help progress a discussion, and could encourage someone to behave in a way that would hurt someone else.

As for repairing the damage some bigot did to this fictional character your correct his parents will do the best they can to comfort him. Of course your assuming he'll even mention it to them. He might just go into his room and kill himself. I guess a pre-emptive talk with Billy to explain that someone will try to hurt him because of who his parents are would solve the problem. How would you go about explaining that to him?

I can't comment on what happened in Nebraska since I don't have any of the facts. If you have a link I'll look at it. Otherwise I'll give the judge the benifit of the doubt.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

I wouldn't know how to expain it to him, that would be up to them to figure it out.
As for hurtfull things said and done, I guess we better get the fat, skinny, ugly and retarded kids in the same group.Words can and do hurt, I agree, but once again, life isn't fair. I got past the remarks I received in school as I guess you did, but I may be wrong.

Here is your link, just had to google it:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

You're right. We should tell fat people they're fat, and skinny people that they are skinny. We should limit the rights of retards (which includes rednecks IMO) and make sure that only uppermiddle class & upper class white males get their rights. I mean, come-on, it wasn't ong ago that even women and blacks couldn't vote, and the people in power said that they shouldn't be given the same rights. Let's get back to the point when this country was great. (where's that eye-rolling emoticon)?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

eepks said:
I wouldn't know how to expain it to him, that would be up to them to figure it out.
As for hurtfull things said and done, I guess we better get the fat, skinny, ugly and retarded kids in the same group.Words can and do hurt, I agree, but once again, life isn't fair. I got past the remarks I received in school as I guess you did, but I may be wrong.

Here is your link, just had to google it:


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Sorry, that was the law then, we got past it. And I am sure that someday this will pass (and so will NAMBLA), AFTER the people vote on it. Why can't some of you understand that we vote and the majority rules and the voters have spoken. Want to change it, lobby your representatives.

As for the white class, seems to me we have lost OUR rights lately.

Womaen started voting in 1919, that was almost a hundred years ago, get past that.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Well put JB, you have a way with words.....
If anything is common sense, it is what you have written in this thread.....
Esp. your last statement.....
EEPKS, since when has a gay person been in your wallet?
Where does the quantum leap from being gay, to social services come into play?
I'd wager that there are plenty of straight white women, with a flock o' kids at the public trough....
But as long as they are white & christian, it is OK....
Or just christian for that matter.....
I now recuse myself....
Thank you JB, for moderating, I really would have laid into 'em......:devil:

12, it didn't take a divine revelation to see where Boom's position emanates from....
Sorrry for the name caling, but it is what it is no matter what you call it.......
Furthermore, those that blather on about how this country was founded, need to note just that.....
In fact this country is now so old that it needs a renovation.....
The foundation itself needs to be reworked....
What was common practice 230 years ago, a'int working today.....
Times change ... Evoloution will not go away.....
Think about that.....JK


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

eepks said:
I wouldn't know how to expain it to him, that would be up to them to figure it out.
As for hurtfull things said and done, I guess we better get the fat, skinny, ugly and retarded kids in the same group.Words can and do hurt, I agree, but once again, life isn't fair. I got past the remarks I received in school as I guess you did, but I may be wrong.

Here is your link, just had to google it:

Yes it would be up to Billy's parents to explain it to him and hopefully they would be better able to handle it than you would be if Billy was your son. Again, I think your assertion that life ain't fair is off the mark. It's not a matter of fairness it's a matter of the way we treat each other.

I'm not sure what you mean about getting the fat, skinny, ugly, retarded kids in the same group. Is it your belief that it's acceptable to treat them like lesser human beings? If your saying it' s not OK to hurt them then I would have to agree. If your saying we shouldn't use the terms in converstion then I would agree again but to a point. I think it would be great if we could stop doing it but let's be realistic that's not going to happen. I think since those traits are more acceptable to society than homosexuality they carry much less weight when used as derogatory adjectives in casual conversation.

I'll check out the link. I thought of googling it but didn't see where it was my responsiblity.

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

There is a feller running for governor here in Texas, and he said that he don't give a damn if gays want to get married, they ought to have the right to be as miserable as the rest of you married folks.
Everytime that the subject of gays and marriage come up on here, i just LMAO at some of you folks, certainly there are much better things to rant about, politics ought not to be entering peoples bedrooms and dictate their personal lives, a Taliban style of govt' is not what America is about.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

"The probability of violence occurring in a gay couple is mathematically double the probability of that in a heterosexual couple," write activists with the National Gay & Lesbian Domestic Violence Network.

The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders" - including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major depression, and substance abuse.
The Medical Institute of Sexual Health reports: "Homosexual men are at significantly increased risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices. Women who have sex with women are at significantly increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than are heterosexual women."

The Institute reports that "significantly higher percentages of homosexual men and women abuse drugs, alcohol and tobacco than do heterosexuals."

Oxford University's International Journal of Epidemiology reports: "Life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men...nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday."

Is it healthy for children to be adopted by adults whose lifestyle is characterized by promiscuity and the medical hazards of multiple sex partners?

A Detroit homosexual newsmagazine columnist last month wrote regarding his partner: "This is his first relationship, so he has not yet been ruined by all the heartache, lies, deceit, and game-playing that are the hallmark of gay relationships...A study I once read suggested that nine out of 10 gay men cheat on their lovers."

The Center for Disease Control warns that men who have sex with men "have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of sexually transmitted diseases."

How will being adopted by adults involved in homosexual behavior affect the behavior of children themselves?

Associated Press reported last June that a "new study by two University of Southern California sociologists says children with lesbian or gay parents...are probably more likely to explore homosexual activity themselves...(and) grow up to be more open to homoerotic relations."

A major Australian newspaper reported Feb. 4th regarding a British sociologist's review of 144 academic papers on homosexual parenting: "Children raised by gay couples will suffer serious problems in later life, a study into parenting has found. The biggest investigation into same-sex parenting to be published in Europe claims children brought up by gay couples are more likely to experiment with homosexual behavior and be confused about their sexuality."

With all this said, does that mean that we should prevent blacks from having children due to the increased chance of sickle cell?

Does that mean we restrict peoples freedom due to statistical trends? Actually in many cases this is what liberals enjoy doing. See smoking, drinking, global warming, animal rights, evironmentalist movement, or lawsuits against McDonalds, KFC "creating" fat people.

But to listen to some on this board we should accept suicide because lemmings jump off cliffs or whales beach themselves without any reason. Perhaps under this line of reasoning trying to draw direct lines between the animal kingdom and humans we could justify canibalism. To use their term: THAT IS STUPID.

To not seek out both sides of the debate is also STUPID. And then claim no studies on topic exist. Also stupid. To believe this will not be abused if enacted would be stupid. To believe these abuses won't have a negative impact on the nation as a whole would be stupid. But to make a blanket statement that all same sex couples make lowsy parents is just as stupid.

But to deny rights because it will make life difficult doesn't float. My position is I don't have a position. I don't have the time to do the study necessary to arrive at an educated decision and not one based on ideology, preconcieved views, or popular culture. It will be better minds that arrive at this decision. And those members of the supreme court qualify as just that. Rosie O'Donnell and Dan Rather don't. And nothing put forth here has convinced me one way or the other. This is a discussion board, not a research study.

The sad part is we can't even keep the dialog civil.:'(


Jun 14, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Boomyal said:
cpj said:
You say that more than half of the children are born out of wedlock. I say that number has increased (and is still on the rise) since oh lets say the 1940's. I also submit that our society has been going down hill at a rate equall to kids raised by single parents.
This Billy has two mommys crap, that the queer enablers are pushing, is pure bovine excrement.

I would not call that hatred chugger, I would call it a very astute recognition of facts. That CPJ has fallen into the guilt trap and has to refer to himself as a bigot is a real shame. Just another example of Liberal labling to sway the half sleeping public to their side of the arguement.

It goes something like this, as it perceived by the great sleeping masses of middle America.

"Blah, Blah, civil rights, Blah, Blah, issue of fairness, blah blah blah, good citizens, blah blah blah, makes lots of money and pay lots of taxes, blah blah blah, slavery, blah, blah, blah, homophobe, blah blah, cpj is a bigot".

Mr and Mrs Sleeping M America turn their dog tired heads away from the preparation of dinner, after both have been out working all day to pay the onerous tax burden perpetrated on them by the big government liberals, and having been seduced away from matters that gave their parents and forefathers a strong moral compasss and not having enough energy left to deal with tough controversial subjects, (when they hear Dan Blather say these things on the evening news) and say " Did you hear that? Tsk Tsk, that mean ol' nasty cpj. He's a bigot."

All this after not fully hearing or digesting the merit of the liberal contention that Dan Blather has parroted forth.

So after a while, cpj, knowing that his position is right, acquieses to the title so proffered for him and that has been hammered down the publics throat.


Could it be that Mr and Mrs S Middle America are finally waking up and seeing this issue for what it has become?

Many thanks to ya Boomer. And you pretty much hit it right on the head. I might as well call myself a bigot, because in todays world, if you bad mouth anyone who is not a plain ole white guy, you are labeled a bigot. Doesnt what matter race, religion, hair color, hairstyle, shoe size, butt size, sexual prefrence, age, gender, height, weight, eye color, etc,etc,
if you say anything against anyone, then you must be a bigot.

Ok, we had a lesiban who used to work for us. She was installing the same systems that the boys in that department were. She flat put it to the boys! She was the best dang installer for that department that I had ever seen. She was fun to be around, as she would take teasing, and shove it right back at you ten fold. Now, did we tease her about being gay? Are you nuts? Of course not! One gay comment and we would have been canned on the spot. Because that would have hurt someones feelings. Now, was she a good person? Sure. Do I think her lifestyle is disgusting? Yep. Do I think that her and her "partner" should be able to adopt or raise kids? Nope.

And this really ought to get you libs in an uproar. I think that the ideal family is this. You have a mother and father, then you have a kidlet, then the mother stays home and takes care of their child, while the father makes the money. OHHHHH NOOOOO! That is sooooo wrong! The mother shouldnt have to tied down with the kids, she should be a succesful bidness woman. She neednt be bothered with children! She is supposed to drop them off at daycare all day, then pick them up after she gets off of work. That way the workers at the day care can teach them all about life. And end up calling the daycare workers mommy, since most of the childs time is spent with them.
But what if you cant make it on one income? There is a difference in can, and want to. And all the material things in the world that you can give a child isnt doodly squat, compare to the love ans attention that a mother can. Thats one mother, not TWO.

And Bomyall, dont worry, I dont feel the LEAST bit guilty.;)


Jun 14, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Sorry double post.
But this whole thing of gay animals?
Thats a good one. And , Im such a hateful, ignorant, bigoted, stupid redneck, that there is no way that I will even THINK about checking out your links.

(go ahead, someone quote that, and say something witty, like "well you said it, not me")

Deleted something that would have been poofed anyway.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

Meet the Flintstones!....
They're your average stone age family
From the state of "Show Me"
We'll have a good time
A yabba dabba doo time
We'll have a gay, old time!..........d:)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

There are too many personal insults here.

There are too many speculative descriptions of dishonorable motives and thoughts in others.

I will not edit any more. If they continue this thread will be locked.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

eepks said:

If they want to live that way, go for it. BUt don't try to tell me they need the same rights. You live outside the box, deal with it.

This is America. The great thing about this country is there isn't supposed to be a "box" for people to be judged upon. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. Ever heard that line before? If you don't agree with our Constitution, then you are the one living outside the "box".


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Finally! Some common sense from our courts.

gafteci said:
... you completely skipped over all of the homosexuality going on in the animal kingdom....

You sure are hung up on animal homsexuality.Geez, you mention it in almost every post! You might like this book-