Re: Exhaust plates
The only thing I would trust would be high temp,but in conjunction with a normal gasket. It is way cheaper to make a gasket for this, than to try to find and buy one.<br />Gasket material is available at any auto parts store. Get the same thickness as the original (un-pinched, of course). An exacto knife or razor blade can be used to cut out the large areas,and a metal tube of the same diameter as the bolt holes can be used as a makeshift, yet very effective punch.<br />If the old gasket is in one piece, you can use it as a template by tracing it.<br />If it's beyond that, you can use the exaust plate itself,by taking a small ballpeen hammer, laying the gasket material over it, and gently tapping the material around the contours,and it will "cut" the material nicely. But this method takes some practice.<br />Use the high temp copper sily-cone goop on the gasket's inside surface only. This is the stuff that has "for use on water pumps" in it's description.<br />I have never had a homemade gasket fail using this stuff.