Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???


Sep 1, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Here's a picture of this whole boat stuck to the trailer story... <br />


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Now for the "what it's worth department", I have seen some pontoons stuck to their bunks after sitting all winter.<br />I myself do as was posted earlier, and that is to use Vaseline on my bassboat bunks and my pontoon bunks once a year and never have any problems.<br />Also as stated above, if the boat is in to deep, it could have the bow winch eye to tight against the front stop on the trailer so as to not let it go backwards, but only if it raises in the back.<br />If this boat has been sitting a long time, then it is possible that it is stuck to the bunks/rollers, and jacking it up at the house will not do anymore damage to it than what is already done. :D

Luna Sea

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 20, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

RCabrera,<br /><br />Sorry but I couldn't resist when I read the posts about you being amongst the missing. Hope the trailer problem is resolved. :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

starting at the basics-<br /><br />is your stem eye above or below the bow stop on trailer? If yours is setup to have the stem eye above the trailer's rubber/nylon stop, then when you put the boat in the water it can raise the stern up first and therefore put enormous pressure downward from the eyelet into that bow stopper. I have seen it before and there is no way to simply power off w/o risking damage. does this sound like your trailer setup?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

before you go thru all that you listed in your last post.... <br />No way will carpet keep your boat locked to your trailer. There is something else stopping your launch. If it was simply carpet, when you backed into water deep enough to float your stern, either the trailer would float up with boat's buoyancy (unlikely) or your carpet would simly tear off the bunks and remain attached to the boat while boat launches. Either way, carpet would not hold like your suggesting in your original post especially if it was old and most likely dry rotted condition. check your trailer setup (per above post). after we know that answer we can figure out what else could cause it. good luck


Sep 29, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Capt. Beaux:<br /><br />At last, this appears to be situation as Capt.Beaux has pointed out.The stem eye is well above the bow stop. It makes sense that while stern is floating it will automatically create buoyancy and downward pressure from eyelet into bow stopper. This is creating a bow heavy center of gravity. Should this be the problem, what's next short of dynamite??


Sep 1, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Is this for real? Let's face it, if you can't launch a boat, you shouldn't be boating. I'm not trying to be a jerk but this is an accident looking for a place to happen. :(


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Mike F <br /><br />You said "Who ever heard of putting a boat in the water, but it won't float?"<br /><br />I suppose you NEVER forgot to put the plug in??<br /><br />If indeed you are having problem with bow stop and eye, you can push the boat back away from the stop before backing it in the water.<br /><br />Or you can raise or lower the bow stop so it is out of the way.<br /><br />You never did say what kind or size the boat is?<br />How about you launch off the end of a pier instead of a boat landing?


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

RCabrera<br />You have got to be kidding.<br />If you really think the bow eye is catching on the bow stop as the stern rises then adjust the postion of the bow stop.<br />If that is too hard back the boat farther in until the bow floats and rises off the bow stop.<br />If it is not a dual axle trailer Lower your ball with a drop reciever so bow floats sooner. <br /><br />I hope you do not go out on the water alone without lots of food and water and filing a good float plan with several people.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Rcabrera-<br />roscoe has it right. you need to adjust the height/position of the bow stop. I am assuming that since you have had trouble before with friends helping then your boat is too heavy to push away from the stop while on trailer. Just loosen and move it once you get to the launch.(loosen at home to ensure ease at the dock/then retighten for trip) ;) These guys are tough on you, but you really should take extra precautions being novice on the water. Get chapman's small craft piloting book and spend some time. watch others at the dock/harbor and remember that boats don't have brakes. Good luck :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

RC-<br />By the way, you may not have to move it drastically up or down, sometimes just a few inches will work things out. GOOD LUCK


Sep 1, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

:eek: I guess I am being a little tough but my advice is to get someone with experience to go with you your first couple of trips until you're completely comfortable with EVERYTHING! Right from hooking it up, backing it in the driveway when you return home and everything in between! You will learn these skills quickly. Leave nothing to doubt when you leave the shore. Maybe think about taking a safe boating course as well. My point is that launching a boat is one of the easier boating tasks, what would you do if a real emergency were to arise? Armed with a bit more knowledge will make your excursions on the water a lot more fun. I know you guys are trying to help but let's help out RCabrera with some better advice than 'adjust the bowstop'. Treat the cause not the symptom. You wouldn't want to end up shipwrecked would you?<br />
<br />bad example probably :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Magster... I think we actually answered his original question and if you read, I believe you will see that advice was given to help Rc as well. I took the time to look over some of your other postings before I got to ill-tempered. I see you like to play around so I will try and give you the benefit of the doubt. After all, I know know why you think you know everything....your 21. (Yes, I remember the days, you MAY have even just got out of college full of knowledge and ready to save the world.) Everyone would rather have RC learn by asking than having someone who thinks he knows everything out there using their motor to get off the trailer at full throttle in a crowded harbor. Just because someone doesn't know something doesn't give you the right to blast them because you do. But wait, I don't think I saw you give an answer ... You just repeated what you had already read and then tried to embarrass him and maybe me??? He asked a question about launching, not your opinion about him or the worth of his question. <br /> Just my $1.00 worth :p


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

IMO, there is no better way to learn how to operate a boat, other than to get out and do it. It's like driving a car. You can talk in a classroom all you want, but when it comes down to it, YOU have to drive it. This is not to say that I have anything against taking a CG course or local boating course, but practical experience is invaluble. I do think, if you are truly a novice boater, that it would be a good idea to have someone with experience to go with you the first few times to help you get accustomed to the boating environment and offer first hand tips. Also, I find that launching/Loading the boat is one of the more tedious things for a beginner to do. Cruising around in open water is easy! And that's my $2.00 worth.


Sep 1, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

Beaux, :rolleyes: I stand by my advice in my last post. It doesn’t matter if you agree or not because it’s my opinion and it’s just as important as yours. I do like to play around a little; however, I do not give bad advice. I don't think someone who hasn’t the skills to launch a small boat should be boating without at least some guidance. There have been four recent boating fatalities nearby that can be attributed to the lack of understanding basic boating procedures and safety. I feel I have a moral obligation to say something much like I can’t pass a fellow boater that’s having trouble. You’ll have to excuse my original response, I thought this thread was a joke! Excuse me again for caring about the people instead of the incorrect eyelet placement (or whatever)! As for me being a know-it-all, if you read any thread I’ve started, you'll notice they're questions, I still have very much to learn, so nice try. Furthermore, I'm not 21 (I wish), I'm 37 and had my first boat at 15 so I’m not speaking out without substance to my thoughts. I won’t comment on this topic again to avoid offending you further. Merry Christmas.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 5, 2002
Re: Ever tried to launch boat off trailer and it would not come off???

I think we're all through hashing this one out. The original poster RCabrera has not responded, for whatever reason.