Hi guys....<br /><br />I don't know how many of you may be in Canada but I was wondering if some of you might have some information about where to get stuff.<br /><br />I am trying to figure out if/where you can get 1-part Epoxy paint here in Canada. I am talking about stuff like topsecretcoatings.com or armorpoxy.com sells. There are apparently problems with getting some carriers to bring it across the border making the shipping costs outrageous.<br /><br />I can't find them listed on the web anyplace in Canada, but that is not unusual it seems - the USA seems to rule the Intarwebs around these parts. I've found the top of the line manufacturers that APPEAR to make the product in Canada but they seem to not be interested in replying to a lowly customer in email. I asked at my local marina and they looked at me with blank expressions on their faces. They don't seem to do much in the way of any repairs or refinishing anyway...<br /><br />Our boat needs to be refinished and Epoxy seems to be the best thing to do it with. The gel coat is shot and has many chips which I need to repair and I don't just want to gel-coat since the whole boat needs doing.<br /><br />Any ideas? The only one we have had so far is to have it shipped from the US company to a US address and then go get it. However, I don't know anyone in Watertown NY
<br /><br />Thanks for any help.