Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors


Jul 27, 2005
Hi guys....<br /><br />I don't know how many of you may be in Canada but I was wondering if some of you might have some information about where to get stuff.<br /><br />I am trying to figure out if/where you can get 1-part Epoxy paint here in Canada. I am talking about stuff like topsecretcoatings.com or armorpoxy.com sells. There are apparently problems with getting some carriers to bring it across the border making the shipping costs outrageous.<br /><br />I can't find them listed on the web anyplace in Canada, but that is not unusual it seems - the USA seems to rule the Intarwebs around these parts. I've found the top of the line manufacturers that APPEAR to make the product in Canada but they seem to not be interested in replying to a lowly customer in email. I asked at my local marina and they looked at me with blank expressions on their faces. They don't seem to do much in the way of any repairs or refinishing anyway...<br /><br />Our boat needs to be refinished and Epoxy seems to be the best thing to do it with. The gel coat is shot and has many chips which I need to repair and I don't just want to gel-coat since the whole boat needs doing.<br /><br />Any ideas? The only one we have had so far is to have it shipped from the US company to a US address and then go get it. However, I don't know anyone in Watertown NY :) <br /><br />Thanks for any help.


Jul 27, 2005
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

OK, seriously, no one has used epoxy paint in Canada?<br /><br />I didn't think we were that far in the dark ages.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

Why don't you want to use a two part automotive paint?

Evinrude Boater

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 6, 2004
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

PolarBear, Are you refinsihing the top or bottom and will it be in the water all season? I'm refinishing the bottom of my 16' fiberglass boat right now. It has a gazillion fine cracks in the gel coat and I opted to use Marinetex Gluvit to seal the cracks and Titanium Surface Finish to paint it white. Gluvit is a flexible epoxy sealer that soaks into the cracks and provides a smooth abrasion resistant surface. It does need to be protected from UV so that's why I'm finishing with the Titanium Surface Finish. It's a 2-part epoxy coating/sealer that is naturally white with the titanium-oxide in it. I can't say how well it's going to perform but I'm relying on the manufacturer claims and recommendations from my suppliers. You can read more about Gluvit at marinetex.com and the Titanium Surface Finish at indform.com. I sourced the Gluvit at West Marine in Oakville and the Titanium at Noah's Boat Building and Supply in Etobicoke. Gluvit is from the States and Titanium is from British Columbia.<br />If you're just doing above water I used Interlux Yacht Enamel and it works great, mirror finish with a brush.

Evinrude Boater

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 6, 2004
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

PolarBear, I just looked at your shareaproject. You have experienced pretty much the same as me with my freebie boat. I'm not going to the same extent in repairs but I did go to the bare hull and rebuilt from there up. Here's a link to some of my photos in no specific order.<br /> web page


Jul 27, 2005
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

Heya,<br /><br />I have to refinish the whole thing, top and bottom. We don't have a dock so it will likely spend a lot of time on a trailer when it isn't actually cruising around. However, we do plan to use it to go exploring up some of our historic waterways and camp. It will be used in fresh water only. I found several US companies selling Epoxy-type products both one and two part - but I am losing my mind trying to find a retailer for it in Canada. The one site with the best "hype" about their product is topsecretcoatings.com, but I get the feeling that many of these products are just paint from one or two manufacturers sent to these guys to label however they wish. The important key here is: I don't have available sprayers or that sort of equipment, and I don't have an indoor place to work on the boat. I need something that is relatively inexpensive, will stick to fiberglass, goes on quickly with brush/roller and hardens on the surface to prevent contamination while it sits outside drying. The epoxy paints meet this requirement to a "T". I just have to find someone who carrys them in Canada. I don't even care if it is one part or two part epoxy, just as long as it can do the above. <br /><br />classicboater: Heh - always good to get a boat for "cheap" or "free" - never turns out to be that way, does it? All I was supposed to have was an engine problem which I was sure I could sort out. We were supposed to be boating by now. I was not supposed to have a back yard full of boat in multiple pieces and chunks of soggy foam. The Titanium finish sounds like something I was looking at for an Ontario distributor (different company I think but similar product, and they never answered my emails), I think it would fit the bill just about perfectly - thank you! The only question now - is it only white?<br /><br />ondarvr: I was told by someone that auto paint would not stick well to the boat in water and could peel, would that be ok for fiberglass that is immersed? I guess I still have the problem of drying time - doesn't automotive paint dry from the inside-out leaving a tacky surface for more than a day?


Apr 8, 2003
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

Hi there,<br /><br />I'm not sure they'll have what you're looking for, but these are the local guys I'd be talking to. I picked up some clear coat from them for a topside repair, and they seemed to know quite a bit about painting fiberglass boats.<br /><br />Most of their business is supplying body shops etc, but they also sell retail and have been very helpful the few times I've gone in there.<br /><br />I know they'll mix up 2 part epoxy into large spray cans, for the DIY'er, but they need to be used right away.<br /><br />rondex paint <br /><br />good luck..


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

Where in Ont. are you . In Toronto there is Noah's boat building supply ,I think it's 54 six points drive.They have a web site noahsboatbuilding.com with a downloadable cataloge<br />edit: noahsmarine.com


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

If you want to brush and roll then an automtive paint may not be the product, but they do hold up just fine for boats that are kept on a trailer. Any paint you coose will need to be protected from the weather for at least a short time while it cures. I would stick with a topside paint that you can localy, they have websites that will answer most of your questions and others here will have used them and can share their thoughts on how to do it.


Jul 27, 2005
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

The concern is that I have to do it outside. Having painted with auto paint and a sprayer outside before I know that it wasn't fun and the results were less than ideal. The original plan was that we WERE going to rent/beg/borrow,steal a sprayer and stuff and go through the whole process - massive prep, sanding, priming and so on. The worry was that nothing said that regular polyurethane type auto paint would stay on if the boat DID get left in the water at some point in the future. And that meant we'd be back to doing it all again.<br /><br />Due to some health issues I also had some serious concerns about spraying and being able to finish the job in a reasonable time frame. If we can roll and tip, I know the wife can do some of the work to make sure it gets done in the time needed without me passing out from exhaustion trying to evenly operate a sprayer. <br /><br />I did finally find something that seems to be what will do the trick - it is a Coronado Paints product - and industrial coating called their 101 series. It can be made any colour you like and is darn near indestructible as far as paint goes - if you believe their specs. It can be had in Canada through General Paint. It is a 2-part epoxy and a gallon will be more than enough to sufficiently cover our 15' boat. It's supposed to stick to almost anything and come out with a glossy and tile-like finish<br /><br />As for where I am, I'm about 2 hours east of Toronto. I actually had checked and downloaded Noah's catalog from their site on ClassicBoater's advice and the only clear thing I got info about was the Titanium finish which only comes in white.<br /><br />If anyone is interested I will let you know how the stuff turns out. If things go according to anything remotely like a plan we will be painting the boat in very early October. If the weather holds that is.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 20, 2005
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

Check Out Viking Plastics in Edmonton - (780) 484-6827

Evinrude Boater

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 6, 2004
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

PolarBear, The Titanium Surface Finish is really a sealer and it has titanium oxide in it which makes it white. I barely got three coats with a 2 litre kit. It's a bit late to paint outside. I had 20-32 degrees Celsius when I did mine. The manufacturer wants a minimum of 20 degrees to cure properly. Here's some photos. <br /> web page

Evinrude Boater

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 6, 2004
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

PolarBear, Who sells the Coronado paint and how much is a gallon? It sound similar to the Titanium Surface Finish. I'd like to follow your project. Sounds like you're around Kingston. I'm on the other side of Toronto in Lakeside.<br />My advice from experience, don't use cheap rollers or brushes. Well the cheap brushes at Home Cheapo are alright but some come apart when epoxy hits them. I bought some dollar store rollers and they were eaten up before I got down one side. I had to switch to a good foam roller. Most stores have them, they're a fine smooth foam with a rounded end. Do you have a photo gallery going yet?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 13, 2004
Re: Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

PolarBear, <br /> We have a well known sailboat manufacturer here in Sarnia. They will sell you anything you need to repair and/or paint fiberglas boats.<br />You can look them up on the net under <br />"abbottboats.com"<br />If you already bought your paint, you can give them a call for tips on how to use it.