everbroke E-craps


Nov 2, 2003
sorry but i just had to take a shot. dont know what else to do. Two blown powerheads all kinds of bugs, motors that wont run and this after 35k spent to not have these problem. Brp says we will just keep fixing them, that what you have warranty for. I say good riddens. Every time I have tried to use my boat since I have had these motors I have had some kind of problem. no one will go with me anymore wife and kinds would rather saty ashore that to spend hours idling back. They did get me back, got to give them credit for somthing.:|


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

What are you using for oil? What's in your gas tank? Are you following proper break-in procedure? Are you keeping the props in the water or wave-hopping? Are you one of these people that insists on starting the motors on the ramp first before putting them in the water to make sure they start?

So much Opinion and so little Information.

Regarding the wife and kids, might it have something to do with Anger Management problems? ;)

After thirty years in the business, I find that most problems are self-inflicted in one way or another. Not all ... just most.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

I had a customer once that just hated his Mercury. Bought it new back in the 70s and always had a hard time starting it. Brought it to me to fix back in the 90s. He had worn out the starter, so I replaced it. Started right up for me. Brought it back, still started hard. Did a tune-up since it had never been done. Started right up for me. Brought it back, still started hard. Checked things over, everything looked fine. Started right up for me.

The last time he brought it back, he was in a rage. So I backed the boat in the water and had him start it for me. He pumped the primer bulb until firm, raised the warm-up lever a tad, pushed the choke button twice to set the automatic choke, and turned the key.

Now many of those reading this just caught what he was doing wrong. There is no automatic choke on a 70s Merc. You push the button, it's choked. You let go of the button, it's not. The motor wasn't the problem. He simply never read the owner's manual. You'd be amazed at the wealth of information contained in those little booklets. Give it a try. ;)


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

wiilie, i appricaite the concern about my anger. To answer some questions. No I dont start the boat o the ramp. I keep it my residence on a lift I have been boating of may years and have had many brands of motros including the infamous ficht motors. should have known better this time araound. Part of the problem is that the shop that sold me the motors & installed them programend the morotrors for XD100 oil and some kid iin the yeard stuck tw3 oild in the tanks.
It has been a calamaty of erros since then. And as for the wife & kids, You want me to take yours out 20 miles offshore with 4 to 5 foot waves and only one motor on a 28 foor boat that will not plane and take several hours to get back to shore?


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: everbroke E-craps

olm said:
Part of the problem is that the shop that sold me the motors & installed them programend the morotrors for XD100 oil and some kid iin the yeard stuck tw3 oild in the tanks.
It has been a calamaty of erros since then.

So has it been more of a dealer issue, or are the engines lemons?


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

sorry first things first, twin 250 e-craps on 28 foot boat, two blown power heads. port & starboard. then came the crank possition sensor debocle, took serveral techs weeks to resolve the issue. lower unit was broken during this instance. then the gauge problem and now the motor shuts down for no reason problem. every time this happens I have to take off work go to Take the boat off lift put on trailer take to shop and repeat on the way back. I didnt sign up for that.


Dec 16, 2006
Re: everbroke E-craps

Now that you have vented, and that's good, let's get into the facts. There are lots of people who can help you get to the bottom of things. You can even go here:
Lots of specialists and other contributors will be available to help get you back on the water and feeling better about things.
Be sure to give your model and serial numbers of the engines.
These folks can look up the history of repairs and do lots of other things for you.


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

Bighare, Ii appriciate the link but like you said, I am venting. I am frustrated with this whole deal I work hard to go fishing or boating a few times a year. that is why I spent the money on new motors. since I did that everytime I have used the boat I have had problems with these motors. I would like to be able to have the confidense to go offshore and I dont. they are worthless to me. the worst part is I will get the same money for my boat (which I like) with the old motors. I wish there was some kind of lemon law for outboards. Everybody from the dealer to the manufacurere have the same coment ( thats why You Have waranty) warranty does not get time lost with your son, it does not relevae the fear of being at sea with one motor down and not bien confident of the other.


Vice Admiral
Apr 15, 2002
Re: everbroke E-craps

olm, I too have a pair of 175 E-Tecs and there the similarity of our BRP experiences end. I have 60+ hours, never have had a manditory tech service call, have made at least six trips to 60 to 70 nm miles offshore and broke them in on the first trip. They start instantly, are easy on oil and gas, plenty of grunt, quiet and just recently found very easy to winterize (5 minutes per motor). Most E-Tec experiences are like mine (as long as you have a decent dealer). Only issues I have had were very minor rigging issues which were easily corrected by a tech at my house, all no charge. BRP has bent over backwards in cases of blown PH's, etc. and even replaced entire motors when warranted. I know of
no other manufacturer ever doing that.

Sounds like your dealer has some issues, especially putting regular TW3 oil in a tank tagged for XD100 only (at least mine are). I would suggest some calm if you expect a favorable resolution.


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

wilde1i, like you said your expirience is different. I have had to spend over 1500.00 in lost time ramp fees & fuel to bring my baot from the keys to miami over seven times and now I have to pay for dockside diagnsotics. that is how this whole propaganda war started. I called BRp to have them pick up the cost of the dockside diagnostic service and they decliend even after all I have been trhough. it would ahve cst the 150 to 200. instaed they sent me a case of xd50 oil. this is BRP. I can't use that oil i very clearly stated that in my letter to them. To me sending me a case of the wrong oil is no better than what the dealer did. If they stood up and said sir we were wrong and here are two brand new motors I woudl say, Ok I will take the new motors and see if it was the dealer. they are only interested in replacing powerheands, now I have two different linkage to the throtle body they are different.if I tried to sell these thing with the boat someone could see that thses motors hve been tampered with.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: everbroke E-craps

olm said:
... now I have two different linkage to the throtle body they are different.if I tried to sell these thing with the boat someone could see that thses motors hve been tampered with.

Different linkages ?

post the model and serial numbers to your motors so we can find out what the story is and perhaps help you out. It sure sounds like a dealer problem so far.


Jun 29, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

The man above has connections, olm...give him your numbers and he'll see what's going on..


Dec 17, 2006
Re: everbroke E-craps

Pass on your serial number & seahorse can make some calls. It does sound like a dealer issue to me as well.


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

I will appriciate any help i can get. Brp has been good about replacing the poweheads. they did that but the crank possiton sensor kicked thier butts for weeks. I do like the technology & I did not want a four stroke. Having said that. I dont have confidence In these motors.
The model Numbers are E250DPXSO/ser# (5102586) & E250DCXSO/ser#(51002367). And yes on one of the motors where the throtle linkage ataches to the throtle cable, that assymbly is designed difrently on one motor.
sorry folks for the spelling. Dont know how to spell check this forum.


Dec 17, 2006
Re: everbroke E-craps

I'm not sure about the different linkages but the crank position sensor should not have kicked their butts for weeks. Are you currently having issues with these motors? If so what kind of issues are you having now and which one is having the issue.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: everbroke E-craps

According to the info you provided, you've had these motors for almost 2 years and only have 3 warranty claims between them. Granted you had powerhead problems and a tach and a sensor, but it is not an excessive history of problems. Actually the tach is part of the boat rigging and not a motor malfunction..

It really sounds like a dealer problem when you said that the crank sensor "kicked their butt". I'm still not sure what you mean by linkage changes.

I recommend that you contact BRP customer service at 847 689 7090 and have the serial numbers handy. You can vent to them and they will bend over backwards to have your motors perfroming the way they should.

What dealer(s) have you had do the work on the motors?


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

the original dealer was Bob Hewes Boats in Miami. they dint have a clue. I had leaking fuel lines one set of throtle linckage longer that the other and just poor service once the sale was made. When the first motor blew up the people at Keys Ship Shape installed the powerhead. they were great but according to the owner it took along time to get paid for the work and he no longer does warranty work on evenrude/Johnson. The second powerhead BRP gave me the name of one place in the keys that still works on Evenrude>Johnson. They had a four week waiting period ( they all do in the keys, Its a slower pase there.) So I took it to SOS Marine in Miami and they did the powerhead swap with in a week. Right now I ahve been on a waiting list for three weeks to get a diagnosis on the current problem. I will have to pay for this BRP does not cover Dockside service. My Other choice is to pull the boat out of the water take it to the shop have it diagnosed and take it back home so when parts come in I could return the the shop. The boat is a 29 foot boat that wheighs 12000 pounds you donst just throw this thin on a trailer and scoot down the road. this sually take a full day off work to acomplish each Move of the boat.


Nov 2, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

the motor having issues now is the one that had the crank position sensor which was the first one to blow up. the one that was just replaced seems ok but it only has 13 hours and most of that was novinf a 12000 lb boat by itself.

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: everbroke E-craps

Sorry to hear about your strife. This really blows! Someone dropping that kind of cash on two outboards shouldn't have to put up with this kind of crap!

I'd recomend emailing this thread to BRP. This isn't exactly promotional material for them. I would expect a prompt response and their utmost concern. Something like two new replacement motors would be appropriate.

Sure would make them shine for others that may be thinking of taking the plunge on that kind of high end purchase.

I wish you better boating days ahead!