Fiberglass differences For project Mr. Yuk

Walleye King

Jun 10, 2003
I have been reading the search and unless I missed it I did not find this.<br /><br />The difference between the mat, cloth, and woven roving I know is due to the weight and thickness, rather I am assuming.<br /><br />On the stringers, mat? Deck cloth? Where would you really need the roving?<br /><br />Also this will be a hard one to explain untill I shoot the rest of the roll of film and get it developed, I have only 2 stringers and no cross beams at all except over the gas tank there was one. Along the edge I cut out most of the fiberglass that was there and it was formed and thick and heavey and the deck was fiberglassed on top of it. Right now I wish I didn't cut it out.<br /><br />This is a 17" open bow runabout and the center of the hull to the top level spot across the deck stringers is about 10" and that is where the gas tank is. the tank is surrounded by the 2 5-1/2" high stringers.<br /><br />This is my project Mr. Yuk, and the further go the yukkier it gets! In the opening that goes to the front bow deck, inside there are 2 boards that are fiberglassed in very heavy, and under the seating area from the boat the wood goes up and is narrow and hard to get to access for removal. Any good ideas other than a chain saw to get this out?<br /><br />Another thing reading about the foam, there was really no room for foam and what was in there was so little that you would never get me to believe this boat would float!<br /><br />Any good thoughts/ Ideas will be greatly appreciated!! :)


Feb 10, 2003
Re: Fiberglass differences For project Mr. Yuk

You are partly right of the fiberglass types. I used mat to glass in my stringers and cloth to glass in the floor. I used roving between the layers of transom boards and to glass in the transom and braces. The only thing I would do different is to use another layer or two of heavy mat on the stringers, but I tend to overbuild stuff. 2 layers got me back to the original thickness. Otherwise I would use biaxial cloth.<br /><br />I bought my materials from They know their stuff and were more than happy to educate me and make recommendations.

Walleye King

Jun 10, 2003
Re: Fiberglass differences For project Mr. Yuk

Thanks Jason, I did find them in the old posts too! The only piece of wood that seems to be solid is the motor mount area and that had to be matting! It is thick and hard and the wood seems to be the only good spot in the boat, the other stuff was so rotted it wasn't funny, none of my stringers were glassed in through out the boat, they were at the front and back and that was it, looks like they used treated lumber too! <br /><br />When I look at all the old posts and pics I see things that are no where near what I have!


Feb 10, 2003
Re: Fiberglass differences For project Mr. Yuk

I encapsulated everything except the floor. All wood got a thourough coating of resin, then it was fully covered. I also added some lateral supports to give it more strenght. When in doubt, rip it out!