fatal accident--motor wouldn't start


Aug 4, 2008
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

2. are the barges required to blow a horn or ding a bell or anything of this nature while moving through fog?....... if so how often is the sound made?

Don't know about sounding in fog; proceed as if they are not going to.

i wish there was some kind of law that required a boat underway to sound off in fog. i dont go over 3-4mph in the fog even with my gps.......

Good news! There is a law! All of you guys have taken a safety course of some sort right?

"Sound signals let other boaters know where you are located during periods of restricted visibility, such as extreme fog. If you hear the fog signal of a vessel you cannot see, slow to a minimum speed until you are sure there is not a risk of collision.

One prolonged blast at intervals of not more than two minutes is the signal used by power-driven vessels when underway.
One prolonged blast plus two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes is the signal used by sailing vessels."

taken from: http://www.boat-ed.com/nh/course/p3-4_soundsignals.htm


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 11, 2008
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

yep its right there...... i even went to the oklahoma section and it was there also.

i guess i payed more attention to the passing sound blasts and learning who gives way and who stands on and completely overlooked the fog sounding part :redface:

i guess i need to go back and review the boat-ed course.

oklahoma doesnt require a boating course if you already have a dl but i know from my 2 oldest they do offer it in drivers ed.......... they probably know the laws better than i do.. or did for a little while :eek:


Aug 13, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

the disclaimer... according to the book "The U.S. Coast Guard requires every boat more than 39-feet long to carry a copy of the nautical rules of the road onboard." So a minority of boaters, not every boater.

You know I couldn't remember why I thought it was still relevant to me in my 19ft so I re-read the section last night. While it does say vessels 12m or more are require to have a copy, it goes on to say "courts have ruled smaller vessels negligent for not having a copy."

That is pretty vague, but good enough for me to throw it in my boat.


Aug 13, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

i will put them to good use. i wish there was some kind of law that required a boat underway to sound off in fog. i dont go over 3-4mph in the fog even with my gps....... depending on visibility, you never know where someone is anchored or where a log has came drifting down the river.

Someone beat me to it


May 29, 2008
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

Regardless of the rules of navigation... I'm likely one of the smaller vessels out on the water and took to heart one thing my boater safety instructor told us. Stick to to rules of waterway navigation... However, they can be broken to avoid a collision. When I'm the smaller vessel out there... it's my responsibility to get out of the way.


Sep 22, 2006
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

Regardless of the rules of navigation... I'm likely one of the smaller vessels out on the water and took to heart one thing my boater safety instructor told us. Stick to to rules of waterway navigation... However, they can be broken to avoid a collision. When I'm the smaller vessel out there... it's my responsibility to get out of the way.

You often have to compensate for the mistakes, or legitimate failures of others. When my dad was teaching me defensive driving, he taught me that I don't have the right to a particular piece of asphalt unless the other driver yields it to me. If I proceed, I may be right..........dead right. Better to lose a bit of time, or even be "wrong", as in having to make an unsignaled turn or hit the ditch to avoid the offensive driver.

The big thing he taught me is the setup. Notice the circumstances as far ahead of time as you can, and keep your options open. Leaving your lines in a shipping channel, and planning to start up and quickly escape a collision with something a gazillion times bigger than you certainly doesn't fit that planning model.

The only time I've even risked a boat collision is when I positioned my boat for a T-bone with a jet-flea........that was on plane heading toward my downed skier.


Oct 9, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

I think alot of people need to read this post. Several weeks ago I was fishing in lake erie just out of the channel by vermilllion. I counted 17 boats anchored inside of the break wall blocking the barge right of way. Having the VHF radio made it very helpful. Once I launched and turned it on I heard the coast guard was being directed to clear out the major traffic jam they were causing.

Alot of people think they can anchor where ever they want since they have a smaller boat,however, its just the opposite.

That day alot were hiding behind the break wall due to 3-5 footers. If your boat is small and can't handle the waves at that time. Then plz save your trip for another day. No life is worth a bad day fishing.

For those who are curious my boat may be old but its solid and well maintained. 1973 21' Reinell rv2270 cruiser hard top.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 24, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

i have been on 80' party boats that get passed by oil tankers and super cargo ships, close enough to see the barnicles on the hull. Even the 80' boats get tossed like toys with that wake. :eek:


Sep 22, 2006
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

i have been on 80' party boats that get passed by oil tankers and super cargo ships, close enough to see the barnicles on the hull. Even the 80' boats get tossed like toys with that wake. :eek:

So the skipper of the party boat can't see a tanker coming for about 20 minutes, and get the hell out of the way.

He should be strapped to the anchor and dropped overboard.

just my 02


Sep 30, 2008
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

I can remember the first and only time I ever saw an ocean going freighter in the St. Lawrence. It surprised me that there was almost no wake coming from a vessel so large. I was inexperienced at that time but smart enough not to go near the freighter, although the thought did cross my mind. After reading this post I can see where the prop wash issue could me missed by a novice such as myself.

I guess strange boats should be treated like strange dogs. If you are not familiar, maybe you should just stay away. Also if you see a big one heading straight at you get the heck out of there!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 24, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

So the skipper of the party boat can't see a tanker coming for about 20 minutes, and get the hell out of the way.

He should be strapped to the anchor and dropped overboard.

just my 02

I would think they were in radio contact figuring out if the party boat should up and move. Its a little scary though when they aproach its hard to tell if there are coming right at you until they get really close and you watch them pass, its like looking up at a moving building. They are very fast too in the open ocean.


Jun 11, 2008
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

We have a 72' boat, and when we have big tankers going by when we're in Mexico (and Salina Cruz has a lot of supertanker traffic), we coordinate over the radio.
And what were you looking for when you found this two-year old thread?


Nov 21, 2010
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

And what were you looking for when you found this two-year old thread?

I see people comment when old threads resurface. But I'm a noob who is looking for a boat (cash in hand now.)

These old thread are interesting and helpful to people like me. I've learned a lot by reading them. For instance, I would not have thought it that big a deal to turn off the motor while fishing. I could always restart it our use the trolling motor, right?

I, for one, am willing to learn from the mistakes of others.



Sep 30, 2008
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

I say iboats has an old thread day!! Everyone replies to a thread that is at least 3 years old.

Seriously, I don't see the big deal about posting on a "dead" thread. At least not in dockside chat or SHT. The worst that can happen is nobody reads your post.

Posting your question on someone else' ongoing thread however is another matter entirely.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

I didn't notice it was an old thread until DaNinja mentioned it but I did order the "one minute guide ..." mentioned in one of the early posts. The link still works but Amazon says I got the last one in stock. It's a US Power Squadron publication so is available from them as well. I know that not everyone agrees but I found some value in this old thread and am glad it was dug up.

Now to go over the the safety area and see if the same information on the book is available.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

Seriously, I don't see the big deal about posting on a "dead" thread. At least not in dockside chat or SHT.

You won't see us say much about old threads in Dockside Chat or SHT. It is technical threads where a guy asked about a water pump impeller in 2004, and someone posts "make sure you inspect the housing" in 2011. Those are silly.

Your point about hijacking applies to both. Many responses to old threads are "Hey, that's like my problem . . .". The problem with that is well intentioned members start at the begiining of the thread and responses end up being to both the OP and the NP (New Poster) and then no one knows which end is up.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 18, 2010
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

I think this is a great thread. If 1 life is saved by someone reading this thread, it was worth it. I boat on a small lake here, and if I were to be on a river with a barge close by, I would not have known about the propwash. Great thread, everyboater needs to read this one.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

there are two types of old threads, IMO. Those which pertain to something occurring only at that time (should I buy this boat?) and those that are always relevant (how do you rig an anchor?). The latter could be made in to a sticky so we don't have the same question, asked and answered, each month.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 7, 2010
Re: fatal accident--motor wouldn't start

I'm always amazed at the people who complain about an old thread being revived.... b/c they are also the people who ***** to others about using the "Search" function

and im glad this thread was revive b/c i do boat on the river and see plenty of barges and didn't know anything about propwash being as powerful as it is.